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Good morning, everyone.
Not looking particularly fresh faced whether I should because I had a hell of a lion this morning.
Like I may until, like, half 9 10 o'clock.
I've got a meeting today.
So in these days, I trying upto, like, get too much of my diary and try it.
I kind of treated like weekend because I need as much energy as possible in the evening, so I don't want to tire myself out.
So I did allow myself to have a little lay in today and was only woken up by the Astor delivery, which Well, at least I'm up.
Oh, yeah.
Basically, I thought I would block today with you because I would show you, like, why did before meets up.
Also, I do my make up with you because you just Nancy doing my makeup on and getting completely ready.
I'm washing my hair in fake tanning.
I'm gonna head down into the gym and do a couple of workouts to get me ready for the day, which I'm looking forward to.
I've got trip Thio Bora Bora in a matter of weeks.
You know, when you like, get that terminal time of year you just like chocolate.
I'm just enjoying the chocolate, but working out so that I feel good because I was expecting to be on a beach something.
So I'm gonna go work out on dhe.
Just kind of get ready with you.
Today is a meet up with by Terry itself.
Just I've never done a self just meet up.
So I'm really excited about this.
And basically, what this is for is by Terry has launched into Selfridges, which is so exciting for them as a brand, because I know that's been a place that they wanted to be for a while on they come up with this really cool concept where you go and make your own pallets and things like that.
And basically, I have made my own pilot, which is really exciting.
It's a limited edition thing.
I would have seen me huge this pallet if I complied with my makeup bag somewhere I was in college, you would have seen this palette in my a few of my make up proteins.
Basically, this is Oh, no, I've just got makeup alone.
My leggings.
I know this will come off.
Where did that come from?
you would have seen me using this palette in quite a few of my videos.
Basically, this is the bronzer that I used from by Terry.
This is the highlights used from Itay on This is actually the blush that I used on my wedding day on.
This is like kind of pretty much most of my everyday face in a palate.
You will be able Thio by these today.
From this evening, I think the people that come into my means up we'll have the opportunity to buy this on.
Then what's left will go on sale in Selfridges in Selfridges London, Manchester and Birmingham and also a line as well.
So you'll be able Thio shop the palate off there and pick one up fancy.
But yes, that's very excited that this is launching today on we're gonna celebrate in Selfridges.
There's Rosa like my favorite Rose ain't gonna be available.
I used to get so nervous about things and it was funny.
They were like, How do you want to do that?
Your talk on I was gonna do it myself, and it was like I just I felt so fine just going and doing it myself.
like me and my guys.
It's me.
Where is the point?
You know?
So I'm looking forward to just having a chat on Dhe.
Talking through basically what?
I just talked to you guys through with that finding out what people are gonna be picking from the palate thing on dhe Just I'm just so sorry I This This is not the effort for Valtteri know that this is paid.
This is not a paid video by Terry, but this is not how I want to look.
I'm gonna do, I think, to Sarah's day workouts on a boat.
Beautiful workouts I'm gonna do to, like, well, to four.
No, wait.
A full body workout leg workout.
Andan ab workout.
So let's go.
Sorry that my room is a better mesas.
Well, I am set up ready to film.
I was filming on Monday, Some sit down videos and I'm filming again tomorrow, So I just don't want to take all of my lights and camera down and stuff like that loving filming in this room as well.
It's just it's such a dream.
So very, very happy dreaming, dreaming in here, filming in here.
I'm wearing the new gym shark leggings arrived last week.
Now they are white.
So if I stand like this, we do get a bit of a camel toe.
So I've got my extra long vest on.
But they are super flattering.
They are just so nice and sculpting with all of like the highlights and lowlights that they've got going on all over them.
I would never normally wear gray toe, almost white leggings.
But these are just so nice they come up super high as well.
I just really, really like them.
Just so I changed those.
To be honest, I think them down below.
But no doubt knowing Jim Shark, they'll be out of stock.
But pop down there anyway, before we had downstairs, I just have to show you this.
This seems to be happening a lot more gloomy and links snoozing together on the bed.
Thank you.
I can't believe how much this is like been happening recently.
Makes me so happy.
They are the best of friends.
But they do do this.
It could be around each other, which is quite exciting.
But Aly and I have logging today, but he's decided that he's gonna join me for my little workout.
Siri's in the basement.
Are you ready?
You ready to feel the burn?
Since a minute.
Oh, my sleeve do.
I just got out the shower.
He's getting ready because he is working on the kitchen today.
I'm gonna jump shower, wash my hair, scrub myself to within an inch of my being, then fake town do my head to my makeup.
It was a really good workout, although I planned on doing three different videos.
But for the sake of time slash Ali couldn't hack it.
We only did, too.
So you're just gonna throw out there that I can keep up with my workouts?
But anyway, I need to get watched.
I feel absolutely disgusting.
Clean as a whistle.
I actually experienced it.
My skin, like you wouldn't believe I used the elixir Bitsy paste before.
I kind of scrubbed.
If well and Oh, my God, it's just look at that.
I've also put some of the llano all over everywhere.
Mostly cream rich.
This stuff is like magic are very, very, very, very, very rarely get a patch of like asthma in the corners of my eye.
And this stuff just gets rid of it and I got I think I think it's from like dairy.
I used to be okay with yoga.
My tummy is fine with it, but I had some yoga and maybe that caused exit was like the next day I woke up with it, so we'll see.
I'm gonna keep testing that one, but it might not be the case, but this stuff is just a godsend.
It suits.
It's so much even Ken, our decorator, he comes on his eye.
You got any more of the land because he'll show me his excellent has, like, come out and that stuff just gets rid of it.
I did write about in a block paste, a little place down below.
It was like my skin care secret weapons on DDE has kind of a guide to what use things for if I've got, like, temperamental skin from acne to basically so get that Reed is really is genuinely the things I use.
It's not responsive thing that even if it was, you know that those things and in fact, part of half of the grounds and I have worked with but they obviously that was not part of any kind of deal with them.
It's just genuinely products that I know are very, very, very good anyway.
How my skin is glowing Perfect for a layer of fake tan Theo Land dry, Little straight.
I'm going thio big time now, which always see you can't watch I've just been cracking on with my makeup without a care in the world and realized I haven't been filming with you Such a bad blogger.
However, I think I've probably said this in every video.
But starting up, building in this room looking this backdrop I haven't do anything.
It's just a dream that really is.
But basically I popped on the Valtteri CC serum with Don Seles Foundation.
I've got, like, a Loreal concealer underneath, and that's about far I've got.
So I'm gonna work on some of the bronzer from my palate, which is exactly what I've been doing because that bronzes and how does so like buttery, You really don't need a lot of this.
I used my contour on dhe a bronze as well.
I don't really tend to control attorneys.
You can see that's a little bit, um I don't tend to console like my face.
Other than my nose.
So this just kind of does Bo.
I use it to blow up wrong that up a little bit.
Kind of put it in the places where you would put contour as well.
So I'm thinking I might have some lashes on.
You know, I've only got one pair of my flat lattes, flashes left.
What we report on I'm thinking that this is probably a good occasion to wear ashes, but usually it goes terribly wrong.
And I need, like, my friends to put my lashes on for me.
So I'm going to put a little bit just to Matt.
If I these areas are my God, I'm literally talking over the sound of why Tell me right now I need to go eat some lunch.
But those are the places where I get the oily.
Is these little bit by my news concealer under that night?
A little bit Just kinda like a TV.
Basically browse, Browse.
I am started teasing the naz a grab effect.
I readied up brush on the end of its on dhe.
I just used my little signal brush for that.
This is just a cover I would never have normally go gone fall.
Alban talked me into this, my wedding, and I loved it so much that I just have continued to wear pink here.
Makes you look a little bit like healthier to retry lashes.
I'm gonna try.
I've got one pan left, and I desperately need to get myself some of the Jiro clear go.
Because this is the black one, and I just don't I don't want it, but let's just let's just give it well, shall we do it now?
We've got some actual time finger to wait.
That was the dream.
Never usually go that easy.
Only took me two attempts on their secure.
Now let's do some eyeliner.
Yeah, we do.
In the eyeliner.
Yeah, we are.
Yes, we are.
You my favorite, Which is me girl.
And I am still absolutely, all with somehow rational, flushed down the toilet by I'm gonna do something a little bit different.
I'm gonna use the Charlotte Charlotte chill, Bree.
Charlotte Tilbury, Lip cheat in love trap.
I actually really like this.
It's a little bit more subtle than spice from Mac, so I'm gonna try this underneath.
My usual by Terry.
A little bit on two.
Just blend everything in, okay?
And go back in.
Thio my signature glaze for the highlight center one um, just the highlight into the skin.
I want it to look like a proper little glow.
Brown likes to.
I just realized I have a contract knows, So I'm just gonna do that lightly.
See if I could move away from the nose contour because sometimes I go out and I don't even realize that blended enough My crazy head.
My makeup is done right.
Practise away.
Wash me Hands have been I'm so happy that I managed to put lashes on You know I did on my last bite needs up there plus everything go here.
I always find myself wearing jumpsuits when I do meet ups but they're just so comfortable but looks so like smart as well This one is a caramel and one that arrived yesterday.
This is from their Attilio collection on it fits the absolute dream like I can't believe it.
I thought I was going to be about with it, but it fits perfectly So I'm really, really happy Just skims the floor eso when I'm walking it shouldn't rub But when I stand still, it goes all the way to the floor, which, you know is like my favorite thing about wearing trousers.
I've got some Jimmy Choos, which I got from flannels on dhe.
They actually so far quite comfortable on that.
I'm wearing my live it on petite mile bag because I think it looks quite nice with this.
And then I do have my bomb on Blazer, which is there in case I get cold or anything to take in the car with me on dhe.
Carrie has snacks on dhe snugly.
Sake's on very, very excited on.
I actually like my makeup and how it's come out on.
I like my outfit, too, So I'm really happy with this.
I'm so glad that this fears I love the detail in when it's got the stitching down the front.
It's just so like smart And of course, hold on way literally have to mention this.
I mean, you can already see, but look, there are pockets.
Anyway, on our car is gonna be here any moment, so I'm ready to go on.
I was worried, so I thought I wasn't gonna be ready on time, But I, um, on dhe I really to head to London.
Some carny in the car.
We just down in London on, um Oh, God.
I don't know why I did it to myself earlier.
They asked me, and they're like, all you know, how do you want to do the whole, like speaking in Cuba?
I don't know.
Just introduce me, and then I'll just have a chat with them, and then they can ask questions.
And now I'm like, Why did I do that?
Why should I put it all on me now?
I'm scared, but I'll be all right once I'm out there.
I'm sure, but I'm sweating a little bit in the V i p.
Area of Selfridges on dhe.
Um, I've actually never been him for this.
It's so nice.
Are you like outside is like Amazing What?
Those like bookshelves, color coding, books.
I loved it, but we just kind of checking out in here until it starts.
Basically, thing cash pouring some water.
Doesn't she look lovely?
Key dress like a little old Thanks.
However, I realized, I feel I feel like I always forget to put deodorant on.
He was doing it like most important, Yeah.
When I'm not s o, I've been, like sweating in the cox I'm so nervous on.
Um luckily, Carrie's got these wipes away from the grand union.
They you, me.
It's like Why you am I on?
They do these amazing wipes where they're like, Yeah, they used to sell them on cult community that could shower sheets on.
If you ever need a refresh, these are literally the best things ever, and they're biodegradable, and they're big enough to actually do.
Yeah, do everything like a full kind of quick shower in a wipe, which is like show.
She's huge thing.
What they did that car.
BT Stop doing them on dhe.
They're literally the best things ever.
And I just saw Still carries last one, Unfortunately, base because he would have normally.
Yeah, Carrie, Carrie had to get rid of that dear drink.
She tried to take it through customs.
My outfit bit further back with less crap behind me when I was showing you my dressing room because it's all set out to film.
I really like this.
I'll link this down below.
It's, um, Karen Millen.
But is there a Tilly a collection and I I love it fits so nicely.
Way That's my Christmas party outfit.
I just right?
Well, my friend And the reason why Wait, Just wait that wait and wait.
I appreciate it.
And yes, I said that he also placed exactly where you keep that create these shade of Rosa how you use it.
So that their blush is obviously the blush I wore on my wedding day to you too much.
But this is like the blacks are great, but I really want like, right in my skin If you could follow me for what I'm about to blow like natural So let's have fun with it And I don't mind going over the top, actually trying This was totally out of my confidence about like, this is the color that I'm thinking for you.
I assure you that I would never do that.
It was not discovered something here.
So I knew instantly when they said, you know, you're gonna make it.
I wanted to have something that you could just I wear a lot of these without bandage.
They have that kind of impacting us that Ryan's it so much You don't have to have a foundation with it.
You can just use the brush you used with high.
It's just I weigh right like a child.
Say hi, Kim Hee hee.
She got everything way.
It's not like an Irish name where it be like E s just finished up with my meet up.
We are currently in the Selfridges call Buck trying to find our way out on dhe.
I have no idea where we are.
Way in like the back entrance of Sanford is on.
Can I just I'd like to point out this is most comfortable jumpsuit.
I think I've ever worn my shoes.
However, Carrie was like, where the choose you'll be sat down.
I stood up the whole night.
I literally had the best night.
I live for these.
I honestly I live for my for my meter.
If anyone says that they don't enjoy meet up, then I just I don't know what you know.
I just love them.
I love meeting you guys.
He is literally, like the best thing ever.
I'm like, on high in a minute, speech in the car and I'll be zonked the night.
So you know me.
Okay, good.
If you don't know, My cats love coconut oil.
Only cheap coconut oil.
Though they don't like the fancy stuff, you're gonna drop it.
So I'm home and I've spent about the last 45 minutes cleaning cat balls and giving them all fresh, yummy food and doing the washing up and cleaning the been so hard crash back down to reality.
But I had the best evening.
I always make sure I've logged these events because they're just so special.
And I'm just I wish I could get one of the really, like, special moments that happen on, like, camera.
But I'm so focused on meeting everyone.
And I also want to say that whenever I do meet ups, I will literally it's dropping it on.
I will actually stay until the end to me, everyone.
So if you like, ever see some people have to leave.
But I do honestly stay because I just want to meet everyone that's so special for me.
She can't.
She just will not keep this on the spoon, but yeah, they are so special.
I had honesty just the most magical time, and it's so funny.
People like, Oh, you must be so tired.
Like I'm so sorry.
You know, I don't want to take up any of your time, and I'm like, No, take up my time.
This is so incredible for me to be like meeting you'il.
You're also fascinating.
Like I could literally chat to you all day.
I love it, but I'm obviously very tired now, Thank God for my lashes, because they make me feel a little bit more awake, but yeah, just such a good evening.
We're still here.
She's almost on a whole tub.
Good morning, everyone.
I know Cary bought me a stand for my camera and I've got in my car.
So it's still dashcam.
Those guys, I have got one now.
So hopefully in my next video, you won't be sat here.
I am up, actually no.
Up bright and early.
It just feels I come up right now because I'm so tired on I obviously had my meat up last night on dhe back quick lay and I just kind of stood up, stood up, stayed up with the cats.
It's basically obviously, like cats go out in our grounds, but we let them come in at night when they're ready to.
But we have this thing.
If you remember me talking about Buzz, Buzz keeps coming back, and obviously, we don't want us to come back.
We want us to stay where his home is because his mommy obviously gets quite upset that he goes and disappears for days on end.
So we have to make sure that we lock our cat flap every night when the cops come in.
So it's just a bit of a lake.
We end up sometimes staying up quite late.
So yeah, thing links came in at four o'clock last night.
Well, he doesn't stare at the back fence.
He just sits there like, Yes, I've got a quick meeting this morning on Dhe.
Then I've got Danny to film to video today in my beauty room, filming ring thingy on Dhe are here, then have one of my friends coming over later.
She's doing a charity raffle.
So I've got some Vicks for her to put in the raffle on and walked out, so that's pretty much it.
I've got chilled day tomorrow.
I've got the lady from artifacts, flowers coming all the way up to my house to look at flower arrangements with house.
So I'm really excited about that.
I've seen what she did with brick by brick house, and it looked amazing.
So I'm really excited about that.
There is a dog walker on my road, so I'm not going to speak to you guys.
Thank you.
I'm really getting used to that.
When I grew up where I grew up, I like our neighbors, just hated me and my brother because, well, my brother was better tear away, and he would, like, slingshot their windows and stuff.
But when you live in a village like this, he grew up in a village like this.
And so he would always say, like, hello, his neighbors as I love you, say hello to your neighbors.
My neighbors, like, hated us.
Anyway, I will speak to you guys.
When I finished up in my meeting on Dhe, hopefully we're gonna have a really productive day.
I didn't have long enough to do my hair, though, so I'm going to do that when I get back, which is a little bit of a setback, but it's okay.
I'm home on.
I've actually been home for ages.
I hope my camera is not.
Let me give you a clean.
I've been home for ages literally hours on dhe.
I've been filming.
I film two videos to try and get myself ahead, and I will try and film another kind of few videos tomorrow as well.
And then, obviously, like, I've logged in between.
But I need to tidy my dressing room on my clean isn't here.
And I feel really awkward, like looking around them.
Some like hiding up here.
Don't come up here.
Yes, I've got to kind of clear this stuff away and then start editing.
I have also had a delivery that I'm gonna open with you.
My winter bag is here.
So open that with you on, then I I'm gonna have to sit down and do some editing on.
I have a mound off crap.
Thio thought Well, this is very, very special.
Have you?
You never sleep here.
You starting to feel like this whole house is your home?
I hope so.
I hope so.
It's very strange for us to find her sleeping anywhere other than our bed.
So excuse me if I seem like a widow like well done for living on this over.
Think Lee me was so used to the size of our old house.
If you remember, she was a housecat.
Now she's allowed to like Rome in the Garden.
And I think it's taking her a while to, like, actually realized that she's got all this space as well.
So the last few weeks, it's almost since Buzz came that she didn't even see what she saw him.
But she didn't.
She didn't, like, meet him if it was really funny when she saw him through the window.
If you're enjoying this, you enduring you.
Oh, WeII kept him in the kitchen the first time that he was here.
Because that's just what he ended up on.
DDE Lumi walked past the kitchen window.
So Buzz was down there on Gloomy walked past just fast there.
And she saw him and she was literally her face.
I wish I'd got it on film.
She was like this, But what the hell is that?
What the hell is that?
That is not another Bengal.
Tell me that is not a single mom.
Who are you?
You were very shocked.
What you please.
You were I thought I'd come and sit with what you got in your bloody eyebrow.
I thought I'd come and sit with me on the sofa on Open up my package with you as I'm getting ready to do a big mamma's editing session carries on holiday.
As of now, she's off tomorrow, all weekend on Monday, it's well say, I am a Lone Ranger and I got the house to myself, which is just lovely.
So I'm gonna spend some quality time with my cats on, do you a lot off work, But I've also got some very lovely Kashmir on from fig leaves.
I'll link it down below because this is just so smart.
I don't if you can see it in, um, the mirror.
It's actually navy blue, but it looks like black because it's backlit here.
But it's just this cute cashmere jumper on Dhe.
Straight liked what's it called straight legged joggers.
But yeah, funny enough, this is our new little, uh, counsel table area, but this is not finished anyway.
We've also had some stuff go up in here.
My new ceiling rose is basically our kitchen renovation is starting on Monday on Dhe.
I feel like I got so what you tell you.
So I might save this for another video, tell you a little bit more, but we went to my brother's house.
We had a bit of an epiphany when we were there, just seeing what they were doing with their house made, but really inspired us on dhe, we'd like, decided that we're gonna take a few things more seriously now on.
I know it's a shame because we've started painting the house already, but this wall is going.
It's happening.
I hate it.
I've always hated it.
And I let people talk me out of getting rid of it, and it's going.
The whole thing is gonna come down on.
Gonna have it re plastered on the whole hallway is going to get Cove ing the whole thing, which is a lot.
But I'm gonna do It's what I want.
And also it's gonna be a big job.
But we're either going to have this staircase ripped out and a new one put in, or it's going to be like, kind of renovated.
All of the glass will be going on.
We'll be having spindles this staircase is actually a lot nicer, so it doesn't need as much work.
This all of this glass will be going as well, because it's just not our style at all.
Unfortunately, it creates a nice fluid space, but it's just too contemporary from my style.
And, yeah, so that's gonna go.
This is our forever home.
So why are we cutting corners?
This is the thing that we realize by going there.
But I'll tell you all about this.
When the kitchen renovation starts on Monday, you can see me down there.
I think you I made a little funnels I always like.
That's just a few stores I always look onto you and check their Newman basically on like a regular basis.
Plateaus is one of them, and I saw that they had the most amazing bag, and this is so don't mean bad, either, because of the size of it.
Like it's actually a huge I thought, like when I'm traveling and I wanna have my laptop, like in my bag.
This is probably a much better kind of size is my laptop's a 13 inch.
I do need to get more line, but regardless of that I got myself.
My went by.
So this is a new back from Wendy.
I just kind of Oh, amazing.
This is like the only store I saw that happens back.
Other than friendly itself.
This is a new peekaboo X light on DDE.
This kind of like old school it?
I think so.
Like, falls forward like that.
And it reveals this like a friendly pat on the back pocket on this huge good for Oh, I'm so happy with this.
This is like the kind of car key brown kind of color.
So this is really nicely with a lot of new stuff and also a lot of the black stuff I have in my well, it'll work as a shoulder bag, which is great, but also kind of like a hand held back.
Well, most check me out.
I'm a changed woman.
Buying big bags on it just kind of falls forward like that.
It is back even close.
With typical Fendi class like that.
It's gone my little, many, many pink boots.
But they got some snazzy lining.
And it's super big.
My every kitchen sink things.
We don't have a kitchen next week.
I thought I'd end this video in a little bit of a repeal of that as well.
My new will win two bag I, like so much has happened in this video.
Um, I look so nice.
Just put it on the floor like Alex.
So nice.
Naturally lover.
Such great.
Anyway, I'm gonna start folding over my bag.
I'm gonna get editing.
I'm gonna give way.
Yes, I need a kitty of love, So thanks so much for watching the block.
What's the schedule looking like?
I'm pretty sure I've got a whole going up on Monday, which is the best hole I have ever done on Dhe.
Um, then I have a look on that week, I will be blogging the kitchen renovations, so hopefully that will go up scene.
But I'm so excited.
So much has changed in here already.
So I'm gonna tell you all about that in the next video and just kind of bring you up to speed on everything.
But anyway, enough jabbering.