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What if I went like this?
What would you do?
How would you defend yourself if I tried to strike?
You hear?
How would you?
What kind of move would you do?
Um, if I went like that punch in the stomach.
Let's try this.
So what if I went like this?
What would you do?
It was a terrible He's a wrestler trying to get some moves, huh?
You Have you ever seen the movie?
What's called?
Give me something.
Give me something.
Yeah, I did have the rest of this.
Okay, this like that.
I like it, But that's not really a wrestling a little bit.
Now, that's that's just like a second Napoleon Dynamite move that's in the rock.
But you're doing like I have the pants.
You don't like arm locks and shit like that.
Well, it's a center of gravity.
You know where you're trying to put you trying to get someone off balance, you trick them and then just, you know, shoot.
That's hot.
I like it.
So, how long have you been wrestling?
Three years old.
My dad was around three years old.
Yeah, three years old with my dad.
Uh, he was an Olympic wrestler for Team Canada.
So, uh, I think I kind of just fell into it.
Now, I don't think I had a real choice, but it's my favorite sport.
So it's cool, man.
Prepare you for acting that part of your It's I think, if you can laugh last nine minutes in a wrestling ring, uh, where you want to dry heave afterwards.
I think you can do lots of stuff, although some acting stuff can be quite try.
So when you guys were ever to motive roulette with Sam Rockwell, well, you could take May know he bought He punched me in the face because he's a boxer.
So I punched you in the face.
Would country Oh, no, I'm not a boxer.
I can throw a combo, but I'm not a boxer is boxing.
So how do you guys work together when you get this?
I mean, obviously have a script on something like this.
But are you figuring out the relationship ahead of time or you just, um I sing around like this and you go exciting ones, or I think, uh, Sam really helped me to feel really comfortable right off the bat.
He he introduced me to boxing.
Actually went We need a little bit shadow boxing and also lots of things.
I mean, you just hang out.
He's an easy guy to hang out with this really nice and fairly fairly.
I mean, well, you know, Yeah, you know, Then there's other times.
No, I think you know that.
You wanna have the time off camera.
Also kind of generate some energy for the time on camera, you know, You want it, want it to be, huh?
A parallel each other, I think a little bit.
Did you have much time off camera on this?
Well, sure, there's a lot of waiting around and stuff like that, but what I mean is, I guess, way we want to bring this sort of looseness the relaxed nature we had off camera into the into the scenes so that we, you know, get some of that realistic energy in there.
And of course, we got to go down, slides together.
We boil all the water park stuff.
That's so we just go to work every day and kind of blow off all the scenes and just going.
Yeah, basically.
So did you have when the script came to you.
You go.
I'm now Bill Murray is essentially, That's pretty much right away.
I mean, you could just tell that that's kind of what it waas and whatever my version of that is.
So Yeah, that's that was it was pretty instant.
I just looked at it and it was like, Yeah, okay, what's the what?
I'll do it.
Is there a Sam Rockwell thing now?
Do you feel like they're getting God?
I hope not.
Both scripts?
God, I hope not.
I hope it's hope I change it up enough, but I don't know.
You know, people love to type.
Type you.
You know what?
I I hope we change it up a switches.
We can.
And he actually gave me the movie meatballs on the film.
Hey, actually, you made me watch.
You have to see it.
I never seen you.
I gave it to you.
I don't know for a fact I gave you a couple of movies.
Yeah, gave me, um, way would be taught to Time machine because that's Rob.
Yeah, I've seen hard time machine before, but Talladega nights you've had that Talladega Nights.
My beloved Leslie Bibb is in Talladega nights.
Forgive you that I live a couple other great ones that he had this whole list 100 movie we're writing down.
We're all, like taking a collection Everything everybody was putting in movies that he needs to see.
So we wrote down all kinds of movies.
Have you seen Badlands yet?
Have you seen one?
Flew over the cuckoo's?
Yes, definitely.
Okay, that's good.
That's a step in the right direction.
Yes, definitely.
Have you seen?
We're not ready for you.
Ready for it already For the Deer Hunter.
The Deer hunter?
I have not seen it.
But maybe wait a couple years.
Yeah, I My dad said I should watch it.
He said he was one of his.
All right, So you're ready for it, then?
If you're dead says you're ready, then check out The deer hunter was just moving summer movies.
It was all kind of getting his, uh, his film encyclopedia upto to park below average.
Yeah, I get it up.
I see.
I've seen a lot of movies, actually, uh, great movies Before I met Sam at the Green Mile.
If I don't know if you've seen it.
It's one of the greatest movies all time.
Look, it's a pretty, pretty darn good movie.
Yeah, and here's this guy Sam, right?
Yeah, he did.
No, he's amazing.
Like seven foot three months.
Jeffrey Demand.
Very Pepper.
David Morris, Tom Hanks Scream The late, great Michael Clarke.
Michael G.
The late, great Michael Jeter was in that.
What kinds of good actors?
Graham Greene.
So how was this for you?
Well, you get Dragon got auditions or you get dragged in, get dragged into this.
I got the script and I put it on tape for them, and they asked me to come up to Los Angeles and I die.
You shouldn't.
That's not enough.
I need more back in.
No, I came on us.
And one of the best auditions, I think most enjoyable, I think for me, because Nat and Jim were both there, and they're laughing up a storm and just really made me feel comfortable enough to do whatever I had to do with the character.
I think not nervous at all.
So yeah, I really thank them for that.
I think they help me to get the part by being so down to earth.
So was it scary to carry this much of the movie?
Uh, when I I worked every day, I worked on the film and I remember before anticipating it, be anticipating that what was gonna happen, you know?
No, no, I I don't think I ever felt never have you been doing You've been doing that TV show for a while.
Yeah, I've been acting for about 56 years now, so I kind of knew a little bit what to expect.
But I never had a role.
This'll lead role before, But I hope that if any acting jobs in the future would be as enjoyable as this one because I worked five days a week, but it felt like it's seamless.
I was working in a water park and the beach in some of the funniest people on our foot earth were there, so I was never unhappy.
It was never stressed out.
I just had a great time.
So the emotional stuff come easily to you because you're, like, kind of straight man in this show.
I mean, it's it could be quite.
You have to really think about it.
And you have to really think about what's gonna make sure that it's gonna get there.
I think one of the great scenes one of the great memories I'll have with me and Sam film the scene on top of the water slide after the party.
And I tell him all about what's happening at home and yeah, and he just went above and beyond with being so generous and just helping me out with all that stuff.
And I think it really, really helping out.
So you're You're great.
In that scene, we shot a couple different ways that seem that work you guys are doing together in the moment between takes.
So are you doing it before you get to the set that well, we ran the line.
We would run the scenes, you know, before just on our own.
And I can't remember specific examples, but I just remember that that he was just He was there to push me in the heat.
You say you push, push me Night crab.
Yeah, that's right.
Get your energy up.
And so the ST John to tour it took me that you kind of push up.
You kind of like, Yes, sure.
You put put your hands like, like, you kind of get your and then gets your blood flowing a little bit.
Yeah, so that's a good energy trick.
So I'm very lucky.
Spacey and they were hot.
Hot sun, too, were in the hot sun so that it'll tire you out, too.
You have energy issues or because you're always gets people expect you to be up.
Not at all.
Uh, no.
I mean, I think you know, I'm pretty good, you know?
You know, we we work out right way of good energy, like Alison.
Jenny was saying it was like, exhausting playing her character because it was, like, so intense in the she's not really that intense, but sure, sure.
Yeah, Shoes of.
She's a whirlwind.
She's a tornado in that in the movie.
But you are, too.
Yeah, I was too.
I had a lot, a lot of text.
I just spit out a lot of dialogue, you know, that was that was, uh that was challenging.
I had to Really, You know, those lines, backwards and forwards.
And they were walked and talked a lot of walking talks, you know, we're the whole big god.
Yeah, that was called The Wonder of Goodfellas.
They called the get Where introduced the big fall where they just follow you around the whole park.
And he died holding.
And then and then later, Dunkin kind of does the same thing for Hiss for his.
Yeah, and there were a few of those kind of walk in talks with lots of dialogue.
Yeah, man.
And I had to spit it up pretty quickly, so that was that was challenging you.
Is that the fun of it?
Maybe read a script like, Is that what's gonna be the Yeah.
I mean, the fun of it is is, um I think it is creating this character and having those that stuff come to life, you know, and really breathes life into it and and make it feel spontaneous.
That's always He did it 100 different ways.
He did a every man there.
Everyone was hilarious.
And I think there's 11 story we wanted to share when he he's yelling on the loud mike.
Something but herpes.
And And while we were filming and any I don't know, woman tell her story.
She Yeah, she was She, like, one of the She was one of the heads of the park, right?
She's got very upset.
Understandably, we had to abide.
Uh, when I was just trying to do stuff to make us laugh, You know, um, and I forgot that there were kids there a trying todo their time in the water park.
And all they hear is yeah.
Yeah, that was That was You know, I sometimes wanted to do the radar version, but that's all right.
They always they pulled me.
They pulled me back.
Do they?
Did you ever missed you?
Is that part of your work is that I'm always raided our people to put take me into the PG room.
I most often rated X.
I'm I'm definitely, like, always going in that direction.
And I have to sort of tone it down.
Sometimes you go too far with comedy itself, with stylized things Are you know, I always want to keep it rial.
You know, even if you're goofing around, I like to have it rooted and grounded.
You know, I don't want it to be Oh, I don't want I hate overacting, which I've done some of that.
I've smacked it a lot in my lifetime, but I try not to and try to keep your real one of the things in, like, seven psychopaths, where your character has to keep it close enough to the reality that's a theatrical person, like he's a theatrical character.
No, just like Kathy Bates in Misery is kind of a theatrical character.
Or, you know, Peter O'Toole.
And my favorite year is a theatrical character, you know?
But yeah, yeah, and so is Owen.
Yeah, one's a bit theatrical.
Do you like playing those guys better than playing the quiet ones or is very well, you know, there's more to chew on.
I guess.
I like the quiet ones, too.
You know, I like Like that.
Did a movie called Single Shot.
It's more of a quiet kind of thing.
We're like conviction is more.
I enjoy both, you know, but it's good.
This guy's a real extroverted way.
Had a lot of funding.
Are you a closet?
Extra burgers up?
Yeah, well, he's a wrestler, so that's pretty Well, I don't have any sort of, uh, great improv that Sam really brought to the Oh, come on.
I mean, we had a couple of jokes, but I don't know if I'm funny and you're funny.
Funny in the head.
Come on.
Do you want to be funny?
I love everybody wants funny like, but I want to be that guy who's trying too hard, like at school.
If you like that guy, Who is this clown?
Yeah, but yeah, You want yours?
Wanna try?
I don't know.
You don't always want to be thinking that you have to be the funny guy.
But it sze fun when you're funny and people laugh you.
That's one of the best feelings, I think.
Yeah, Yeah.
Where you are, class clown.
I you know, I don't know Sometimes, maybe.
Yeah, I guess sometimes I was.
I was I grew up in it.
My parents were actors, so I kind of grew up in the theater and stuff.
I did plays when I was a little kid, so I grew up in it and they were pushed away.
You never You never wanted to offer me a c p a.
No, I was just I kind of just Yeah, I messed around with it for a long time and then got serious about it when I was about 24.
Started to really take it more seriously.
But I was in it.
Yes, since I was a kid.
So were you studying 20 for me?
That I was I studied very young.
I mean, I you know, I mean, in a way, my childhood was there was some training, just, you know, in verdant inadvertently.
But I But I became because I was around actors and on the stage and stuff.
But then I studied two years of Meisner suffered miser technique with the way, um Esper, who's pretty much the primary East Coast teacher there.
And I my coach, Terry Knickerbocker and Maggie Flanagan is a great teacher.
And then some of them.
So they they influenced me, right?
I did two years of that training, and that's I think when I got Maur, you know, serious about it.
That you want to be a working actor working actor.
Your goal with me, are you?
I didn't know what was gonna happen.
I was just kind of up for up for the adventure.
I like the lifestyle because I had seen it, although it's not an easy lifestyle when you're coming up, because I saw my mother struggling as an actress, but but But I enjoyed the the adventure, you know, the Bohemian adventure.
And, you know, I thought it was a an exciting lifestyle.
And so I think that's what what was fun about it at first, And then there seem to be when I realized what it was to be a good, accurate there was a responsibility there, too, you know, know what you're doing and have technique and be consistent and that kind of stuff.
You know, the director's kind of clicked into you pretty quickly.
Yeah, I get lucky, you know, I start working early, but I didn't really know what I was doing for a while till you know, really was like a beast, my thirties, probably, you know, And then it just came to window are Well, I think it's, you know, it's an added.
It's an accumulative effect, you know?
I mean, Meisner says it takes 20 years to become an actor, and I think he's probably right.
You know, I've been doing it for about that, Yeah, so I think it's starting to get the hang of it.
You know, it's it's It's a tough racket.
You're in your 20 sort of the for the way, way back.
So when we finally got a kid, Exactly.
Maybe one of these days, like 36.
You got 15 years ago or so?
Yes, I d How are you gonna be around 15 years when I was your goal, or you're gonna be you're gonna You're gonna be an actor after you're 18.
You got to be a wrestler.
What you gonna do?
I don't think I'm gonna be arrested too physically demanding, I think.
And I'm gonna be a doctor.
A lawyer?
You're an actor.
What do you want to do?
I love I've loved every moment of acting so far.
I mean, I think would be great to maybe explore maybe in college or something.
Like something earlier script?
Uh, yeah.
Now this development, all that all those things would be nice to know about.
So, yeah, I got a lot of good schools.
And so what do you love about connecting?
That's making you happy.
Like they kept.
She knows that they bring it.
Yeah, the whites of the Diet Cokes right?
I mean, I've just The best way I can explain is I have always loved film like Like I said, my parents I think ever since I was 10 I was watching movies like The Green Mile And maybe that's not maybe the most appropriate movie for a 10 year old.
But I I really I closed identified with those films and just I think that the way I act is I just tryto bring whatever I cannot have life in all the movies I've ever seen in just tryto bring it that way.
But but you have the excitement when you're on.
I said, Is that what turns you on?
Yeah, I have.
I have a great time.
Ever since I started doing background work about five years ago, I fell in love with it, and I think I had I think I had the excitement for it, and the long days were I just I just never wanted to turn away from it.
So, yeah, I had a great time.
Did you watch Moon before the movie or to do wait till you're actually on set?
Which one moon I hadn't seen?
I hadn't seen Moon actually, Rob Corddry told me to watch.
He said he Sam was robbed of an Oscar on Gwen.
I watched it.
I agreed.
I like that.
He's a good man.
No, he's a great guy.
And everybody on the film was so paid him to do that.
I came to tell you.
No, he didn't.
He he thinks very highly of you.
And I think you think very highly of him.
And I like Rob.
But I love Moon and Seventh Psycho Pass.
There's a great movie.
No, it z, but so, are you sick of being robbed of Austria?
Sam would be a damn it.
Well, yes, I did.
You get the 2020 r mark.
So the 20 year more?
I hit it a while ago.
Uh, it's a way for us for magic, man.
Thinking those films back to the night.
Yeah, this release.
Hey, man, you know, that's you know it all that stuff.
You know, great things were there.
It's there.
I mean, um, Oscar's Moscow were you or were you wanted to get concerned about it or into it?
Or, you know, I have a couple of nice little trinkets over the years I get the Berlin Silver Bear, which is probably the biggest, um, you know, honor as faras.
That stuff goes, you know, but, um, I'm happy with just getting nice parts, you know, and doing good parts.
You know, lots of keeping a different money's good, too.
It does seem like the first part, like a line in every review of every seven Rockwell movie is you know, the Oscar that's coming, people.
Just the door, You know, That's nice.
Well, that's that's nice to hear.
That's nice to hear.
You feel it.
Do you get the sense of that?
I feel I do feel Ah, nice.
I get a lot of nice bluff from people, and I really appreciate it.
I do feel blessed to be, you know, he deserves it.
Hey, man.
Was interesting with, like, seven.
Uh, something.
You just take the whole thing.
I don't think the holdings take the credit cards.
The whole thing, like cycle patch is kind of like the room for you.
You know, like the way that people feel about Chris Walken.
Still, any time that he's a wanted for Woody or, you know, it was kind of filled with people who people just like you know what?
That was really a smorgasbord of.
Yeah, that was really I mean, you know, it's like that was I said, Yeah.
Woody, Colin.
Chris, What do you calling Chris?
Tom Waits.
I mean, that's, like, five.
Elvis is kinda Yeah, it's like I mean, you know, I don't want to give myself demonstrated credit, but it really is like five fucking kooky guys, man.
I mean, just really fun.
Just really unique.
Being that set was really was really interesting.
Fun to watch things like fun to watch.
Oh, yeah.
All fun to watch This guy's fun to watch.
I think I want to see you wrestle, man.
I want to see what she did.
I'm asking videos, but yeah, really showing people I want to see them.
Rob, Courtney says you should watch his wrestling with Yeah.
Hey, says you were robbed of a wrestling Oscar.
Yeah, I provincialism and I live in Vancouver in the BC provincials I got fourth this year, which is she's not bad because I think my first good.
As far as I'm concerned, I think because I missed a lot of the of the tournaments that year.
And I think I've always I feel kind of almost kind of like a jerk because since I've been doing it since I was three, and it's always just come naturally and all these people have to work so hard, t really develop things.
And it's just kind of always felt kind of natural to me.
And so I think if I had a little bit better technique and a little bit better fitness, I think I think I could do a little bit better.
Better fitness.
Like cross training and planning.
Yeah, I think.
I think you need to start.
Go to Sugar Ray's.
You ever go over there?
Should go over, Go over there.
Your weight class.
And another thing.
Why did your weight less?
My weight class was, uh, this year was 51 kilos, which is, uh, 100 £16 I think.
And, uh, yeah, you got some people.
Your muscles?
No, it's very demanding sport.
Some people, some people lose 10 £15 they're in grade.
They're in the 11th grade and 12th grade.
And I was like, No, I lost like £2 to make 51.
So yeah, that's really That's rough, Charlie.
And people get a lot of injuries.
I've been I've been I've never taken it.
So I take it seriously, but not too seriously like E.
I know some people who take it too seriously, and they're out of wrestling out there.
All done.
They can't wrestle anymore because injuries and stuff, so Well, I think I think I got a balance of it.
Tap, bro.
Don't be like me.
So where you both at Sundance for this?
Yeah, Yeah, we were at Sunday.
We had a great time.
Wasn't shocking how big the response was.
It really was a huge wave of love.
It was really great.
It was really surprising and beautiful.
It was like the Echolls screening was really fantastic.
Yeah, I was really, really happy for Nat and Jim just because they put in so so much into this movie over 10 years, I think it is.
And it was just over the moon for them.
They heard the news.
So was it fun watching the Ripper self perform?
Uh, yes.
And, uh, no, I remember Ah, before a couple of scenes of singing and the dancing scenes.
I said, Wait, I worked on this movie for two months.
I know what seems coming next.
And then I sunk down about this low on my chair, and I didn't want anybody let a Yeah, so but it is very fun to watch.
It is very funny movie, and I was very happy with the outcome.
So how are you saying I like It's okay?
Most of it?
Yeah, Like what I see most of it.
I you know, there's always moments you feel like you could have made better.
Are you comfortable?
Like completely watching the work after you don't know if it's good.
If it's good, If it's not, you can give me creating friends.
Yeah, Yeah, I can go.
Or you could be like, Yeah, that's pretty good.
You know, that was fun.
So will you be nervous Opening day for something like this?
This point?
Not really.
I mean, I've, you know, the movie speed through it speaks through it.
I think the movie speaks for itself.
I think it's a good movie.
Well, yeah, no matter what.
It's gonna be a great movie.
So it's gonna it's gonna have.
I think it's going toe stand the test of time, you know, which is the main thing, you know.
Is that the main thing for you?
Now, when you look at scripts that you want Oh, yeah, sure.
You know, I mean, that's that's, uh my whole career's been like after life, you know?
You know, everything is always ahead.
You know, uh, most of most of the films I've done I've have had after life, you know, which is good.
And in a way that the Big Lebowski didn't do well when it came out.
None of the Cooper movies.
There you go.
Over there.
Ugo Strangelove.
I was only hit when it came out.
Is that right?
So I think it's I think it's Ah, that stuff's very deceiving, you know, But you just look for the right.
Well, since the puzzle are the right character on the right, Yeah, I think you look for, uh, it's the right part.
And then the actors you're surrounded with and the director and the writing, and you gotta have, like, two out of three of those.
You know, even if you don't have all three.
And then I think you can sign, Sign, get, get on board.
You know, And it seemed like a pretty happy movie.
Where everybody was really happy on everybody.
Had a good time.
I had a great time.
Yeah, I had the best time.
I mean, I had a good time.
And I mean, the only the only down was maybe sometimes the sun got a little It was very hot.
It got a little hot, but other than 10 degrees, I think it was a breeze, man.
It was a lot of fun, A lot of fun.
And I expect that Yeah.
I mean, for me is I wish Sam could have stayed for the whole, the whole thing.
But we had a great time of the waterpark together.
And then and then the movie switched over Thio the beach.
Depressing stuff.
Yeah, the terrible mean with Steve Carell.
Yeah, that meanie.
Well, you guys have more time together than any other.
Probably individual parent.
On the whole, most of your scenes were Yeah, all my soldier with him and Maya.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And yeah, I didn't get to work with Steve or Tony or Rob, You know, I get to work with Amanda.
I need to work with those guys.
They've got you over to the chalice.
And I love Alison.
My God.
Love Islam.
Allison Janney.
Yeah, I saw a little bit of them very much.
He just came in and did your thing.
Still my thing I want from that gym.
And that was Yeah, it was it.
Not Jamie over.
There would be a great job in the movie.
I don't know.
They were foreign Glad that they played the parts that they did.
Me too.
They're awesome.
And I'm glad they put themselves in.
You really feel you could feel the happiness of the overall enterprising?
You watch the movie?
Yeah, yeah.
That's cool.
That's good.
I'm glad.
Summer song.
Yeah, yeah.