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and welcome to that makes me really.
But I've been telling you your film for probably like three months now I've honestly been procrastinating this A because I've been waiting for my skin to clear up and it sure as hell hasn't.
And two, I'm very intimidated by the beauty community on you, too.
I feel like people do the most crazy, beautiful ship to their face, and it's about to also become blatantly obvious to you and Amanda.
Then I have no idea what I'm doing.
But nevertheless, here I am, so hope you guys enjoy Hello and welcome to my bare naked face.
This is the sexy content you've been waiting for.
As you can see, I was unfortunately not kidding about my skin's.
Today wasn't a great day for my skin, but if we're being honest, my skin hasn't had a great day since I hit puberty.
So honestly, it's weird, though, because I have nothing to get stressed acne over, except for the fact that facing imminent unemployment, it's a film major.
I'm going through my yearly crisis of whether I should drop out of school and finishing all my assignments, including anything this video within hours of when they do, because I never have time to catch up.
I'm starting off my face with moisturizer.
I just use this one because it's the one my mom uses.
And she sent it to me.
And it's probably the only piece of advice she's given me that I've actually ever followed.
I like to slap it in there a little.
Just a gentle morning reminder to get your shit together, bitch.
I mean, to let you probably deserve a little better.
I put on, like, kind of way too much so that my next step Powder Foundation will stick a little better and give me some more coverage on my random ass under eye and algebra acne.
Know why they're there.
But okay, Skin, If you're gonna play me like that, the foundation I'm using is my tart, and it's really expensive.
Regular price.
So actually got it.
Second hand off macari, which does come with a distinct risk of getting someone else's face bacteria all over your face.
But it saves you like 10 bucks.
So again, really not sure why I have so much acne.
Even though this foundation is supposed to be full coverage.
My acne is one persistent bitch.
So I'm whipping out a little concealer.
Veselin is a sample of a y s L one that I got from Nordstrom because I am too cheap to buy the real thing.
I do realize that I'm putting a cream concealer over a powder foundation, which is like a crime against the whole beauty community on YouTube.
Honestly, I'm just waiting for Jeffrey Story to come out, bitch.
Slap me.
But my skin's kind of different every day, so sometimes the powder foundation will do it.
And sometimes I put it on and see that they're still acne peeking through, so I gotta put some concealer on it.
You know what they say?
Life is like waking up with acne prone skin.
You never know what you're gonna get.
Okay, Now it's time to cover up these under eyes of people.
Don't tell me that I look sick, and I can pretend like I have some semblance of a regular sleep cycles.
I'm using this kind of lights.
Chloe, concealer, thio, cancel out the darkness within and also popping that on my forehead, nose, bridge and the tip of my nose to add a little more dimension to my face and kind of prep it for high later.
I'm also going back and trying my best to cover up these little doll pimples.
But as you've seen the rest of the video, they're still pretty obvious.
So I didn't do a great job to send all of that.
I'm following up with some more powder, so we have a nice little powder sandwich on my face.
Like I said at the beginning of the video, I really don't know what I'm doing.
This is probably a horribly inefficient techniques, but it works for me somehow.
Since I get a little foundation on my lips, sometimes I'm using This is lip balm, which is the brand that I've been using since these things were like the absolute shit in middle school and just applying that to my lips and then wiping off any extra foundation onto the back seat.
Okay, next up, let's build me some brows because I sure as hell don't have any.
Naturally, this is like a whole process using five different products, so just bear with me for this.
My first row jail is this one from Ebeling that sticks little fake brow here's under your real bow hairs and helps compensate for the fact that my browser, like borderline non existent, actually fill in my eyebrows.
I'm using this naked palate that I also gonna macari.
But honestly, any drugstore Matt Shadow would work for this to carry this pallet every time I fly home and then back to L.
So it's kind of falling apart at this point, just like my life right now.
And this brush is literally like a random part brush that I got from Michael's for like, two bucks.
I feel in the end first, using a combination of the two darker colors and then for the front, which to this day still makes me super nervous to Philip because I fuck it up like all the time.
I only use the light around color, and then I make a couple upward strokes to draw in like brown hair looking things to clean that up because the powder isn't super accurate.
I'm going back in with brown pencil to sharpen up the bottom of the arch.
Tau lost my little hairs in place because they do tend to slide down throughout the day.
I'm adding a coat of this second row jail that has a bit of a stronger hold on the 1st 1 Okay, last up for these brows.
I'm going in with that lighter concealer from earlier to give myself a little brow bone highlight and then trying my best to go back and even out the ends a little bit, ultimately futile attempt to get them symmetrical.
Brows are done at last, and now it's time to adhere to Eurocentric standards of beauty and try to make these eyes look bigger.
I finally caved and I bought the naked heat palate again off record because that shit's expensive.
I'm just taking this tan and red color and mixing those together, even though I'm sure they're perfectly fine colors on their own.
Somehow it just feels more satisfying to me.
That makes two colors together.
My goal is basically to make it look like I got punched in the eye, but in a cute way, and then to deepen it up a little bit, I'm going back with this dark purple color just in the corner, and then I'm using the smudgy end of the brush to kind of line My eyes.
Basically, I'm giving up on real Islander because I could never get it.
Even so, I kind of do this, smoke anything around the corner of my eyes.
Okay, Now it is time to give myself my daily nose job.
I followed so many different nose contouring tutorials, but they all may be looked absolutely ridiculous.
So my strategy at this point is just to take a little bit of this tan color and put it around the top of my nose, blending into my eyebrows on the bottom of my nose and this time a little bit on the top of the tip, which I feel like there's a lot more subtle than, like a full nose contour and looks a lot less in saying I'm not super sure why I didn't do mascara before when I was doing the rest of my eyes.
But apparently we're doing that now about this super fancy eyelash curler from Amazon recently and then promptly lost.
It s so for now, I'm just skipping, crawling all together and coming straight to making this absolutely ridiculous face.
Well, I apply mascara for highlighter.
I'm using this little bare minerals, one which is really running on empty, just like needs and putting that on my inner corners Brow bone, my nose cheekbones, vilify Heard this like 1000 times and other makeup tutorials for contour.
I used to go hame until I saw a picture of my face from the side was genuinely terrified.
So I've learned my lesson for now.
And I'm just gonna go in with this bronzer tenderly as to not disturb the acne that lies within.
And I also put on a tiny bit of blush for good measure.
But honestly, you can barely see it for lifts.
I eat way too much of the day to fuck of lipstick.
So I'm just putting on a final layer of that lip balm because you could never have your lips too moist.
And there is the finished look.
Cue the mandatory uncomfortable, self indulgent face posing Wow, so many angles of my face.
You can definitely still see a little bit of the texture of my acne peeking through.
But I tried my best.
If you guys have any makeup tips because y'all are honestly probably better in makeup and I am.
Then please leave them in the comments below.
Let me know what I'm doing wrong because it's in person, Ashley, I quickly want to say before I wrap up this tutorials that I feel like the whole beauty industry thrives on the idea that if you buy these certain expensive products, then your face will look more like this certain beautiful, famous person.
Not to say that I am either beautiful or famous, but this is just to say, Please don't feel obligated to buy any of the things on this video.
I know I'd use a shit ton of pallets and kind of a lot of expensive makeup, but before that have used drugstore makeup for years.
I just say this because I've definitely fallen is that trap, Especially when I was a lot more uncomfortable with how I looked, I would buy products that, like famous YouTubers recommended.
That didn't necessarily work well for me.
I just want to say that my best makeup advice more than actually buying any of the products in this video, or necessarily even using the techniques that I use, is to just get to know your own face.
It took me a good, like three years to figure out what the hell this face is doing.
But yeah, best of luck on your makeup journey.
Hopefully, a little bit of this was helpful.