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I'd like to share with you my Arduino based thermal imager.
On the front here
I have a standard PC video camera.
On the top
I have a sensor
that can sense the temperature of any given point.
It is this black tube right here.
Off to the side
I have a little pointing laser to help me point and verify what I am taking a temperature of.
In this case it's going to be my hot water heater.
This whole setup
or the sensor itself
is hooked up
is on top of some servos.
And I have a little switch here to turn my
laser pointer
on and off.
Inside this little box is my Arduino.
And both my camera and the Arduino are hooked up to my PC.
On my PC I have a
program running
and this program
it will allow me to take
a picture of my hot water heater.
I'll press start here.
And as I get started
you can see it moving.
It is scanning the entire image
point by point.
Now this is going to take a while.
Right now it's estimated to be about meh...
well over six and a half minutes left.
So let's go ahead and take a quick look at
and see
an existing picture that I have already taken.
So side by side you can see
that the hot water heater is a little bit warmer than the ambient temperature.
You can see some hot spots on the
hot water heater.
In this case there is in the lower
right corner of the hot water heater is
a little bit warm
and that's also the same temperature as the hot water faucet coming out.
It's usually used to empty the hot water heater
when needed.
You can see the little temperature knob.
It's a little warm near that knob too.
And at the very top
you can see there is some insulation and it's a little bit cooler
when it's wrapped in insulation.
I hope you like my project.
Thank you.