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I'm Anna Will.
Born from what culture He's filled chambers from what, culture and elimination chamber or as we call it for elimination.
Chain law has just finished.
So we had to tell you what went down and filled chambers.
It just might probably wants.
It probably wasn't probably most of these moments were quite giddy.
Yeah, we had a lovely time.
Yeah, we got some beers and we've been on the stream quite happy.
Well, it was pretty good in places.
Yeah, I think I think it is.
We said we went into a very low expectations.
Yes, it's one of those kind of sleeper shows where you just debris debris didn't seem to care about it going into why should we?
But then they end up pulling off like a pretty decent show.
There's not everything in this in this hole cards that I'm really disappointed with.
But we should caveat that by saying the main event has defied in a lot of really has.
We don't quite understand what was going on.
We had the chat going on, but it was very mixed opinions about whether this was either one of the best elimination shaving matches of all time or on auto pilot poo that nobody should have a word.
You're like a number around.
If you have you seen Shane like you ask any w we found in, particularly in X t fun.
You know how this would go.
But how they should go it arguably?
There was a bit where it dragged.
Maybe when we were waiting for asking to get released from the pod.
But I think he's really inventive and gets her across as what she is.
And what they should have pictures from the beginning, which is just this killer.
I I described her is like panels.
Dread it, run from it.
Destiny still arrives.
She is coming for the role.
Women's championship, a WrestleMania back village.
She's probably choke the life out she did to every single other woman in this month.
I don't understand one if you didn't like that, maybe Ben, I don't know what the Oh, I don't know if you like West.
Yeah, honestly, anyone in this office if we could have picked like if we would have fantasy book this much before going in thing.
Yes, Jana base is gonna win.
How Should you do it, she should choke out every single goddamn person in that match.
The only difference we probably would have had was have a stop joker out Wait for Yeah, Joker, wait five minutes.
But anyway, we'll get to that was running through the God in an order.
And then we will get to the main event we started on The Appreciate Viking might be right.
And Wilkins, I don't.
Then we had Daniel Bryan, which is really interesting, much completely different to anything else on this card.
It was obviously has a story of a girl like knowing everything about Daniel Bryan's moves before going in having a plan, you throw many lands on his neck.
Good move.
Yes, that's generally How do we counter this move?
Let make him land on his neck.
How do I count of this movie making London isn't nearly Tayback himself or Voyager So far.
Any rotated so far over here this back anyway.
But Daniel Bryan emerged victorious.
Review reversing a gulag into the yes, Lock out its technical submission.
Yet didn't he just passed out Basically great opening match.
Just really different nights.
A technical, but also just hardheaded good stuff.
We follow that with the United States championship match.
Andrade defending his title against Roberto Corio.
I mean, we all kind of know this is probably leading to a four way match for that United States Championship at WrestleMania.
So this was kind of just another step on that road Andrade retained after a been entertaining match, but kind of a match that we've seen a few times on Monday night.
Yeah, I was gonna say we've seen a lot of different iterations of this much on what is probably gonna be the video match anyway.
But you put these guys in a wrestling ring, it's gonna be good you want.
There's no way it's not gonna be a good match stirring up some angel guards in some Rey mysterio in there.
It's gonna be fantastically Yeah, The matter itself was very good, as you'd expect from these two.
Andrade eventually winning, rolling up, using the types that they're doing that thing, you know, they do eligible pin falls.
Andranik grabs the tights on Bo kicks out 3.1.
Basically, he's still protected.
There will be campaign to get another match that will eventually lead to hopefully a fatal for way much United States title on WrestleMania.
First elimination.
Jamie Match came next off the evening.
It was for the Smackdown tag team tiles on.
There's a lot to get into here.
They're really starting to remember who likes to talk about.
Oh, it's running through this, that we forget about everything about the part.
Not like a Goldberg when he speared Jericho's real When I Jax run through it, he left this chamber.
Yeah, he was finally going to get his hands on Dolph Ziggler.
After a while, it's turning me bloody Dolph stealing.
Monday Rose from you lot went on before this.
It was running at six.
Ziegler moved out the way the very last minute as well.
Like it was close.
He almost got taken with him.
But strength through the park to the outside, which I don't think we've ever seen before.
And he was pretty much dead.
That was It was like, uh, may get up.
Oh, it's clean.
No, it's not going to make before that as well.
We had a Lindsay Dorado just disappear for five minutes, and then finally, when we saw him, he was at the top of the chamber dangling down from his arm, did a backflip Salt moon salt thing wanted everyone.
Everyone didn't mind because he's partner grandmaster like, immediately eliminated with their compactor.
Machinery have machinery, were then subsequently eliminated after the Otis Thing, by the way sharp talker who did a somersault off one of the pods, which is no mean feat.
But yes, left alone without notice.
Hey said Come to Dolph Ziggler, Robert Room with the super kick on.
Then with a glorious DDT, they eliminated by the new show, said the big double splash from the corners got them out on.
And I've really enjoyed the New Days elimination because Kofi was jumping off.
The top of it was jumping off.
The part of the guy moved out the way, and he landed really awkwardly on his legs and, like, fell down and it looks really nasty.
And then just both.
The message on Morrison scrambled into the ring as quickly as they possibly could.
Both covered him and got him out.
It was just a really creative, interesting way to do it on keep their hell here at the same time, and then they retained their titles with really explain a couple of minutes.
They're in the final moments with them on the new SOS.
Lots of near falls on.
Then the maze went to pin one of you, so I'm really sorry.
I don't know which one.
It waas poise, feet on the roads.
Whilst he was doing that, John Morrison flipped over the top ropes over both and helps with the pin.
Either way, they also a lot of pin going on.
Hey, they are still the Smackdown tag team champions, and they're gonna be unbearable on smack down.
As a result, it no t to match next.
Alistair Black versus A.
Stiles with Gallows and Anderson ringside, just in case, because it was a no de que match now story this match A J.
Stiles basically targeted us to blacks leg.
Andi just took out his knee from the most of the match.
Didn't really matter, because acid like him, with the meaty aura off one of the announced tables through a table at gunpoint.
Then eventually there was kendo sticks being used in there.
But the numbers game finally, courts are so backed.
Just you looked like you might be about to win gathers non come in 1,000,000,000 down, beam down, being down.
Set him up for a phenomenal form.
They're holding him up basically on then Dong the undertakers Dong it's he appears in the ring lights come back on He's choking out both Luke gallows and call and missing Kind of chucks them at the ring for a day Goes for the phenomenal for I mean it kind of turns around, Grabs him choke slam Then let's go off again we undertake it dissipates and the lights come back on Alistair Black hits one of the most deadly looking black masses of everything on a J.
Stiles and make my joy mental.
This is a really good match, but kind of marred by the fact that you just kind of wait in there that dung hit about the whole thing.
Just there Go.
When's the dawn will come.
If we weren't expecting the Dong, this match probably would have been a lot there, but because we were just desperate for the dong, the rest of it kind of just like Okay, get in the dong.
So it was good, So don't don't roll.
Attack team ties are on the line Next.
As the street problems faced off against Seth Rollins on Murphy on Dhe, this was another good match a match really wear.
It was a lot of stuff before we seen with them competing with each other on Monday night raw.
But the boy Popper himself turned up.
You feel looking if you just see the crowd back?
What's going on?
Because they're a beach ball back ahead of WrestleMania.
No, it was Kevin Owens with pop car.
Showed up with a very important keeper.
So we walked through the crowd.
He hot the barricade.
Seth Rollins was that he got a face full of popcorn in a wonderful shot There was set on his furious with one piece of popcorn in his thigh on then and door consorted.
I suppose it was like a pounds, wasn't it?
Just smash them into the barricade on then.
Unfortunately, Murphy was left all alone.
Yeah, uh, having they were taking a lot of the offense, to be honest, Mr Match.
He got hit with a picture.
Perfect frogs.
Bush from Mont s Ford with 123 Afterwards, Kevin Owens obviously came into the ring But even if it was on the outside that runs in the ring, that one turns around into the stunner after you very carefully placed his popcorn down to make sure it didn't get ruined, hit him with a massive stone or resold it like a champ on Daz, Kevin Owens was wondering off the ramp in his popcorn.
Just saw Buddy Murphy land for just poured a beer pop going over.
And I just carried on walking good, wonderful car waiting to be following up on Monday night Roll.
The Intercontinental Championship match was next.
Of course, this is a three on one hand.
He can't match bronze Roman defending in Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and Sami.
Zane, This was brilliant.
This was great stuff.
This is so much better than it had any, right?
Going into this, we were kind of pitching our booking decisions about how they were gonna have von Strohm Squatch, all three of them, basically, because we just assumed that that was what was gonna happen because it's W w a cast born.
We just beat three years on pay per view.
Why wouldn't they?
Well, that wasn't the case.
The numbers game finally called to him.
He still I'm very excited.
He's yet to lay a finger on.
Somebody should say before this is well said his name was in a promo just before they walked out, talking about how bones Roman has never laid a finger on him and how there are these other two guys should just make sure to stay in the corner.
Kasumi Zane's gonna take most of this match you'll be finding is that he's got bronze, Roman.
It was about to start the match immediately.
Tag straight back out.
And like, Don't just set the hell tone for Sami's Aidan right pit, where the whole map Bronson was saying up to do is big runaround.
Think, think Sami tried to jump him and then run away and in the prices for anyway, brought someone ran over.
She's going back, Amora answers are, Oh, but the finish was a thing off.
Sorrow was having some big moves on Braun, Strom and then the referee because his arms legal Manda referee gets distracted with him.
Shinsuke Nakamura hits a Kinshasa between Oh, that was it.
Bronze rumor gets magnetic groom post of closer into the ring.
Then he gets a Kinshasa basically between it was brought from his head, more knee and the ring post on.
Then Sami Zane hits this big, helluva kick duplex in through the table of Sami.
Zane pins, frauds German.
He's the intercontinental champion, and he celebrates quite rightly, like he's defeated that monster because he has on dhe.
Still at the end of this match borns German is not laid a finger on Sami.
It is so good.
I don't know.
Well, I'm pretty sure Sammy Zane has gained some like puppy.
Fuck, yeah, just cause it's kind of funny to have this skinny fat to these problems.
German for the I C title.
You were doing a big muscle pose at the end.
We just got this little flabby stomach.
Hilarious Main event.
No waas The elimination chamber for that spot to face a Beck image for the role.
Women's championship at WrestleMania 36.
We start off with Ruby, right?
And Natalia, I don't know what to tell you about this.
I've forgotten all about it.
They did some wrestling.
Natalia fell over.
Sarah Logan came in and nearly killed the salad here would like a joining the Yeah, and they tell you just went flying.
But doesn't mind that because there was a moment where all three room were down and we were there.
Interesting live.
Morgan comes in.
Actually, she told however, that Shane a bass came in on two.
Eliminated two women.
When basil?
Well, no.
Yeah, 25 seconds.
She went straight for Sarah Logan.
Basically just picked her up off the floor in the curfew to collect.
Tapped out straight away.
And she just went straight to Revere Ware.
And pretty much did the exact same thing lifted her up.
Out she goes, Bye bye.
Italia tried to put a bit of offense.
Yeah, and for that was thrown into a part and then had the pod door closed on her toe Just again and again and again.
And then when she's all thank all that's finished, care for you to coach s o your passion out and actually goes.
And then finally, it was just Bassler on dhe.
Ask her in, apart and living apart.
I should point out as well ask you with bloody brilliant throughout this entire match, I've never seen someone cut amazing promo from appalled.
Yeah, they took.
I don't understand.
By the way, you talk about maximizing your minutes in a in a match.
She was barely wrestling that she won't like, what, four or five minutes of actual wrestling.
And she was so, so good in this matter just by being in apart.
People should watch her figure out how to do this because she's brilliant.
Morgan came out like, Okay, here we go.
Yeah, me and you won't get off that Ono on ended up that Yes, you just beat up for a while are the get it?
Like, holding the legs and flicking around.
And she threw it into the chains of the side of the animation That looked pretty bad.
And she went back again into the pardon.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, it's like place Augusta makes a loud noise.
Yeah, I'm a camera with anyway.
Really well, but Jesus Christ, you don't reworking.
It ended up that basically Shane a basil was staring down a NASCAR whilst lifting up live morgan off the ground in the corner, staring dead eyes through aska until live.
Morgan just passed out basically on then still, while staring asked, You just chucked it on the floor not taking our eyes off asking for this whole time.
Then there was a bit of a delay, which I could understand.
The crowd were a bit weird tonight about their reports, but from what seems like Bryan Alvarez, they weren't a huge fan of tonight.
And obviously I saw slow main event with Sarah Sarah Basil who?
Shane a baseless or pacing around, just taunting the one.
Not gonna help matters.
But that's that's meant to be.
It's her character.
She's not.
I wouldn't have liked it if in Italian command and doing a bit of offense with Shane or Morgan had been like right.
Well, I'm rested.
You've just taken out three people, so I'm gonna get some offensive know Shaner Bassler is a legitimate killer, is a former M M A fighter, and I realized that we've seen a lot of that injury degree recently, but she should not be having any trouble with Live Morgan.
And she didn't the only person she'd have any trouble with which he did was asking.
Yeah, absolutely.
So, yeah, I can understand where the criticism might come when it's just your sat watching Gina.
Baseless Steira asking a good couple of minutes.
Really, we'll just head over there at that point.
Yeah, I get it bought at the same time.
Both of them were putting in such great character work of just being absolutely badasses.
A NASCAR just refusing to back down to Shay.
No with brilliant.
Anyway, the pods eventually opened.
A NASCAR came in at a bit of a back and forth for a while, and then you just went out.
There's a moment where she basically she anybody's the gains.
The upper hand after they're both start brawling on the outside by huge utilizing, asked his engine, bending it around the rope.
He looked horrible.
He was kicking it well, yes, and then she grabs it with you.
But that gave the advantage that took.
Ask it down to a knee, just kicked her, kicked her right in the face.
Yeah, and that took her down.
There was a bit where they were.
They were trying to exchange.
She's going for the cure.
A few to clutch asked was going to ask a lot.
Ask was trying to reverse your payroll so they couldn't quite get the pin on it.
It was good.
It was like it was like wrestling was a scramble.
That's what he's meant to be on, then.
Yes, eventually, Shane, obey the locks in the car.
If you watch ask, you can see the life slowly draining her arms.
Drop down.
She has bean eliminated, and that is that the light is flashing.
How long's that mean?
We've got left on a couple of minutes?
S Oh, yeah, that's it.
Shane obeys there is heading to WrestleMania toe face.
Becky Lynch Old and I really enjoyed the show.
I don't know what it was.
Just I was having a good time.
Yeah, always when you're doing it on a livestream like, it's kind of excuse it a little bit because you always think like it's a bit better than it was, but like judging by the comments like that main event developer, divided people and I honestly, honestly do not understand how you can, but like it, like people worried about databases not winning the royal rumble.
I kind of get it.
Now, with Charlotte obviously challenging for the next championship, this is how you build it.
Shona Basil as a terrifying threat for Becky Lynch was watching gangster.
And now you've got this unstoppable monster in China Basin going up against the reigning defending women's jump.
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What culture to interview.
This has been elimination chamber.
What went down?
Maybe maybe no.
Well, judge in a couple of days.
Mexican James, Thank you for watching.
We will see.