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Hey guys, Happy 2017 which is such a weird year to pronounce, but nevertheless, it's gotta be better than 2016.
I know everybody kind of exploded New Year's resolutions because a lot of time, but really unrealistic.
But I actually really enjoyed them because I feel like I'm constantly trying to improve myself and most of the time failing.
But I feel good school chance to kind of re assess what's going on anyway, because fashion is a huge part of my life.
This year I am making some style resolutions, which I'm sharing with you guys so that hopefully you can keep me accountable and make me actually do these things.
So my first resolution is to stop impulse buying and invest in high quality pieces instead.
I feel like lately I've had a really bad relationship with dropping in fashion in general, and going out shopping has just baby feel guilty.
I've been buying a lot of pieces just because they're on sale or they're super trendy or just in a moment I thought they were a good idea, but they turned out to be kind of low quality or they don't fit quite right there, just like a little bit off color.
So I tend not to reach for from anyway.
And this results in me having a wardrobe that I don't really love.
That's full of weird pieces that are a little bit off, and it makes me return a lot of my arms.
Anyway, in the past three months, I've bought 26 items and returned six of them.
Which means that I'm just wasting a lot of time and money going, shopping and not really finding things that I watched this Netflix documentary on minimalism lately.
And I've been following this Middle West fashion blogger on fancy, which will link below.
And they really made me think about how I approached my clothing on my lifestyle in general.
Basically, what they say is that every single item in your closet should bring you happiness and bringing utility.
So this year, instead of buying just a bunch of crap that's on sale, I'm definitely going to try to actually go to high quality, well made stories like made, well, top job stuff from Nordstrom that is normally a little bit out of my price range.
But I'm just gonna buy less and buy higher quality items like a lot of the time when I buy something anyway.
Like, for example, I'm searching for a really good pair of black jeans.
I'll buy a pair of jeans that's on sale, or that's really cheap, but it's not the perfect pair.
So I end up still on the hunt for the perfect pair of black jeans and maybe I'll buy two or three more pairs before I find one that I really like.
Or maybe I'll never find that I like anyway.
So why not spend all that money instead on one really high quality?
I don't know.
I'm gonna use a long time.
I know this is gonna be kind of hard for me because I hate spending a lot of money on including at once.
I love feeling like I got a really good deal, but hopefully making this vision video will hope encourage me and remind me to just buy high quality pieces.
And I love well, actually tell me, Enforce this.
I'm going to only by 12 pieces of clothing this entire year, which I am kind of scared about doing because I buy so much clothing and I absolutely love shopping.
And I am a little bit scared that I'm gonna, like, fall behind on the trends.
But I want to be able to actually invest in those 12 pieces and stop this weird habit of impulse buying.
So obviously I'm not gonna be able to make the traditional whole video where I showed you guys like 20 pieces of clothing.
But what I think I'm gonna start doing is doing one item call videos.
So it's gonna show my whole thought process behind buying this one really perfect piece of clothing which will hopefully show you guys and help myself understand it is okay to not buy a lot of stuff.
And to really think about what you spend your money on.
Another sound resolution.
Kind of going along with the 1st 1 is that I actually wanna wear everything in my wardrobe.
Believe it or not, I've bought some really cute pieces from humbly like a year ago.
There nice dresses there, flare pants, the things that are a little bit out there, and I never really had the courage to wear them that I want to wear this year because I've already spent the money on them and they're waiting for me in my closet.
And I should just be wearing those instead of buying new clothes.
My next time resolution is to just put in more effort.
In general, if you guys are in college like me, everybody dresses so casually and sometimes, especially when you have just like 1 a.m. class.
It's really hard to bother to dress up and put on make up and do your hair for, like, a two hour lecture where you're just gonna sit in the back way this past, Mr.
I have been super guilty of just wearing sweat shirts and jeans to most of my classes.
Although it's been really comfy, it's actually taking a toll on my self image and my self esteem in general.
So I really want to get back to putting in more effort and after taking pride in my style along that line, I really want to experiment more with my hair and makeup this year and actually styled my hair properly every day cause I have bothered to die this hair to Helen back, and it might as well be looking found most of the time, all kind just throw it up in a ponytail or leave it frizzy and straight.
But it is time to pull out my curling iron again and actually make my hair look good along the same vein.
There is so much in the world of make up for me to explore.
Most of the time, I kind of just focus on covering up my acne and making my eyebrows look like they exist.
But they go can actually be a really cool way to change up my look, especially lipsticks, which in a moment of weakness I bought a lot of lately, can help change an outfit, a tip I learned on fancy.
That fashion blogger that I mentioned earlier as well is that whenever you're feeling tempted to buy a new piece of clothing or you're feeling like a wardrobe doesn't have anything new in it, just tell that instead into changing up your hair and makeup, which I think is super good advice.
Because even though I may have warned all the outfits in my wardrobe, there are just an infinite number of hairstyles and makeup looks that I've never tried my last time.
Resolution is a little bit more vague but it's kind of just to find my own style and define it a little bit better.
I feel like right now I have two distinct styles.
One is more clean and modern involves a lot of like black and well connected like that.
And then the other is more retro and vintage inspired.
Like I'm wearing right now.
I think it's okay that I have two different styles, but I'm gonna try to find a way to know those together and kind of having more distinct image off what my style is, and that concludes my style resolutions for this year.
I really hope you guys enjoyed them and let me know what your side resolutions are in the comments below.
I'm so excited for the year to come and everything it has to offer and you guys are, too.
Thanks so much for watching.
And don't forget to like comment.