Sotoday I'm gonnarecapwithyouaboutthe l A marathon.
I didmyfirst l A marathononSunday.
ThatwastwodaysagoandOh, myGod.
Itwas a blast.
Itwasquite a rush.
I wasverynervousgoingintoit.
But, youknow, intheend, I pr I beatmybestmarathontimeby 30 minutes.
I camethisclosetosubfourand I justhad a reallygreattime.
I hadsomuchfunafterwards.
Itwas a beautifulcourse, andthevolunteersweregreat.
I mean, I don't knowwhatelse I couldsay.
Besides, it's fun.
That's a joke.
That's a lie.
I have a lot I cansay.
Sowhen I startedout, I postedmyracestrategyvideo.
I said I wasgoingtotakeitslow, andthen I gottothecourseandeverythingflewoutthewindow.
I, uh, I'm always a fairlyconservativepersonwhenitcomestoracing.
I'm a fairlyconservativeperson.
Whenitcomestotraining, I tryanddothingstherightway.
Andthistime I justkindofwantedtogoallout, so I startedout a lotfasterthan I shouldhave.
I wasverytired.
Bymile 12.
I gotmybesthalfmarathontimeever.
I knewthat I wasoncoursefor a PR, but I alsoknewthat I mighthaveburnedmyselfout.
I gotThioMile 16 and I wasstilljusthangingin.
Youknow, I onlyhave 10 milesleft.
GottoMile 20 andohmyGod, I triedtojustputasmanycaloriesas I couldandmyself, but I didn't wannahavetomestomachissuesandhavetokeepstoppingforthebathroom.
I metupwithmyreallygoodfriendaroundMile 23.
Sheis a runnerextraordinaire, andshehadbeenrunninglikefourorfivepeopleintothefinishline, pacingthemonthecourse, andshecaughtupwithmeandpulledmethrough.
I justimaginedthatshewasrunningtheraceforme, and I wasjustcoastingbehindher, and I triednottoletmylegsstopmovingforthatlast 30 minutes, threemilesandjustjustkeepgoingum, waymadeit.
I crossedthefinishlineandtomysurprise, hadenoughfuelinthetanktosprintthelast, like 10 feet, lettingoutthislikeanimalyellow.
Itwashellonthecourseforthoselast 10 miles.
Myfeetwereburning, mylegshurt, but I embracedit.
I knewthatthiswaswhatitwassupposedtofeellike.
I wassupposedtobeinpain, eventhoughthiswasjust a marathondistancewise, I feellikeit's thefirstracewhere I reallyfeltlike I amanultrarunner.
I got a hugeblisteronmytoeat, like, mild 10.
Andthenyouhad a longwaytogoand I wasjustgonnahavetorunthroughit.
I know.
I wasjustgonnahavetorunthroughthat.
I feltlike I wasgonnadie.
I can't thinkingtomyself I'm gonnadie.
I'm gonnadie.
I'm dying.
But I knewobviouslythatwasn't true.
I knewthat I couldkeepgoing, and I toldmyself, You'rejustgonnahavetokeeppushingdigdeep, digdeepwaswhat I repeatedtomyself.
Thatwasmymantraforthisracewasdigdeepbecause I knewthat I coulddoit.