Youknow, I'vealwayssaid I wanttoputtheteamaheadofme, and I don't wanttobecome a distraction.
So I wanttocomeheretowork, be a goodteammate, youknow?
Andlike I said, I mean, I got a lotofgoodfriendsonthisteam, Soit's gonnamakethatmucheasierformedifferentinthissituationbecause, youknow, it's ah, well, I mean, uh, like I said, I thinkthefactthatyouknow, I have a lotofgoodfriendsontheteam, youknow, eveninthestaffonthecoachingstaffinorganization, itmakesit a loteasierformetobehere.
And, youknow, that's why I'm heretodayanddidn't reallyhesitatingindecidingwhether I shouldcomeornot.
Itwas a mentionof a fineteamlist.
Reportsof a fiveteamLaceymentionedFloridalastweek.
I'venever I'venevergiven a listofteams, andasfarasthatsideofthebusinessisconcerned, I thinkit's timeweleavethatmoreuptoMikethroughthisthingand I don't reallywanttobetalkingaboutyourteamsrightnow.
I think I'm herewithVancouverand I thinkit's a bit, uh, disrespectfultowardsmyteammatesandtheorganizationtobetalkingaboutotherplaces.
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