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uh, gentlemen, ladies, you guys can pocket throw down Paul's.
Not even a little bit way were in the back.
We were working.
The distance.
Find your jab.
Work that.
And they look for takedowns.
Look for the finish from the grappling, which we almost had it, but we didn't.
It's okay.
And then there's this thing with getting hit and then as soon as I get hit by my first thing is like, I have to hit them back harder.
It works for me.
Doesn't work for me.
Thank God.
Tonight it worked.
You see that moment?
We're like, All right, now, come on.
No one's happiness of the world.
You mean consciously.
Are you thinking like I got a pullback reset?
You know, if I'm really hurt, I'm gonna pull back.
I'm gonna be smart Circle, whatever.
I wasn't hurt.
And, uh, because I wasn't hurt, I was pissed.
So I I gotta find a way to be like a chill dude.
Um, that voice inside my head that just says, Oh, okay.
We're doing this, and that's what happened.
And men throughout the week, I'm, like, fight smart, be smart.
Control the distance.
This that.
And that's it.
I mean, obviously you weren't really emotional.
Preflight kind of was, didn't you?
That plane Miley told not to this guy?
No, no, honestly, I get it, bro.
I get it the way the game is like we have toe.
We have to portray certain a major whatever to get the certain fights.
And, um, I get it, man, the guy's trying to feed his family.
The guy's trying to provide for his house.
I'm gonna hate on that.
How am I gonna be like, Oh, this'll guy not know, bro.
You know, if he won, I would've congratulated said good for you a little bit.
You know, I wish the rough was a little bit more aware of what was happening because I had the choke sunk in, I think two or three times and then he would because of the way the gloves are.
It's really bulky up here, so the fingers kind of stand out.
It's on his fault.
I put my chin over my hand so he can't grab my glove, But he does grab the fingers and, like, I don't know what to do about that.
I have to figure something out.
It's not something I'm like.
A rough every time is like No, no, Benny, you figure it out.
I don't, uh Don't leave me on Amanda.
Uh, you know, God willing, I'll get a bonus.
If not, I'm still so grateful.
But the thing is, I got to bonuses.
My last two fights and I was able to put those towards my house in a wedding.
I have a project that I'm working on.
If I get this bonus, man, I'm gonna go for this project.
I got a little I don't talk about it, but I'll talk.
I'll talk about I think it's worth mentioning.
I got a little project and hated going on, man, you know, we have a feeding program there.
I started feeding program about five years ago, and then we just built the school recently, Uh um, myself in our church, we were able to build a school, if I can.
If I get this bonus, I could get one year's worth of finance for a I'm trying to do an orphanage.
It's gonna be about 20 or 30 kids.
So that's my goal.
If if I get this, it'll be right away.
If not.
I'll continue to work and get it done by the end of the year.
I am in a lot of emotions going on.
I think early does make sense.
But I also promise, Marvin, I'm gonna go out there and corner him.
I promised my wife I would take her on a honeymoon since we just got married.
And I told her, Hey, I'm going straight into full training camp.
Uh, but you know what?
I can stay in shape in that time.
So if I'm not injured, man, I ideally a quicker return, not six months.
Man, six months is too long.
Like four months.
It was good.
Three months is good, but just not six months, it you get out of the war zone, and if you get out of the war zone too long, it's really hard to get back in here.