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  • Sonny and Stephen.

  • First of all, Stephen A cZ debuts Go for new club.

  • How was that?

  • It's unbelievable.

  • It's a dream for me that come through and I'm so happy to be here and to make a make a go for this not just make a goal, but score a fantastic girl.

  • We saw the look on your face.

  • What did it mean to you?

  • Everything.

  • That little kid, you want to be here, You want to play in the Premier League.

  • And if you can score in your debut also, we saw the familiar goalscoring celebration.

  • You've always done it.

  • What's the story behind it?

  • Just story between my friends.

  • Once they said, Do this when you score.

  • Since then, I don't think he needs to work on that celebration.

  • Not quite imaginative is yours.

  • No, I think there is a motion that because it's personal, we're so happy because his first goal on his debut deserves But, you know, with a mushroom always looks great.

  • How much did you have?

  • Two times I hang on in there, particularly the first course of Manchester City is one of team will always been so, so good on you.

  • Sometimes we have to defense together now.

  • We came out strong.

  • This guy's amazing gold, and I think the lots of really good job take up to fifth as well.

  • Even more important, Yeah, I think it's amazing.

  • Fitting like before.

  • Off course, we have a Cup game, but I think before winter break I think they're so good and very good confidence.

  • And look at the fans in the holiday.

  • Happy and look, look at the players smile after the game, so I think this is very important to win.

  • Well, let's ask the new man, What do you make off the stadium, the atmosphere and every 18 tonight?

  • Yeah, it's unbelievable.

  • When I came in, I looked up and it's amazing.

  • Fantastic.

  • Salt would on tonight the stuff that dreams are made of Aunt May.

Sonny and Stephen.

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史蒂文-博格維恩對他在熱刺的首秀中進球的反應!| 與孫興民合影|賽後花絮 (Steven Bergwijn reacts to scoring on his Tottenham debut! | With Heung-Min Son | Post Match)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary