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Hi there, everybody.
My name is Richard McMunn from the interview Training company.
Pass my interview dot com on in this tutorial undone to give you a brilliant answer to the interview question.
Why do you want this job now?
This interview question is guaranteed to come up during every single interview you attend, and the answer that I'm going to give you in a second can be used during any interview.
So it's applicable to any kind of interview whatsoever.
Sir, please do stick around because I promise you the answer is perfect and it will gain the highest scores possible now before I'll give you that answer.
A very warm welcome to this interview training tutorial.
My name is Richard, but one that's me there in the center.
The bold chap on dhe I always provide you with top scoring answers.
I'm a former firefighter.
When I did that job for about 17 years and after the last 20 years, I've been helping people to pass their interviews through these training tutorials.
Now, please do subscribe to my channel by clicking the red button below the video, and I would also very much appreciate it if you gave the video thumbs up.
Thank you very much.
Now, how do you answer the interview question?
Why do you want this job now?
This is important.
Give the interview panel of following three reasons for wanting the job.
Reason number one.
Tell the interview panel the skills and qualities you have or a clear match for the job description.
So tell me into a panel.
The skills and qualities you have are a clear match for the job description, and I'm gonna put all of this in a second into one answer to the interview question.
The second reason.
Reason Number two tell the interview panel that having researched their company, their reputation on their future plans make them very attractive to work for.
So you've researched their company, and you say that their reputation and their future plans make them very attractive toe work for than reason.
Number three.
You then tell him that this is a job you believe you can excel in, and on that basis you plan to stay with them for a long period of time, which is going to be attractive.
Tow any interview panel.
So let's know, put all of that together in one brilliant answer to the interview question.
Why do you want this job?
Here we go.
Having studied the job description in detail, I believe the skills and the qualities I possess are a strong match for the role.
In addition to this, having researched your organization extensively both your reputation and your ambitious plans for the future, but you're very attracted to work for now.
Finally, this is a job I believe I can excel in, and on that basis of arms successful interview today, I plan to stay with you for a long period of time.
That is a great answer now.
I've put a copy of that in the description below the video, so you can use it.
Also, if you would like a further 20 ray answers to top interview questions, there is a link.
This appeared right there, the top right hand corner off this video.
It will take you through to my website here, which is called past my interview dot com, and there's 21 great answers to tough interview questions.
There's one there.
Tell me about yourself.
Why do you wanna work for our company?
When have you provided excellent customer service Why do you want to leave your job?
What's your biggest weakness?
The list goes on, and I spent a lot of time creating brilliant answers to those interview questions to take a look at that as well.
I hope you've enjoyed that tutorial.
I love teaching you how to pass your interviews on.
Please don't get, subscribe and give the video I like.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate that.
And if you have an interview coming up, tell me what you've got coming up in the comments section below the video.
And I'd be more than happy to tell you what interview questions to prepare for.
Thank you for watching.
And I wish you all the best.
The passing, your interview, quite passing your interview questions.
Have a brilliant day.