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  • a What is going on guys today we're taking a look here at the Devil Gundam.

  • This is an old 1 44 scale kids here from all the way back in 1995.

  • And this is a kid that bend that doesn't really do reproduction runs of very often, But they did recently do once.

  • That's why it's got the blue logo on there now because they do to recently reproduce this kid.

  • And so I took the opportunity to pick it up because it's a very unique kid, and it's not always the easiest kid defined just because it's not printed very often.

  • And this is so unique.

  • I think a lot of people tend to buy it up pretty quickly.

  • So despite its age, I think it's still a relatively sought after a kid's faras.

  • Understand is so should be pretty interesting is a really interesting design.

  • Of course, if you're unfamiliar with this design, it's sort of like the big bad of the G Gundam Siri's.

  • I'm a big fan of G Gundam.

  • I know it's kind of got a lot of mixed opinions out there, but I think it's really fun.

  • Siri's and I'll enjoy it a lot since first up here for the artwork on the front, The box of really cool.

  • Just this artwork design.

  • Here, you got the God, Gundam.

  • They're down in the fronts, Of course as well.

  • Let's just take a look around the side of the box here on the top and bottom.

  • Looks like this is a G 10.

  • It's number 10 in Uganda.

  • Siri's of these 1 44 scale gets that were coming out in this line over here, around on the side of the box, you've got to just kind of like a vertical look.

  • Here's what the kid is gonna look like stranded locks and just painted up like that's and then looks to be showing that the overall height of the Gundam itself, like in cannon, is gonna be over 23 meters tall.

  • So that would make it about the same height as, like, the Unicorn, Gundam and destroy mode.

  • So it's gonna be a pretty, you know, pretty tall size H G kit here or one of 44 scale kids, not H G, I should say.

  • And then it does have the transformation into like the, uh I guess is the mobile armor mode when the legs transform into, like this massive Gundam head thing with, like a Gundam upper body sticking out the top of it.

  • So really interesting design here, over on the other side, concede to some of their kids in the line of actually never built any of these kids in this particular line just because the fact that they're pretty dated, I'd rather just wait for a new releases.

  • But here you can see Number one through eight.

  • So I wonder what number nine was in between here and number 10 obviously.

  • And pretty cheap price day for this kid is what I think.

  • It retails for around 1000 yen, so it's not very expensive at all.

  • About the same price is a very cheap HD kit.

  • So as you can see, it's we do have a fair amount of plastic, and here it's not gonna be a very complicated kits.

  • And just because of its age, it's probably gonna be seen lines all over the place on like, not really super detailed.

  • But you do have a good amount of plastic and here, including something that you only see in like these older kids.

  • I'm actually surprised they still do this, but runners in here in the box without any plastic wrap around them, I would expect that this is a new run of this kid, that they would have changed, that they would have just wrapped the runner now.

  • But I think maybe just because of the size of the runner just barely fits in the box of.

  • Maybe if they put the plastic wrap around that way, we'll have some trouble fitting in a box or something.

  • I don't know anyway, but we'll take a little runners here in a moment.

  • First, let's just take a look at this tiny, a cute little manual that it has over the top You.

  • We've got a painted sample build.

  • They're just kind of set out in, I guess, some sort of sand desert area and then down at the bottoms and Japanese information there about it, and then some illustrations of the Gundam in this mobile fighter and mobile armor mode.

  • There the illustrations looking very nice.

  • Obviously the key is not gonna look quite that nice in terms of its just overall proportions, everything opening it up here.

  • We've got color illustrations of that with more information in Japanese, just the mobile armor and the mobile suit mode.

  • They're just really funny over here.

  • A power chart.

  • It seems to be a little bit overpowered in all areas.

  • That's kind of interesting.

  • And then just some sample photos here, just so you can match the colors.

  • Everything's nice detail shots of like, the head of there.

  • And then just again front and back images of that.

  • All right, then, we've got our parts list here, and color guide A colored guy.

  • Go.

  • Where's the color guide?

  • Oh, here it is.

  • Down here.

  • This would be the color guide.

  • I guess so.

  • It's not really in color.

  • You have to read the Japanese there for that.

  • But that'll give you the color mixes for this pretty basic colors.

  • That means red, blue, yellow whites and then, like a kind of dark navy blue.

  • That's pretty much it.

  • Yeah.

  • Anyway, everything else inside there, that is just the construction of it gonna be again, pretty simple in its construction.

  • So let's just move on and take a look at the runners, then, shall we?

  • All right, First up, we do have some foil stickers here.

  • It looks like eyes for, like, the smaller bring them head.

  • And then obviously I stickers for really big ones for the big gun on his head and then other little small camera sticker there.

  • And in these little yellow event stickers, it looks like we got runners PC seven for a public caps here in dark gray and not too many of them.

  • But we will notice something unfortunate is that it looks like it's gonna have the pulley cap hands.

  • It is taking a look at the manual real quick to confirm that.

  • And yet it will be using these PC parts there for the hands, so those are definitely gonna have to be replaced, right?

  • So then this big navy blue runner here is going to be our A runner with basically just the parts there for the legs.

  • Obviously gonna be here in white at the big part for the back of the Gundam head, a big gun and head, and then the small gonna head parts are on there as well.

  • Parts of arms and some other parts as well in white undersea here in red.

  • And it's in that really gross, nasty like eighties and nineties color red plastic, which is just not good at all.

  • So this is definitely something that's gonna look much, much better once it's painted.

  • And lastly, Runner D here for these parts in yellow all the little kind of yellow circular detail parts around on there, as well as the parts for the massive even and the tiny beef in on there as well.

  • So pretty simple indeed.

  • Not a whole lot in there.

  • Shouldn't really take all that long to at least get a snapped up.

  • I don't expect it to look all that great just snapped up a strand of the box, but we'll see here in a moment.

  • Let me get it built up and we'll find out artists trailed box.

  • Here's how it's gonna look.

  • And yet even looking, ah will admit even slightly worse than I expected.

  • But I really shouldn't have any sort of high expectations for get like this from 1995 to look very good.

  • Destroy out of the box up.

  • Okay, you can still see a lot of potential there, and that's the most important thing.

  • Just take a look around the kid in general.

  • I think overall just like this.

  • The proportions, everything is is I also actually pretty good, Like the whole upper body is actually quite nice.

  • The legs actually look quite nice just in terms of like the size and proportions of things.

  • I mean, but it's really sort of around the mid section that I think it where it needs something, and it's just good and be one of those old kits that word is it really needs something Maur like around the joints, especially because you're just seeing their like around the joints, especially, were the legs plug into the center section.

  • There's just like this tiny little rod plugging into like the center of like the lower face.

  • What would we sort of like?

  • The hip section of the kit is?

  • Well, obviously this is going to take some work to get it to really look its best.

  • I think it's not gonna take, you know as much depends on how far you want to go with it.

  • Like I just recently since this has been reprinted, seeing the Japanese builder on Twitter working on this kid, and he did some amazing work on a media a lot more work on it.

  • He really wouldn't have to do really anything.

  • Ah, whole lot to get it really look really nice.

  • Just removing some of the seam lines around on there and then, just like bulking out some of the joints a little bit, just doing some scratch building just to make the joints look a little bit nicer and, like the elbow joints in the hip joints, which will see here in a minute.

  • But anyway, let's just take a collision.

  • Look here at the kids.

  • So first off the head is looking pretty odd.

  • Not very good with just that close to ground.

  • Their work for the eyeless doesn't even look good.

  • And it's the overall shape of the head.

  • I think could definitely use some improvements as well.

  • Admittedly, I know it's gonna be kind of hard to see.

  • It was just this big white blob on there, but definitely could use some work on the chest.

  • Here, you've got a steam line right down the center of the chest that goes up here through the whole center of the body.

  • There you have a seam line down the side of the arm, but it's mostly covered up by these big yellow bits.

  • There there's that.

  • Put a sticker there on the front vents There on the shoulders.

  • You got the other foil sticker here for that circle bit there on the front of the chest.

  • So that is just on this polecat ball joint, which will just be able to move up and down a little bit like that.

  • Of course, you could turn that around a little bit as well.

  • The shoulders just plugged straight onto a peg here.

  • Survey speak.

  • You just have some rotation there.

  • You can see just the simple peg inside there and even bringing the arm in and out.

  • This is the highest you're gonna be able to bring up.

  • The army can't bring it up any higher than that.

  • Although that's a lot of the articulation on this.

  • I feel I could be very easily modified.

  • Thio improve some of the articulation for us.

  • So maybe that would be a some good idea for a future project.

  • But once again, in here too, for the elbow.

  • Joint agency is just that Polly Captain, They're so again just scratch building some bit around there to, like, bulk out that area around the valley cab just so it doesn't look like just the silly Polly cap in there for the elbow joint would be an easy modification to make that look a little bit better.

  • Course steam line down the middle of the army, got the polecat hands.

  • They're so the arm will just rotate here below the bicep, that polecat.

  • And then again for the Yeah, this piece here on the front of the chest doesn't really want to go in and stay in there very well.

  • Just kind of barely held in there.

  • Anyway, The articulation of the elbows, you can see it doesn't really even bend to 90 degrees.

  • It's like not even getting there, but all right, this section here, that which connects the upper body down to the lower body doesn't have any articulation there.

  • It just has this mean it looks like there would be no in theory.

  • But there's not for this particular kid.

  • These big giant beef in bits here could, in theory, be rotated little bit side to side with artists again.

  • Just kind of meant to be stuck there like that.

  • The post occurs here for these eyes again.

  • Look, sort of season, but not really that great.

  • And then this is what I was talking about here, just these pegs in there.

  • And that is the extent that's not like I don't have the legs put pushed on there all the way.

  • But as you can see, it's just a ball joint.

  • It's despondent socket joints.

  • That is where they're supposed to be plugged into on there.

  • See Quincy just again, scratch building something around in there in this middle section.

  • Just kind of fill this big, empty space thing would be a much better look for this thing.

  • This is technically supposed to be a knee right here, and this is supposed to be an upper and lower part like two parts of like, There's no articulation here.

  • This is all one big, solid chunk, so there's only gonna be able to come out to the side to about there, and then you can just, of course, rotate this around a bacon.

  • Bring the leg up this part here for the back of like the sort of back scratchers sort like the back of the Gundam head on top of the Godhead has some movement here as well, but That's kind of for the transformation, which will look at a moment.

  • Just the overall bulk and shape of the legs, I think is pretty nice, but just awful scene.

  • Mind there.

  • And obviously it's not in the right colors.

  • The knee is supposed to be white, and then down here the feet are supposed to be yellow and red, or they're just all this navy blue color.

  • Those just blogged on be a ball joint there.

  • They're gonna be able to move a little bit side to side a little bit for them back.

  • And that's about it.

  • But not all.

  • Too bad to get, like a nice wide stance out of this.

  • For a quick size comparison here, you can see just compared to your average one of 44 scale h g Gundam kit, it's definitely gonna be towering over that, so it's still gonna look like a 11 44 scale designed by just the bulk of it.

  • It looks like a very big, bulky one of 44 skilled kit all rights.

  • As for the transformation, you to take this apart and remove this piece here and then we have an alternate version at longer, one which will use to replace that.

  • So that will just plug up there instead.

  • Plug that back onto their what you could use just while it's in mobile fighter.

  • More if you want to have it like looking like it's attacking or something, I guess sort of looks the bill like that.

  • Then you have this piece here which will plug onto the front.

  • This is, I guess, meant to just go in here in this big, hollow space kind of plugs on onto the center, I suppose, like that.

  • And then basically all there is to it.

  • Just bring the back of the head up and bringing the legs back like that, And that is pretty much meant to be it for transforming into the mobile armor mode.

  • So it's gonna look, I guess, like that and that is it.

  • Let's give you guys a look around the mobile armor mode here real quick so you can see that it's ah, I mean, I guess it certainly could be a lot better, but I mean, there you go.

  • I guess if you wanted to display in mobile armor mode is sort of possible, and from the front I'll admit, like from the front doesn't look all that bad.

  • It's only when you see it from the side or from the back.

  • When you see OK, it's not really doing it quite right.

  • But especially the massive hollow space and underside of the fee is not very convincing.

  • So I think things modification.

  • To make those look like they're closed up as they're supposed to be would certainly help a lot in the convincing look of this.

  • But I don't have face plate onto the front, certainly helps to cover up the hollow space between the legs, so that's not too bad.

  • But I know, aside from the mobile Armor Motors, not really a whole lot that you can do in terms of trying to pose this kiss.

  • I'll try out a couple of things, but they're basically just going to be slight variations of a kind of basic standing pose.

  • And that's really kind of all your and we'll do with this, Unfortunately, so I don't know, really what else you might expect toe to toe want to do with.

  • This is just the nature of the design and the nature of the Gundam.

  • I think just being a standing like, intimidating, big, massive Gundam like that, I think is probably gonna be about the most.

  • Yeah, I guess that you really should rightfully expect out of it.

  • I don't know what really what kind of dynamic poses, you know you would want to do with it like this, but I could definitely see a lot of potential there.

  • And I think it's just because it's such a unique design and it's such a interesting designer.

  • So I think if you wanted to, you know, take the time to put into this kid to make it look better it straight on the box.

  • It's not gonna look good.

  • It's just missing tons of colors.

  • First of all, I just got all the massive seam lines and everything and just the color of straight of the box.

  • You know, it's gonna leave it looking very much like an old chief model kit, which, exactly is exactly what it is.

  • So whether you want to spend a little time or a lot of time, definitely some love and care put into this build is going to make it look even better.

  • And so I think there's definitely a lot of potential to go there.

  • Honestly, the mold is not that bats, even just removing the seam lines.

  • You're giving it a nice paint job, and it's gonna be a pretty fine looking kid.

  • But there's certainly room to go in there, and this even more work onto this could be something that may be a lot to think about.

  • It would be a good candidate thing for a trash to treasure of Siri's in the future.

  • So I'll definitely keep this in mind.

  • Let me know your guys Thoughts on the kit.

  • Is it one that you have are one that maybe you've always wanted to have our Maybe one you've never wanted to have, and you still don't want to have it.

  • I'm interested to know what you guys think about the kiss.

  • If you have another further questions about, of course, do feel free to ask those down below as well.

  • And as always, guys think you're gonna store for their support.

  • I'll see you guys all next time.

  • Thanks, Rajan bhai.

a What is going on guys today we're taking a look here at the Devil Gundam.

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魔鬼高達拆箱和評測 (Devil Gundam UNBOXING and Review)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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