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  • Hello, Rick America, certified Financial planner.

  • And today I'm bringing you some important financial and personal days to be aware of at this time of the year.

  • The first and foremost to take a look at is the dates and deadlines for the 2020 health insurance coverage.

  • This is from healthcare dot gov, and what they say here is that the 2020 open enrollment period runs from Friday, November 12 Sunday, December 15th.

  • So in a couple of days that will be the open enrollment for that.

  • If you don't act by December 15th you can't get 20 ton and coverage unless you qualify for a special enrollment period and plan sold during the open enrollment period start effective January 1 of 2020.

  • The other important date that you need to know about is daylight savings time.

  • It ends on Sunday, November the third.

  • So remember on Saturday to go ahead and fall back right.

  • Set your clocks back one hour because daylight savings time will be over on 2 a.m. The following day.

  • November the third.

Hello, Rick America, certified Financial planner.

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