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  • Great video today, the body of a party.

  • I'm the director.

  • We're here shooting Oriana load cover, but it's a little bit side fides.

  • Little bit Kubrick That's a little Y two k.

  • It kind of started out by just finding what makes Arianna iconic.

  • It's the voice.

  • It's the point out civilized.

  • So decided that we wanted to create an iconic video overwork, isolating the Arianna iconography and playing it up and having a good time.

  • We did the ponytails on her and her backup dancers just really send it home that, you know, this is a signature iconic pony that is just recognizable through and through, smashing with £10 of their 20 everywhere.

  • Every with that's it ponies, boots on a lot of Christmas.


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阿麗亞娜-格蘭德如何製作她的《Vogue》封面視頻|《Vogue》雜誌。 (How Ariana Grande Made Her Vogue Cover Video | Vogue)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary