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Joe Rogan experience.
Hopefully, I get any bravo on the day cheat over there.
Yeah, you get him on.
Cheetos fight is cancelled, right?
So they tried to give him a replacement opponent.
I was hoping they got out the cheetah.
Yeah, He loved your show.
But I love him.
Ah, he, um tough motherfucker he is.
He, uh, was open finally to that it was not love, Sugar.
Shawn, I love how you're taking it too.
Hey, taken it because, you know, I've seen a lot of people I'm talking about, you know?
Are you gonna move the car to enter home now?
Like I'm doing it for sugar shine.
Nona, you gotta You gotta tainted.
Supplement it, Sze These new studies are these new tests.
If they have, they are so fucking extensive.
They catch shit that you did years ago.
That's crazy.
And if you took a tainted supplement with something that has zero performance benefit years ago, it can still show up in your system where, as they used to have, like, I would be out of your system in six weeks.
Especially talked like a gym professor like there's a lot Look, there's a lot of cheating in professional sports.
There's a little cheating for sure, like a a lot of cheating and mmm ah lot, but less than they used to be because of you, Sada and Novitzky.
And what the UFC is implemented 100%.
But supplements are a dirty business.
I know this firsthand from on it from being one of the owners of on it and not even supplements tainted with things that are illegal.
When we first started making Alfa brain, we had it independently tested.
We get all the shit third party tested and we were like, What the fuck is this doing in there?
We had stuff in there that's not supposed to be in there.
Well, it turns out when you get stuff made, like, say, if you have ah, you put together some sort of ah, pre workout drink and you wanna have vitamin B 12 and all these different things in it.
You get those mixed by 1/3 party lab.
This lab mixes it all for you, but you don't know what the fuck they're doing.
You know what?
They don't know that they're not cleaning out their shit so they might have been doing steroids right before they do your ship.
And you're having to make mix you up some creatinine and you're creating has Austrian in it, which is like, What?
Is that some kind of steroid?
I don't know what it is.
It's I'm gonna steroid.
I was talking about a body builder, Mike Rashid, about supplements because, you know, obviously he a bodybuilding.
Yeah, he has a company I think he works with try affected too, or something like that.
And I was just, like, how do how does that happen?
Like these tainted supplements.
And I interviewed him about I'm gonna release it one day how he goes into it.
But you know what body builders, they catch flak because they bodybuilding.
You've got to be on something.
But these guys know they shit.
He has a legitimate business, so I'm sure he does, but most of them are on something.
Look, if you want to get to the size of like a Lee Haney, you don't get that big without steroids.
It's not a human size, you know, when you get to like, um, you know, just just go back and look at like Franco Columbo, ma'am.
Oh, my God.
But but then you looked like Frank seen Frank Scene.
You can get that body without steroids.
What about possible?
What about Frances?
Frances And gonna be, if you started to be a bodybuilding, be gigantic.
Yeah, just naturally, there's natural.
Kamala Guzman is a freak.
Yeah, like Aaron Woodley's.
If yet they freaks rock listeners a freak.
There's freaks.