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  • Hey friends, it's me Niharika and welcome back to a new lesson. Well as we always say

  • that English is such a confusing language, well yes it is and especially when it comes

  • to writing, it's all the more confusing. Well there are times when you think that you have

  • spelled a word correctly, but the computer shows that it's incorrect. Well it's because

  • British English and American English is a bit different. So there are certain words

  • in English, wherein the British English and American English spell it differently. So

  • here in today's lesson we have such common words on the board, here as well as here

  • wherein the British English Spellings are different than the American English Spellings.

  • So let's have a lookWell we're gonna start with these three set of words here so wherein,

  • when you are talking about British English, the words end withrehowever if you

  • are using American English well the words end wither’. So basically when it comes

  • to American English, they tend to spell the words the way they are pronounced. Now remember,

  • before we go through these words, the pronunciation of these words is just the same, it will not

  • differ with the Spellings, okay? So we have the first word for you which is, ‘centre’,

  • now this is with British English wherein the word ends withre’, however when it comes

  • to American English, it ends wither’. So it's ‘centrehere and it's c-e-n-t-e-r

  • here. Well we have some more examples for you right here, ‘litre’, how many litres

  • of water do you drink every day? So if you are writing this in British English then it

  • has to be l-i-t-r-e, but if you are following American English then well it's gonna be L-i-t-e-r,

  • okay? Always remember that and then we have fiber, f-i-b-r-e and then we have f-i-b-e-r

  • if you are using the American English, okay? Moving on to the next set of words, wherein

  • British English the words end withourhowever in American English the words and

  • withor’. So basically you take off the ‘u’ in the word, okay? So we have certain

  • examples here, ‘colour’, I love the red color. So if I'm writing this using the British

  • English I have to make sure to put the ‘u’, so it's gonna be c-o-l-o-u-r. However if I

  • am using American English, then it's gonna be c-o-l-o-r okay, you're gonna take off the

  • ‘u’. There are a few more examples here, we haveflavour’, I love the strawberry

  • flavor ice cream. So again it ends withourbut in American English it ends withor

  • so it's f-l-a-v-o-r and then just more few examples here, ‘humour’, we havehumor

  • withorand then we havelabourand we havelaborhere l-a-b-o-r. So

  • I hope you realize that even if there are spelling differences the way we pronounce

  • these words, it's just the same, okay? Now moving on to some more words here, okay, so

  • we have the British English words right here and then we have American English words right

  • here. We have certain words, well we have two words that end with ‘i-s-e’ when it

  • comes to British English. But if you are used to using American English in writing, then

  • these words end with ‘i-z-e’, okay? So what are the examples? Well we haveapologise’,

  • if you have made a mistake, it's important for you to apologise. So if you are writing

  • to someone, apologising, then make sure you use the wordapologisewith i-s-e if

  • you are using British English. But if you are apologising to an American then I would

  • suggest you to stick to this spelling which ends with i-z-e, so it's a-p-o-l-o-g-i-z-e,

  • okay? Another example for you isorganise’, well we need to organise this for our meeting.

  • So again it ends with i-s-e in British English, whereas in American English it ends with i-z-e,

  • okay? Again the pronunciation remains the same, right? Moving on to some more words,

  • well here are some more words for you wherein in British English they end with y-s-e, but

  • then again there's a difference the way U.S. or the American English will spell it the

  • words will end with y-z-e, okay? Something similar to this one. So we haveanalyse

  • wherein of course it ends with y-s-e and then we have another word, well the same word for

  • you with this different spelling which is ending with y-z-e, soanalyze’, right?

  • And another example for you is paralyse, p-a-r-a-l-y-s-e and if youre using the American English,

  • then it is with y-z-e, okay? Moving on to the next set of words, now if you look at

  • these words many of us get confused like till date even I get confused, well we have words

  • that end withce’… when it comes to British English but if you are using American

  • English in writing, well guess what, there's a difference the word will end withse’.

  • So these are some common examples for you, we havedefenceit ends withce

  • and then we havedefensewith American writing but it ends withse’, okay? You

  • see here, and then we havelicence’… where's your licence? Well it's withce’,

  • but for Americans it's ‘se’. And then we haveoffenceand we haveoffense

  • ending withsefor Americans, okay? And then let's have a look at the last set

  • of words, well again many of us get confused with this as well, you just keep wondering,

  • umm, do I add the ‘e’? Do I add theuerather? So in British English we have certain

  • words that end with g-u-e, but then guess what's the differencewell we take off

  • theuewhen it comes to American English so the word just ends with the ‘g’, okay?

  • You need not add extra letters to the word when it comes to American writing. So what

  • are the examples, well we have right here for you, we havedialogueokay wow,

  • that looks like a real long word yes it's because you adduewhen it comes to

  • British writing. So it ends with g-u-e, but for Americans okay after ‘g’, period.

  • You need not addueso it's gonna be d-i-a-l-o-g and that's about it. Another example

  • iscatalogue’, so again ending with g-u-e, but for Americans well we take off theue’,

  • it's just gonna be c-a-t-a-l-o-g and that's about it, okay? Now as a trainer, I would

  • always suggest you to stick to the same writing, like if you prefer to write in British English,

  • then do not tend to use American words like the words with American spellings, stick to

  • the British writing and vice versa, okay? So always remember these words will be pronounced

  • in just the same way even if the spellings differ, but yes it's important for you as

  • an English Learner to know these Spelling's right. So hope you got them right, keep them

  • in mind and I'll be back with a new lesson soon till then you take care.

Hey friends, it's me Niharika and welcome back to a new lesson. Well as we always say

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英式英語與美式英語的拼寫差異 - 英語寫作技巧。與Niharika學習英語 (British Vs American English Spelling Differences - English Writing Tips. Learn English With Niharika)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary