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  • - I've mentioned that my first high income skill

  • is copywriting.

  • And the second high income skill that I've developed

  • is consulting.

  • So, when it comes to consulting,

  • this is, this question, it tells me

  • the sophistication

  • of the level.

  • You can't even tell the difference.

  • When you are consulting, you are selling your time.

  • A high income skill, the definition of high income skill,

  • it is a skill set that can make you $10,000

  • or more per month, basically six figure a year.

  • You are trading your hours

  • for dollars.

  • You are trading your hours

  • for high dollars.

  • You're exchanging your time, your expertise,

  • your skill set for money.

  • As a consultant, isn't that what you do?

  • That's exactly what you do.

  • It's not a business.

  • It's a skill set.

  • Because when you don't consult,

  • when you're not on the phone,

  • when you're not meeting with a client,

  • you don't get paid.

  • You're still selling

  • your time,

  • but just for a lot more money.

  • That's high income skill.

  • However, if you run a consulting firm,

  • meaning then you've got a team,

  • that you're not the one that's doing the consulting anymore.

  • It's your team that's doing it.

  • Then you're turned into a business.

  • That's-- it's not what you do,

  • it's how you do it.

  • It's not what you do,

  • but before you even have the business acumen, the skills,

  • which, given the question, I know you don't have,

  • if you don't have that,

  • the first step is you've got

  • to develop

  • your high income skill.

  • You got to get to that six-figure first.

  • When you get to that six-figure, let me tell you this,

  • your life changed because now you're among

  • some of the highest-paid people in the world.

  • You're now at the top four, 5%

  • of income bracket in the entire society

  • in North America, English-speaking country,

  • First World country.

  • And you don't stop there, but that's a good goal to aim for.

  • That puts you above a lot of other people

  • in terms of income.

  • That should give you confidence.

  • If you can do $100K,

  • you can generate $100K with your high income skill,

  • it doesn't matter if it's copywriting,

  • which is what I teach.

  • Consulting, which is what I teach.

  • Closing, what I teach.

  • One of these skills, once you get there,

  • you could stack on your skill sets.

  • As a copywriter,

  • when you become a better closer on the phone,

  • you will make more money because you're stacking on success.

  • If you're a closer, one of my students,

  • you're learning closing,

  • you could close on the phone.

  • If you know how to write copy,

  • you understand human psychology, you know how words,

  • how linguistics works, how to use written words to persuade,

  • it will make you a better closer.

  • It will take everything you do and take it to next level.

  • You have to understand over the years,

  • it doesn't matter what I do, what investments I make,

  • what business I get involved with,

  • I always go back to the basics,

  • I always go back

  • and work on the fundamentals.

  • Working on my skills, investing in myself

  • because no one can take that away.

  • No economy.

  • No investment, nobody can take that away.

  • I can count on me.

  • Could you count on you?

  • That's financial confidence.

  • Forget, fuck the financial freedom!

  • Learn financial confidence.

  • Have the confidence, develop the confidence that you need,

  • knowing it doesn't matter what happens to the economy,

  • what happens to business, what happens to your job,

  • you know you could generate income with your skills

  • because you could trust yourself.

  • You know what you could do.

  • You know the value that you could provide.

  • When you can do that, you'll never have to worry about money

  • because your security doesn't depend

  • on some Third World party.

  • Your security,

  • your independence

  • depends on your skill set.

  • And when you can do that, your life is completely different.

  • Completely different.

  • If you want to learn closing,

  • we've got a world-class

  • program that teaches you how to do that.

  • Click the link and find out.

  • If you want to learn copywriting,

  • we've got a world-class

  • program that teaches people how to do that.

  • If you'll learn those skill sets.

  • You're not gonna get those skill sets

  • watching a five-minute video.

  • Flat out, I can tell you that.

  • You need to get trained.

  • You need to practice.

  • You need to immerse yourself.

  • You need to join a community.

  • You got to have a group that holds you accountable.

  • That's how you get good, not watching a video.

  • This at best gives you an idea,

  • gives you some insight,

  • makes you can see how the pieces fit.

  • You click, but that's not how you develop skill set.

  • You get a skill set by training, by practicing,

  • by doing it.

  • That's how you get good.

- I've mentioned that my first high income skill

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諮詢是一門生意嗎? (Is Consulting A Business?)

  • 16 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary