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Hey friends, it's me Niharika and welcome back to a new lesson. Well as we always say
that English is such a confusing language, well yes it is and especially when it comes
to writing, it's all the more confusing. Well there are times when you think that you have
spelled a word correctly, but the computer shows that it's incorrect. Well it's because
British English and American English is a bit different. So there are certain words
in English, wherein the British English and American English spell it differently. So
here in today's lesson we have such common words on the board, here as well as here…
wherein the British English Spellings are different than the American English Spellings.
So let's have a look… Well we're gonna start with these three set of words here so wherein,
when you are talking about British English, the words end with ‘re’ however if you
are using American English well the words end with ‘er’. So basically when it comes
to American English, they tend to spell the words the way they are pronounced. Now remember,
before we go through these words, the pronunciation of these words is just the same, it will not
differ with the Spellings, okay? So we have the first word for you which is, ‘centre’,
now this is with British English wherein the word ends with ‘re’, however when it comes
to American English, it ends with ‘er’. So it's ‘centre’ here and it's c-e-n-t-e-r
here. Well we have some more examples for you right here, ‘litre’, how many litres
of water do you drink every day? So if you are writing this in British English then it
has to be l-i-t-r-e, but if you are following American English then well it's gonna be L-i-t-e-r,
okay? Always remember that and then we have fiber, f-i-b-r-e and then we have f-i-b-e-r
if you are using the American English, okay? Moving on to the next set of words, wherein
British English the words end with ‘our’ however in American English the words and
with ‘or’. So basically you take off the ‘u’ in the word, okay? So we have certain
examples here, ‘colour’, I love the red color. So if I'm writing this using the British
English I have to make sure to put the ‘u’, so it's gonna be c-o-l-o-u-r. However if I
am using American English, then it's gonna be c-o-l-o-r okay, you're gonna take off the
‘u’. There are a few more examples here, we have ‘flavour’, I love the strawberry
flavor ice cream. So again it ends with ‘our’ but in American English it ends with ‘or’
so it's f-l-a-v-o-r and then just more few examples here, ‘humour’, we have ‘humor’
with ‘or’ and then we have ‘labour’ and we have ‘labor’ here l-a-b-o-r. So
I hope you realize that even if there are spelling differences the way we pronounce
these words, it's just the same, okay? Now moving on to some more words here, okay, so
we have the British English words right here and then we have American English words right
here. We have certain words, well we have two words that end with ‘i-s-e’ when it
comes to British English. But if you are used to using American English in writing, then
these words end with ‘i-z-e’, okay? So what are the examples? Well we have ‘apologise’,
if you have made a mistake, it's important for you to apologise. So if you are writing
to someone, apologising, then make sure you use the word ‘apologise’ with i-s-e if
you are using British English. But if you are apologising to an American then I would
suggest you to stick to this spelling which ends with i-z-e, so it's a-p-o-l-o-g-i-z-e,
okay? Another example for you is ‘organise’, well we need to organise this for our meeting.
So again it ends with i-s-e in British English, whereas in American English it ends with i-z-e,
okay? Again the pronunciation remains the same, right? Moving on to some more words,
well here are some more words for you wherein in British English they end with y-s-e, but
then again there's a difference the way U.S. or the American English will spell it the
words will end with y-z-e, okay? Something similar to this one. So we have ‘analyse’
wherein of course it ends with y-s-e and then we have another word, well the same word for
you with this different spelling which is ending with y-z-e, so ‘analyze’, right?
And another example for you is paralyse, p-a-r-a-l-y-s-e and if you’re using the American English,
then it is with y-z-e, okay? Moving on to the next set of words, now if you look at
these words many of us get confused like till date even I get confused, well we have words
that end with ‘ce’… when it comes to British English but if you are using American
English in writing, well guess what, there's a difference the word will end with ‘se’.
So these are some common examples for you, we have ‘defence’ it ends with ‘ce’
and then we have ‘defense’ with American writing but it ends with ‘se’, okay? You
see here, and then we have ‘licence’… where's your licence? Well it's with ‘ce’,
but for Americans it's ‘se’. And then we have ‘offence’ and we have ‘offense’
ending with ‘se’ for Americans, okay? And then let's have a look at the last set
of words, well again many of us get confused with this as well, you just keep wondering,
umm, do I add the ‘e’? Do I add the ‘ue’ rather? So in British English we have certain
words that end with g-u-e, but then guess what's the difference… well we take off
the ‘ue’ when it comes to American English so the word just ends with the ‘g’, okay?
You need not add extra letters to the word when it comes to American writing. So what
are the examples, well we have right here for you, we have ‘dialogue’ okay wow,
that looks like a real long word yes it's because you add ‘ue’ when it comes to
British writing. So it ends with g-u-e, but for Americans okay after ‘g’, period.
You need not add ‘ue’ so it's gonna be d-i-a-l-o-g and that's about it. Another example
is ‘catalogue’, so again ending with g-u-e, but for Americans well we take off the ‘ue’,
it's just gonna be c-a-t-a-l-o-g and that's about it, okay? Now as a trainer, I would
always suggest you to stick to the same writing, like if you prefer to write in British English,
then do not tend to use American words like the words with American spellings, stick to
the British writing and vice versa, okay? So always remember these words will be pronounced
in just the same way even if the spellings differ, but yes it's important for you as
an English Learner to know these Spelling's right. So hope you got them right, keep them
in mind and I'll be back with a new lesson soon till then you take care.