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  • David is such a goody two-shoes.

    David 真是一個「自命清高的人」

  • Hey!


  • Do you know this idiom?


  • If not, watch this video. We're going to go over idioms related to shoes.

    如果不知道,看一下這段影片, 我們會複習與「鞋子」有關的成語

  • What does goody-two-shoes mean?


  • It means somebody who, here's another phrase, sucks up to somebody.

    它的意思是某個人,先說另一句片語 ,「巴結討好」某個人

  • Somebody who's always being extra good, above and beyond what's normal.


  • And usually, it's a negative phrase.


  • You think of someone being good is a good thing, but in certain contexts, they start to seem like not real,

    你認為人好是件好事,但在某些情境中 ,他們似乎並非如此

  • and like they're just doing this to try to please somebody, or to get some sort of outcome,

    這好像他們做此事的目的,只是想取悅某個人, 或想獲得某種效果

  • then you might call that person a goody two-shoes.


  • You're not really a goody two-shoes.


  • No. I'm not.


  • Do you know anybody who's a goody two-shoes?


  • Uh, no. Well, the thing that popped into my mind was one of my roommates in college who was a pre-med major,

    嗯,沒有。噢!我突然想到大學時的一位室友, 他是醫科預備生

  • and that's obviously a really serious course of study, and so he did have to be diligent.


  • But sometimes it did seem like he was over studying,


  • so we would poke and prod and try to get him to come out and have fun with us.

    所以我們會「點醒他」,設法找他出來 ,跟我們一起找樂子

  • We would sort of taunt him with: Oh, don't be a goody two-shoes! Come on, let's go have fun for a little while.

    我們會嘲諷他:哎呀,別「假正經了」! 得了吧,放鬆一下心情吧

  • Do you mean you were literally poking and prodding this kid at his desk?


  • No. No. That may have happened too.


  • Okay, you were figuratively trying to get him out of this chair by saying

    了解。你們是用比喻的方式,設法讓他離開椅子, 藉著這樣說:

  • stop being a goody two-shoes, let's go get some beer.


  • Yeah. Exactly.


  • The phrase to put yourselfin another person's shoes’.


  • This means it has nothing to do with their Footwear. Do not go put on this person's shoes.


  • It has to do with trying to understand something from their perspective, seeing it from how they would see it.

    它和「試著從別人角度了解事情」有關, 或以別人的看法來看事情

  • Um, do you have an example of what this would be?


  • Yeah. So the thing that I thought of was that when I was working at a high school, at the beginning of the year,


  • one of the exercises that we would do together is


  • try to imagine what it would be like to be the students coming into school on the first day of school.


  • What would their mindset be like? What kinds of feelings would they be having?


  • And try to put ourselves in their shoes for a little bit to try to think about how would they want us to be as a staff.

    盡量多「站在他們的立場想」,盡量思考 他們會如何希望我們作為一名教職員

  • So it basically, means to see a situation from someone else's perspective.


  • Exactly.


  • The phraseshaking in your boots


  • means to be really nervous about something, really intimidated by something.


  • Again, you don't have to be wearing boots. It has nothing to do with actual Footwear.


  • It's just an idiom.


  • Do you have an example of this?


  • Yeah. So couple years ago, I went in for a job interview and typically, when you go in for an interview,


  • you imagine being with one other person and answering some questions.


  • And I got there and I met one person, and it really quickly became clear that I was getting ready to go into

    我到了那裡,遇見一個人,畫面很快地變得清晰 ,我正準備進入

  • a roomful of most of the staff


  • and I was kind of shaking in my boots.


  • I couldn't believe that I was going to go do that.


  • You didn't feel prepared for that.


  • Yeah. I wasn't prepared and it just, it sort of was like I was instantly nervous in a way that I hadn't been.

    對,我是沒有心理準備。只是, 有點像是,這種瞬間緊張情形,以前不曾有過。

  • Mm-hmm.


  • Waiting for the other shoe to drop.


  • This is when something is going well but you don't expect it to last.

    這是用在:當某件事進行得很順利時, 而你卻不看好它能持續下去

  • You're sort of feeling like the other shoe is going to drop, things are going to change,

    你感覺有點像是另一隻鞋子會掉下來, 事情會有所變化。

  • things are going to end up not going so well.


  • Do you have an example of this idiom?


  • Well, I'm chuckling because my example is being a lifelong Philadelphia sports fan.

    嗯,我在一旁偷笑,因為我的例子是: 身為一位費城運動的終身球迷

  • It just seems like anytime something goes well, the other shoe is going to drop.


  • And so the current example is the 76ers, our basketball team,


  • they've been rebuilding and they've been really bad which means that they get a high draft pick every year.

    他們一路重建,但戰績一直很差, 這表示他們每年可獲得高順位的選秀權

  • And for three years in a row,

    連續 3 年了

  • I think it was three years in a row, their draft pick got hurt before the season even started.

    我認為連續 3 年了,他們的新秀 甚至連球季還沒開始就受傷了

  • So every year, we would get excited because they got this a new great player,

    所以每一年,我們都很興奮, 因為他們獲得了一位好球員

  • but you're also sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop.


  • >> Especially if it happens three years in a row. >> It kept dropping.

    >> 特別是如果它連續 3 年都發生 >> 衰事連連(新秀受傷)

  • Yeah.


  • The good news kept ending for the Philadelphia 76ers.


  • Exactly.


  • The idiom big shoes to fill.


  • This means that you are stepping into position or taking over something from someone who was really well-liked,

    它的意思是:你從某個人的手中接替職位或接管工作, 而此人很受歡迎

  • who did their job really well.


  • That's when you have big shoes to fill.


  • And actually in my academy every month, I do conversation exercises,


  • and I took an excerpt from a show where they use this idiom.


  • They were talking about a principal who'd been very loved by staff, by students, who was leaving,

    他們談到一位校長,深受教職員、學生喜愛, 可是正要離職

  • and when he talked about hiring a new principal, the man in charge of that said

    當他提到要新聘一位新校長時, 這位負責此業務的人說道:

  • 'this person has big shoes to fill'.


  • The phraseon a shoestring budgetmeans to do something with very little money.


  • A shoestring is what you might lace your shoes up with, and it's very thin, it can break.


  • We actually really use shoelace more than shoestring Now, except for in this idiom,

    實際上,我們現在使用「shoelace」多過 「shoestring」,而在此成語中除外。

  • we still have this idiomon a shoestring budget'.


  • So for example, when I started Rachel's English it was very much so on a shoestring budget.

    例如:我創辦「Rachel's English」時,情況真是如此,「經費少的可憐」

  • I just used the camera on my computer, I bought a sheet to hang behind me for like ten dollars or something,

    我只能用電腦內建的攝影機,並買了一張紙掛在身後, 大概 10 元之類的物品。

  • very much so a shoestring budget.


  • Another term that I could use for this is I 'bootstrapped' it.


  • I didn't rely on other people paying consultants, you know, getting a lighting designer or whatever.

    我不靠其他人,不用付顧問費, 沒有燈光師或其他什麼的。

  • I just did it all myself. I bootstrapped it.


  • And you could also use the phrase you may have heard this, to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


  • That means to do something to make change, usually after something negative has happened, all on your own.

    它的意思是:做些事以改變現狀, 通常是在不好的事發生之後,這全靠你自己。

  • So for example, somebody gets fired from a job, maybe and they're pretty down about it, they're not feeling great,

    例如:有些人被公司開除, 他們可能因此事而心情低落,感覺不甚良好。

  • but they pull themselves up by their bootstraps,


  • they get out there, they applied more jobs, and they find one that's even better.

    他們從困境中脫身,申請更多的工作 ,並找到更好的工作

  • Great phrase. If I were in your shoes.


  • This is when you give advice to somebody.


  • It's like sayingif I were you’, but it's becomeIf I were in your shoes, I would do this.’

    它就像是說:換作是我的話,只是變成: 如果我是你,我會這樣做

  • So people come to Philadelphia and they come stay with us and they say: so where should I get a cheese steak?

    有些朋友來到費城,並暫住我們家。他們會問說: 我應該去哪裡買起司牛肉三明治?

  • >> And I always say… >> Wait, why do they say that?

    >> 我總是說… >> 等一下,他們為何會問起此事?

  • Because Philadelphia is known for cheese steaks?


  • Right.


  • That's our famous sandwich.


  • >> Mm-hmm. >> Delicious.

    >>嗯,對。 >>美味好吃。

  • And there are a couple of really famous spots around the city...


  • That everyone has heard of.


  • When they come, they say you should I go to Pat's or should I go to Gino's?

    當他們來此時,會問你: 我應該去 Pat's?還是該去 Gino's?

  • Exactly.


  • And that's when I cut in with my unsolicited, no it's solicited...


  • It's probably solicited.


  • >> Cut it with my advice. >> Your advice.

    >>插入我的建議。 >>你的建議。

  • And say if I were in your shoes, I just go to Joe's.

    我說:如果我是你,我會去 Joe's。

  • And Joe's is a spot right here in our neighborhood that I think has the best cheese steak in the city.

    Joe's 的地點就在我們家附近,我認為 它的起司牛肉三明治是全市最好吃的。

  • And he's been to Gino's, you've been to Pat's, what's-- oh Jim's, you've been to Jim's.

    他去過 Gino's、去過 Pat's。喔!Jim's,你還去過Jim's。

  • These are the three most famous.

    這 3 家店名氣最大

  • Yes.

  • And you're saying Joe's is better.

    而你說 Joe's 更好吃

  • Better.


  • Got to go to Joe's.

    應該去 Joe's

  • There's another one that's not directly related to shoes but to feet.

    有另一句成語跟鞋子沒有直接相關, 而是跟「雙腳」有關。

  • And I wanted to include this because last week, when I was going over different shoes with my sister-in-law Lisa,

    我會想納入這句,是因為上週, 我跟大嫂 Lisa 複習不同的鞋子時,

  • she said she had this one pair of


  • boots that she wore that she said she loves to wear these in the winter because she always has cold feet.

    在穿的靴子,她說她喜歡在冬天穿這雙鞋, 因為她總是會「腳冷」

  • And I thought, okay.


  • So she literally, her feet are cold, but we use this idiom all the time and it means to be nervous about something.

    照字面意思,她確實腳冷。但我們一直會用到此成語 ,它的意思是:對某事很緊張。

  • And the... I think the most common use of this is with marriage.


  • Mm-hmm.


  • Would you say?


  • Yeah, I think that's right.


  • So you get engaged to somebody, leading up to the wedding, you might start to feel a little nervous

    你跟某個人訂婚,要結婚前的這段時間, 你可能開始感到一絲緊張。

  • little anxious, like, oh my gosh, this is a big commitment.


  • Then people might use the phrase: Is he getting cold feet? Does she have cold feet?

    然後大家也許會用此成語:他會不會「打退堂鼓」? 她會不會「臨陣退縮」?

  • Mm-hmm.


  • Cold feet.


  • The last one I want to go over is the phrase 'if the shoe fits, wear it'.


  • Which is often just shortened to 'if the shoe fits'.

    這句話通常可縮短成:if the shoe fits

  • Right.

  • And it's a way of acknowledging criticism on somebody.


  • So let's say, for example,


  • in high school, I'm learning how to write,


  • I'm not a very good writer, I come home and I say to my mom:


  • Man, my teacher just keeps telling me I'm not a strong writer.


  • Well, my mom knows this, because she's been helping me with my writing. She might say, if the shoe fits.

    我母親深知此事,因為在寫作上她一直在幫我。 她就可以說:如果這話說的對,就接受吧。

  • That's like saying 'I agree you're not a strong writer'.


  • So it's not as harsh as saying it's true, but it's the same meaning.

    只是這說法沒有像「事實如此」那麼刺耳 ,但意思相同。

  • If someone gives you feedback: you complain a lot.


  • That's not something you want to hear. Maybe you go to a friend and say, Sam just said I complain a lot,

    這不是你想聽的話。或許你到一位朋友那裡說 ,Sam 剛剛說我有很多抱怨。

  • and if that friend agrees that friend might say, if the shoe fits.


  • I hope you're not having cold feet about watching another video.


  • I want to be sure that you see this shoe vocabulary video from last week if you haven't already.

    我想確認如果你還沒看過上周推出的「鞋子字彙」 影片,應該去看一下

  • If you have, then check out this playlist of other videos i've done with David where we go over idioms.

    如果看過了,接著查看此播放清單上其他的影片 ,都是由我和 David 共同講解這些成語。

  • David, thanks for joining me here.


  • You got it.


  • That's it guys and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

    就這樣,各位,非常感謝使用 Rachel 的英文

David is such a goody two-shoes.

David 真是一個「自命清高的人」

Subtitles and vocabulary

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A2 成語 鞋子 片語 費城 複習 例子

10個日常成語|與鞋有關的諺語|美式英語諺語|瑞秋的英文諺語 (10 EVERYDAY IDIOMS | PHRASES RELATED TO SHOES | AMERICAN ENGLISH PHRASES | Rachel’s English)

  • 77 4
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary