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-Hey, Justin! What's up? -Not much, Jimmy. #Chillin'.
What's up with you?
Just been busy working. #riseandGRIND.
#isitFridayyet? Heh. Heh. Heh.
(chuckles) Hey, check it out. I brought you some cookies.
#homemade. #oatmealraisin. #showmethecookie!
Heh. Heh. Sweet! #don'tmindifIdon't.
Pretty good, #gettinmycookieon. #I'mtherealcookiemonster.
-(audience laughs) -Delicious, right?
#Ididitallforthecookie! #LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLOLOLOL.
#Classic. By the way, did you catch last week's episode of Duck Dynasty?
No, lately I've mostly been watching Netflix,
Oh, nice. I've been watching a lot of Barney the Dinosaur.
#speakingoficeage,Ijustwatched iceageondemandtheotherday.
-Debra! -(audience laughs)
Hey, by the way, Halloween's only, like, a month away.
I know.
I mean, do you know what you're gonna be?
#lifedecisions. #sexyghost?
I think I'm gonna go as a ninja turtle.
#gottaberaphael. #leonardosucks!
#dentalcare. #cavityfree.
-#andwecan'tstop... -#wewon'tstop...
-#werunthis. -#trueplayasforlife!
-#isitworthitwellletmeworkit. -#putmythingdownflipitthenreverseit.
(together) #[inaudible]
(together) #[inaudible]
(knock at door)
Hey, guys?
-Yeah, Quest? -What's up?
(audience laughs and applauds)
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