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Hello there.
My name is Richard McMann from the Aptitude Testing Website.
Past my job test dot com on in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to pass a job aptitude test.
So if you have any kind of aptitude test coming up whatsoever, please do make sure you watch this from beginning to end because I promise you it will make a huge difference to your preparation.
Now, this is what I promised to cover during this comprehensive training tutorial.
I'm going to give you a number of sample aptitude test questions.
I will give you some tips for passing your own aptitude test.
I will give you a number of sample aptitude test questions for you to try out yourself right here, live on the screen.
And then I will also tell you where you can get additional aptitude testing resource is so that you can gain an advantage.
So it is my intention to help you prepare fully for your aptitude test and also pass it now just very quickly before I get into the tutorial.
A very warm welcome.
My name is Richard McMunn.
That's me there in the center.
And I've been helping people to pass their job tests on their interviews for about 20 years now, and in this tutorial, you are going to get lots of aptitude test questions to work through.
Please make sure you subscribe to the channel by clicking the red button below the video and also turning on the all important notification bell So you don't miss out on any of the weekly training videos.
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Okay, let's get straight into those aptitude test questions on dhe answers.
So the 1st 1 that I want to cover is a sample verbal reasoning test.
Question on the question is, which one letter could be moved from the first word to the second word to create two new words.
Is it a letter T Is it be it letter N, is it?
See the hors d E soldiers quickly repeat the question.
Which one letter coming moved from the first word Stephen to the second word Eve to create two new words, and the answer is the letter end.
So if we move that letter and overto Eve, we get even on the first word would be Steve.
So we would have two different new words, Steve.
And even so, what I want you to do now is try one yourself.
So now it's your turn.
Please put your answer to question number two in the comments section below this video when we will come on here each day and mark them for you.
Thank you.
So here we go.
Verbal reasoning test question number two.
Which one letter could be moved from the second word to the first word to create two new words, So make sure you read the question.
This is very important.
Which one letter could be moved from the second word to the first word to create two new words.
Is it a, C, B, P, C A or D.
And you have a timer.
You have 12 seconds to answer the question.
Here we go.
So hopefully you were able to answer that.
I will do this repeatedly.
I will work through questions and then get you to try some yourself under time conditions.
And this is the perfect way to prepare for an aptitude test.
So try one more.
Let's make sure you can get this completed fully, and you understand that under time conditions.
So please put your answer to question three in the comments section below the video for marking.
Here we go.
Question number three Which one letter could be moved from the first word to the second word to create two new words is a I B V C M d.
Here's your timer.
Here we go.
OK, brilliant question Number four, we are going to move on to a new miracle reasoning test question.
These are fun.
And these are very common during job aptitude tests.
Question for which to numbers come next in the sequence.
So we have a sequence of numbers 20 to 26 28 32 34 38 40 and then we need to know which two numbers come next.
They're in the sequence now.
The way to tackle number Siri's test questions is to look out for patterns as the numbers progress up the line.
So what?
We start off from the left and then work out what the difference is between those two numbers and in that case it is four.
So 20 to add four is 26 26 plus two equals 28 then the difference between 28 32 is four 32 34 2 and so on.
So we have a pattern already emerging.
They are increasing by four men two by four than then to each time as it goes up.
So once we get to 40 we would need to add four.
So it will be 44 and then 44 plus two would be 46.
So those would be the two numbers that we will be looking for on you will ordinarily be given them in multiple choice style options.
So now it's your turn.
Please put your answer to question five in the comments section below the video for marking.
Thank you.
Here we go, you miracle reasoning Test question five.
Which two numbers come next in the sequence?
16 17 22 23 28 29 you need to decide from A Is it 35 36.
Be 34 36 c 33 34 d 34 35 or E 34 30.
Here is your time.
Well done.
Don't forget to look out for patterns.
Let's move on to something else now, which is a word grid type aptitude test question.
Again, These are very common during aptitude tests.
Question six.
We have to start at one of the corners, a move clockwise around the square, finishing in the centre to create a nine letter word.
Now I've said this before, and I'm going to say it again.
It's very, very important that you read the question when tackling aptitude tests.
So starter any one of the corners so we could start here, there, there or there.
And then we have to move clockwise around the square, and the final letter of our word will be.
Because it finishes in the center Now, for those who do not know which way anti clockwise or clockwise is, always think of a clock, and the way that the hands move around the clock is clockwise, and the other way is even anti clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on where you are in the world.
So in regards to this question, we are going to be moving around clockwise.
And the answer to this question is machinery.
So we would start off M A C h i N e r y.
So the correct answer is machinery.
So now I would like you to have a go at one of these job aptitude test questions.
Now it's your turn again.
Please put your answer to question seven in the comments section below the video for marking start at one of the corners and move clockwise around the square, finishing in the centre to create a nine letter word here.
Is she taught.
Now I just want to say if you manage to get this one correct, you've done really well under time conditions.
That is no easy.
And on that basis, let's try another one.
So again, please put your answer to question eight in the comments section below the video for marking.
Thank you.
Here we go.
Word grid question eight.
Start at one of the corners and move anti clockwise or counterclockwise around the square.
Finishing in the centre to create a nine letter word.
Here we go.
Well done again.
Another tricky one.
Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Next question.
number nine New Miracle Reasoning test Question number nine.
A flight leaves the airport at 11:25 a.m. It is a five hour and 50 minute flight.
There is a one hour time difference.
What time will the flight arrive at the destination, assuming the time difference is one hour behind.
So the way to tackle this is very simple.
Step one.
Take the time the flight leaves the airport, which is 11 25 a m, and then just add five hours and 50 minutes to get five hours and 15.
However, make sure you do read the question and then step to make sure you take off the hours of 5 15 minus.
The hour gives us the answer.
4:15 p.m. A lot of people forget to read that last bit and take off the hour because it's an hour behind.
So now it's your turn.
Please put your answer.
Toa numerical reasoning test Question 10 In the comments section below the video for Market.
Here we go.
A flight leaves the airport at 9:10 a.m. It is a three hour and 55 minute flight.
There is a one hour time difference.
What time will the flight arrive at the destination, assuming the time difference is one hour ahead.
Is it a 205 p.
Be to 10 p.m. See 11:05 p.m. D.
11 10 pm or E.
None of these.
Hey, John.
Okay, well done.
I hope you are enjoying these.
Don't forget, I've got plenty more questions to run fruit, so please stick around, However, when you are ready, if you click that link in the top right hand corner of the video, it will take you through to my website past my job test dot com, and you can gain access to 500 online job aptitude testing questions.
You will also get access to a training course where I go through every type of aptitude test question with you and teach you how to pass it on how to score the highest scores possible.
However, let's move on against small questions for more aptitude test questions.
This time we're gonna take a look at spatial reasoning test questions.
This is 11.
Which of the answer options contains the correct blocks to create the question figure.
So this is the question figure here and you can see that we have three squares, three cubes there, one rectangle shape and then two more cubes who got five cubes and then one singular rectangular shape.
And then we have to decide from the answer options A, B, C and D there below.
Which of those contains the correct blocks to make up that figure?
So my advice is to focus on one particular element.
We could look at this and decide that there's five identical cube shapes and then work out which one It is from these, but I'm gonna focus on that particular shape, the rectangular shape, because he's only one of them.
And then I go through a process of elimination.
Well, it's not a because there's three of those shapes and it's not see because in there there's none of those shapes.
And it's not D because once again, there's two of those shapes in there.
So the correct answer is bay, and you can see there that shapes within that set make up the exact number to make that question figure.
So now it's your turn.
Please put your answer to question 12.
In a comments section below the video for marking.
Thank you.
Here we go.
Spatial reasoning Test question 12.
Which of the answer options contains the correct blocks to create that question?
Figure A, B, C or D.
And here's your time.
I really do hope you're enjoying these.
We're gonna move on to another type of question now.
Mechanical comprehension.
Test question number 30.
If cog A rotates clockwise, how many other colleagues will also rotate clockwise?
Is it a one B to C three or D For so once again, we have to determine which way's clockwise.
So don't forget to picture that clock in your mind.
Or you could look at your watch, for example, of which way the hands are rotating around.
And that's clockwise.
So a is clockwise.
That means that be would go counterclockwise.
Sea would go clockwise d counter and then e clockwise, so make sure you read the question because it doesn't say if kagay rotates clockwise.
How many colleagues in total will rotate clock clockwise?
Because the answer will be C three.
However, it says how many other clogs will also rotate clockwise?
Don't get caught out by not reading the question, so it is big too to other colleagues will also rotate clockwise.
So now it's your turn.
Please put your answer to question 14 in the comments section below this video for marking.
Thank you.
Here we go.
Mechanical comprehension Test question 14 If Cog D that small one there rotates anti clockwise or counterclockwise.
How many colleagues will rotate clockwise?
This is tricky.
A one B to C three or D for.
Here's your time.
So don't forget to put your answers in the comments section below.
Now, if you click that link in the top right hand corner of the video, let me just quickly show you will take you through to my website here past my job test dot com.
Now you can get more tips for passing aptitude tests.
What they are gives you some sample questions to try on the page itself, and then you can get full access to my aptitude testing suite for just 9 99 I'll give you a full course.
It's a one off payment.
You get a full full access to my cause, which is worth £97.
So I teach you howto answer aptitude test questions.
But more importantly, you also get 500 test questions to try on your smartphone or on you on your laptop so you can really get Get trying right now.
I hope you enjoyed that.
Please don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel.
We have about 240,000 subscribers now, and lots of you are passing your job interviews on your aptitude tests as a result of the content.
Thank you very much for watching and wish you all the best stuff to get to get access to that suite.
It's fantastic.
It's just one payment and you'll love it.
Have a brilliant day and I wish you all the best for passing your aptitude test.
Thank you.