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Are you ready?
All right, way go.
USC lightweight title is on the way.
Opens with left hand.
Perfectly time Sweet.
He's doing a great job of moving and transitioning here on the ground.
Gets back up back into his comfort zone.
There's that kick and it lands.
Throws a big right man, but doesn't find its home.
His opponents got the reed.
Now, Joe is he lands the punch to the hand has gotta change up his striking pattern in the temple Waitresses with Jack.
It took him a little bit of time to find his timing.
Find the range has found it.
Now he continues to connect with a series of strikes attacked when he lands another.
Both guys really throwing with straight.
This fight is dangerously close to being stopped.
Transitions here on the ground.
Staying busy.
How about that?
Just misses with high level.
A defense.
They're able to wave with planets.
Shot Mary swung with the haymaker.
Big straight punch is starting to show signs of double Back up again.
Trying for just over two minutes to go in the round.
Lands a big shot from the bottom.
Excellent movement here on the ground.
Nice job.
Working hard posting and getting back up.
Referee is gonna step in here.
Wanted to see more action, forcing the stand up that kick blocked by door.
Well, he left the body wide open there.
He's vulnerable to that.
Straight here.
Back up to speed waits again.
Establishing the way Right on the way.
Feet again.
Amazing tax way shot to the body.
You gotta think if the fighter was allowed to follow up with 10 or 15 more seconds, that would have been the end of the night.
But the horn sounded back to the stools.
They go, We'll see if he can recover.
And here's a liver shot that does some real damage.
And let's see if we get a better look at it from a different angle.
Brittney Palmer is here as well.
Now he's gonna try to take it back.
I think switching stance is here.
Gets with be wise to get those hands up.
Joke with continues for those highlights.
They don't get much prettier than a huge kick too.
And the night here tonight he caught his opponent flush full force full extension.
And that one was a no, Doubter.
The flight was over.
As soon as that foot made contact.
Check out this angle.
Here, crank right on the job.
So what A knockout from the UFC lightweight champion here tonight, under the bright lights, he rises above the pressure and gets it done in a big way to be the UFC lightweight champ.
Ladies and gentlemen, referee has stopped in this contest at 34 seconds of round number two.
Wait for us.