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- Let me show you something very cool from my office.
This is one of my wealth triggers.
Something that I would draw inspiration from.
I'll read this out loud to you.
This actually should belong to a Disney museum.
This is the minutes of a special meeting
of the board of directors of Walt Disney Incorporated.
A special meeting of the board of directors
of Walt Disney Incorporated was held at the principle
office, 1953 March 17th.
The president then announced that the corporation
should open two bank accounts.
One in the name of Walt Disney Incorporated,
and the other in the name of Zorro Productions.
This is where, the time, that the entire
Walt Disney empire was built.
It all originated from this particular meeting,
and signed by Walt Disney himself.
And here, I love this little quote here,
"It all started with a mouse."
See, the power of creativity and don't underestimate
what you could do with a pen,
an idea, a concept,
and look where we are today.
How much do copywriters really earn?
How much money do copywriters actually make?
Now, very much, that depends on how much effort
you put into it and who do you write for
and what kind of niche do you focus on.
You see, there are basically three types of copywriters.
You have the copywriters who are writing copy
for their own businesses,
for their own product and services.
They're selling their own things.
That's one type of copywriter.
The second type of copywriter is
they are writing for agencies.
Meaning, like say, advertising agencies, digital agencies.
They have clients already in place
and the copywriter's basically kinda hiding
behind the scenes, being the silent rainmaker,
and helping them writing for their clients.
And then the third type is,
you're actually a freelance copywriter,
and you're writing for businesses and companies,
or entrepreneurs.
So those three types of copywriters.
You see, copywriting continues
to be one of the highest pay and in demand professions
in the world that very few people know about,
because we don't think about it.
Every single email that you get, it is promoting something.
Every ad that you see on social media,
every landing page,
every description when you go to a E-commerce website
that entourages and compel you to buy something,
private message, LinkedIn, description.
All these things that's out there,
they are written by copywriters.
So if you think about it, copy is literally everywhere.
And companies continue, because of the social media,
continue to need copywriters to help them
to craft compelling copy,
sales copy that motivates people to take an action.
Sometimes maybe not to make a purchase,
sometimes it's to put up their hand
and say download something, or get a free demo,
a free walkthrough, a meeting or a phone call.
I could go on, and on, and on, and on.
So this is why this is such a powerful opportunity,
as now, with so much more information out there,
there are way more platforms.
Copywriters will always be in demand.
Now, the next question is, so,
and how much could I make as a copywriter?
That depends.
There are copywriters who are making a full time income
just doing part time work.
They're working a couple of hours a day
and they're writing copy.
There are copywriters who are making five figures,
there are copywriters making six figure.
There are copywriters making multiple six figures.
I even know some copywriters making seven figure income,
writing copy, that's correct.
You heard me right, seven figure income writing copy.
Because they understand that
they are not in the writing business.
One of the things I teach is,
they are in the revenue generating business.
The reasons why companies are willing to pay
what seems to most people an obscene amount of money
for copywriters,
because the copy that they produce and create
brings in revenue, brings in leads, brings in customers
for those companies.
So if they spend 50 cents a dollar,
and they're getting $10, $20 back,
of course it's a now brainer, now isn't it?
This is why copywriters,
we are the silent rainmakers.
People don't understand the power of what we do,
the power with our written words.
So where can you learn how to do copywriting?
I get this questions a lot.
Now, you don't need to go back to school
and spend four years.
You don't need any formal education to learn copywriting,
but you do need someone to show you the ropes.
Kind of show you how it's done.
There are system, there's step by steps
on how to do this.
And that's why we created
the High-Income Copywriter Certification Program.
If you follow me on social media,
you know that my first high income skill was copywriting.
That was the skill that transformed my life
and my family's life.
With High-Income Copywriter Certification Program,
you'll go on a seven week journey with me,
where I'm gonna personally mentor you.
And take you from what is copywriting,
to becoming a high in demand
and high-income copywriter.
If this is something that you've been thinking about
that you wanting to become a copywriter,
you want to learn to skill,
or you've been searching for this for a long, long time,
or you been waiting for me to teach this particular program
to transfer this skill to you,
this is your time.
Click the link here or somewhere here,
and check out our free preview webinar.
We only teach this program a few times a year,
and the new season is starting very, very soon.
So click on that and check it out, and see for yourself.