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  • Hi everyone I am Niharika, well it's time to learn new things. In today's lesson we

  • are gonna look at phrases to talk about expensive things. Well yesterday I went shopping and

  • I loved this beautiful dress but the moment I looked at the price tag, I realized it's

  • super expensive. So that brings me here to do this lesson for you. Now in English, we

  • all talk about money, right? We talk about fancy cars, expensive vacations, diamonds,

  • now all these things are so expensive. So in English, we have well many phrases that

  • you can use when you talk about expensive stuff. So let's get started.

  • The very first one that I have for you is, that's a bit steep. Now when do you use this

  • expression? Well when something is not very expensive but is just a little more expensive.

  • So you go to a store and you love these pair of shoes but you think that these pair of

  • shoes are a little expensive. So rather than saying, they're a little expensive, use this

  • expression, well these are a bit steep or that's a bit steep. So you can use this expression,

  • when something is a little high priced.

  • Alright, the second phrase that I have for you is, that's a bit pricey. Now this expression

  • is very similar to the one above. So rather than using the word steep you can also use

  • the word pricey and again it's used for the stuff which is not very expensive but a little

  • high priced. Alright so rather than saying, it's a little expensive, it's not very expensive,

  • use the expression, that's a bit steep or that's a bit pricey.

  • Let’s have a look at the third expression here, to cost an arm and leg. Now when do

  • you use this? When something is so expensive. When you have to pay too much to buy something.

  • So it is figurative phrase, like for example, my Mercedes car has cost me an arm and leg.

  • So imagine you have to buy something and it's so expensive that you gotta sell the most

  • important parts of your body. That’s the arm and leg, will you do that? So when something

  • is super expensive rather than saying or using the word expensive, use this expression. Well

  • this has cost me an arm and leg. Like this new diamond ring has cost me an arm and leg.

  • It means I have paid too much of money for this.

  • Alright now let's have a look at another expression here, to pay through the nose. Now here, it

  • doesn't literally mean that you remove cash out of your nose. No you don't do that. But

  • this expression is used when you pay too much of money for something. So in fact you know

  • this expression comes from the Irish. Well apparently the people in Ireland, well if

  • they didn't pay tax, the people or the tax offenders would have their nose slit. That’s

  • weird right? So I’m guessing that this expression comes from the Irish. So to pay through the

  • nose actually means to a pay a lot of money. Like these days, cars, to buy cars, you literally

  • have to pay through the nose because cars are so expensive these days or for example

  • the houses. Now to buy a house or to buy a property in my city, we literally have to

  • pay through the nose. It means we have to put in a lot of money. Let’s have a look

  • at another one here, exorbitant. Well that's how you pronounce it, it's exorbitant and

  • this word is used for something which is, unreasonably priced. Like again, the houses.

  • Like if you have to buy a house in my city here, well the property is priced exorbitantly.

  • It means it's just overpriced or unreasonably priced. Well expensive cars, well yes I do

  • feel that there are certain cars in the market, which are overpriced. So rather than saying,

  • they are expensive, I would use the word, they are exorbitant, right? Or probably you

  • are talking about, hotels. You know there are certain hotels that charge exorbitantly

  • for phone calls or they charge exorbitantly for night stays. So rather than saying that

  • these hotels are expensive, you can say they are exorbitant, alright?

  • Let’s have a look at another phrase here which is, daylight robbery. Now daylight robbery

  • is again a figurative phrase. It’s not literally we are talking about being robbed. Well day

  • light robbery is when something is over charged or overpriced. When you go for vacations,

  • you go to a new place, you don't know the people out there. You don't know how things

  • are priced. So at times you feel that people out there kind of identify you that you are

  • not from the locality or you're not from the city or country and they tend to over charge

  • you. So it's absolutely day light robbery. Like for example, a glass of juice is $10,

  • wow, that's day light you go to a new city and there's this center where you

  • buy juice from and the glass of juice is for $10. Well I don't think so, a glass of juice

  • should be more than $2 but if it's $10, then it's absolutely day light robbery. So something

  • that you feel is overpriced or over charged. It means it's a day light robbery, alright?

  • And then the next expression that we have for you is, to break the bank. Now break the

  • bank, it means to spend the money or to spend all the money that you have in your account,

  • in your bank account. So my friends are going to Switzerland and they asked me, hey Niharika,

  • do you want to join us for this trip and what was my reply o this? I said I would love to

  • go to Switzerland but if you're planning it now then I think I gotta break the bank. It

  • means that it's gonna be a little expensive for me right now. Okay I can't really, afford

  • it and if I have to go to Switzerland, then I gotta spend all the savings that I have

  • in my bank account. So I gotta break the it obviously means, that something is expensive.

  • Alright to buy this new dress, I gotta break the bank. So break the bank, it means I have

  • to spend all the money that I have in my bank, which means this dress is so expensive, right?

  • So go ahead and use this phrase.

  • And then the last one that I have for you is, pay top dollar. Now when you use this

  • expression, it is actually used for the people who are highly paid. Like celebrities, when

  • they endorse brands, they are highly paid. So you can say that companies pay top dollar

  • to these celebrities means they are highly priced and they are highly paid to endorse

  • brands. Or I would say, this Louis Vuitton bag, well I paid top dollar for it. It means

  • this big brand, this nice bag that I bought of Louis Vuitton, well I paid too much of

  • money for this. So go ahead and use this expression when you are talking about paying for something

  • that is very, very expensive.

  • Okay so this brings me to the end of this lesson, all of these eight phrases can be

  • used for the things which are super expensive. Well except for the first two which are not

  • very expensive. But yes use these expressions and this will help you to speak fluently and

  • confidently. I'll be back with a new lesson for you, till then you take care.

Hi everyone I am Niharika, well it's time to learn new things. In today's lesson we

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聰明的短語說是 "超級昂貴"|英語口語練習課|流利說英語 (Smart Phrases for saying is ‘Super Expensive’ | Spoken English Practice lesson | Speak Fluently)

  • 14 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary