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All right, guys.
And there is one thing that I brought back with me from Japan, and this is obviously not something that I bought.
But this was given to me by Aaron Simon's The GB WC Australian winner.
So just first off, huge thing to Aaron for this, I took a peek inside.
It's not just the boxing, just This is a cool box straight away.
So I mean, just the box itself is awesome weather and all that like that wizard, whether it as if you guys don't know, uh, errands Page Aaron goes by whether it as so just kind of makes sense, obviously, the boxes, whether it as But if you open up the box, it gets even better inside.
It's not just the box, there's those.
Of course, there's a wonderful note here.
Things for all the support.
Ooh, for Zach Aurelius.
Of course.
So what we got in here?
But of course a Zach.
Ooh, Head.
So got the base in here as well.
Which also looks awesome.
Got this nice wood base.
You guys know I love that would basis.
I just got nice wood block.
There was set that on top of that.
I haven't.
I took a peek inside, but haven't actually unpacked the thing yet because as Aaron recommended, But just leave it in there for Transportacion.
We got the head here.
Looks amazing.
I love the white stripe on it and everything.
No, I don't know.
I can't say for sure if Aaron really did this like intentionally in a style that he knew that I would like That would be to my taste.
But I love, you know, a good white stripe.
Where's the colored stripe on a kit.
And so that's definitely right up my alley.
And they've got the, uh, commander in here and look, this thing, which is in different color, it's What color is that?
Actually, I can't really quite tell.
Look at that close up off camera.
It's in like a really super dark red towards the back half of a.
But it definitely has.
The front part is like on a kind of like, light yellow, sort of radiant their way.
Have the bass part here as well.
That just goes on there like that.
Now that is pretty awesome.
This is really, really nicely painted as God's going to obviously Aaron's a J B W C two time winner there from Australia So is no slouch in the painting department.
And this thing, this looks amazing on the weathering is on the on.
There's really cool painted in between the links on the hose there, which I appreciate.
That's definitely a must.
So I love that.
And then here on inside, we should be able to turn them on a wife open this up inside there is painted as well in a nice kind of silver color on the inside of there.
So there we go.
Awesome, guys.
No, I painted a couple of these, but I have, actually the ones that I've painted I've sold, so I don't have any painted ones here, like on display anywhere.
So this one will go in the very limited small display space that I do have, which is not in here in this room, out over in the other room.
I'll definitely putting this in there.
Basically, it's my display space for kids that I have, uh, like panic.
It's that I've gotten us gift from other people so will fit in there.
Aaron, thank you so much for this and, uh, just this pretty awesome.
So guys have you.
If you haven't checking out Aaron's page, I'll put a link to that video description.
He's been a guest on gambling talk before, and obviously you guys saw him there.
A bunch in Japan.
But he's awesome.
Guy was really a great hanging out with him, so I really appreciate this gift.
Really, really means a lot.
So next time we meet huffed, paint up something different one gun demands or something like that and take it there and as a gift.
So All right, so that's it for this video.
Guys just want to show this to something really cool.
That was very generously given to me, so I really appreciate it, Aaron.
Thanks, guys.
I'll see you next time.
Bye bye.