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Hey, everybody, It's complimentary.
Welcome back to my channel.
And I have an awesome review that at the warning do for you guys.
So I hope you like it.
And today I'm going to reviewing, Reviewing can talk today.
But let's try that again.
Tha this guy right here here is the box art So freaking cool.
As you guys know, abscess when obsessed.
Let's not use that word.
I love gonna wing.
I mean, that's what started off for me, so I was pretty.
But when they were released, this guy I'm super excited for Sandrock coming out, I think.
September, somewhere around there, Um, Sandrock is actually my second favorite mobile suit from the Gundam franchise.
Gonna win franchise?
First one's gonna wake, of course.
Gonna We will hear you.
He has my boo thing.
Sandrock was my second favorite suit, so of course, I was pretty pumped to get this brunch suit.
But before we get started, I want to give a huge thank you to sponsor my channel and you take each co dot com you want have a link down description below two up saying, Don't forget to use my cold compliment.
You'll save yourself 10% off your total order.
Now let's continue.
So again, this is a boxer.
It's pretty freaking cool to me.
There's a bunch of a bunch of the background.
I just think it looks pretty cool.
Here is thesis I TTE of the box to get some cool posing.
You know, you get similar articulation off the kid.
It is a pre tiny box, kind of like the high grade Leo.
So kind off the bat, know that it's gonna be someone of a tiny kitten, not money.
Trees to go.
Trays, trees, trees, trees that come inside Here is the other side.
If I could get this camera focus, there we go.
Here is the other side of the box, not one and lastly, that side.
So I know you guys or I don't know if you have her There is a waas ap Vanya release of this guy with, I think with, like what, 35 of them in there, which was like 300 reformed or something dollars, unless I read the conversion wrong, but I definitely not getting that because that's just I can't imagine building 35 of these things, But if you guys like him that much?
There is an option for you to acquire 35 of them.
I'm pretty sure it's 30 for 30 or 35 kids.
But anyways, let's get started into reviewing the kid.
So in terms of accessories, you get on Lee two hands and they have holes in them to hold weapons.
No, open open fists.
I'm No, I like to see that.
Oh, no.
Open hands, no close hands.
Just these two.
We've been holding hands.
Get this, Our acts looking weapon right here.
One solid color.
But again, you could always paint this right here a chrome or silver or even a kind of heated orange glow to it to make it look like it's activated.
But you do get this A beam rifle right here.
Seam lines are a little battle in this thing.
Not a lot of detail, but it doesn't look bad, right?
I kind of like the way that it looks its shape.
It's an interesting one again, once all the color.
But you can make this look nicer if you just pin it up a little bit.
And lastly, you get the shield which actually looks really good, because looking on, look at all these service detail that you get on here Very interesting, all these panel lines.
So I kind of like the way it looks and you get some detail on the bottom as well.
This is where the Eagles snapped into his arm.
But that's it.
In terms of accessories, not a whole lot.
But then again, this kid is like, what, 9 $10 Like you can't really beat it for what comes in the box.
You do get two sets of stickers.
Here are these kind off, like tattoo ish looking numbers to me, for some reason, Kind of looks like a, um What's that brand I'm thinking of?
You know, that one that has, like, that kind of looks like tattoos, and you see tigers on it and stuff.
But anyways, this is what it kind of reminds me off.
I do not really like this fund.
I will not be using these.
And you get some more stickers on here for the armor, not a whole lot.
So I can't complain there.
So let's take a look at the articulation of the kit.
His head can move forward and backwards.
Little giggity, giggity action, left and right.
It's somewhat obstructed because of the way how his launching hits a chest.
But okay, I popped it off.
But there is a pretty decent amount of articulation at the neck and head.
Just get it back on here.
There we go, all right.
In terms of the shoulders, they can move forward and backward for There's a huge amount of movement, which is pretty nice.
Had the oboe, you do a four Ben and or almost a full bend.
Now, this is what kind of throws me off.
It's like I don't know what this is, but it kind of like trips me up.
I feel like there's something missing right here.
I don't know.
Maybe that's just me.
I don't know how you guys feel about this, but it's just kind of looks odd.
And I don't know what this kind of reminds of like Mickey Mouse right here that two years and the head I don't know.
It just looks like Mickey Mouse, but anyways, that's the elbow.
Gan Hand has full motion because it is just a ball joint at the waste.
Each flap can move individually and forward and backwards.
Not so much to the Sykes.
It'll just come right off.
These also have a range of motion.
Everything is just popping out for me today.
It only what's going on.
But anyways, there is movement there.
In terms of the boat skirts.
There is no movement there stagnant.
These have just a minute.
I mean, not even really.
I wouldn't even call it movement.
They're just stuck there.
You can't really do much with those in terms of thes in terms of the ab crunch, he does have a little bit of a wiggle.
Not super, but not bad.
You can still hope, you know, I can help you pull off some moves.
He can go from side to side for 3 16 Oh, these do move as well up in town in terms of the me just about to go completely, all the way to the back.
You see how this joint looks so much nicer than the elbow?
You know, this is acceptable to me.
I don't know what it is about this that I just don't like something.
Just I don't know what it is.
It's just doesn't look right to me.
And in terms of the ankle can go forward and backward has very slight range.
Right here.
Um, I wish I had a little bit of more.
A little bit of more motion, but, you know, can't complain again for a high grade kit.
This also has a little bit of motion.
It can go up and down, and that is it in terms of his articulation.
So overall, I can definitely recommend this kid.
Now there are some pet peeves.
Oh, I can't speak today.
Pet peeve of mine.
That this kid has one are the joints.
They look a little off to me, especially that oboe joined.
And it kind of just the neat one is.
Well, you can see it just looks like there's something missing there all alongside the ankle joint, too.
I'm not very fond up because it doesn't.
Um how do I say this?
You can't bend it or bend it, bend it too far.
Because as you can see, this is as far as I could get with mine, because it's gonna hit this.
You know, Ang korma right here.
So it's kind of annoying in terms off possibility because you can see here is.
Foot is kind of elevated off the ground.
It's not touching.
I don't know if you can tell on the camera.
Probably comes around this way, you can see.
So he's not very well supported.
Just the slightest bit of, Ah, you know, nudge.
And he's gonna go right on over just cause it's not well supported.
So those are some of the annoying things that I would have to say about the kit.
It's nice that he has a minimal amount of Deco, so you don't have to put a lot of stickers on him just on Lee.
A few ones and pretty much the big ones are right here on the shoulder, shoulder, shoulder armor pieces.
Are these air all stickers right here?
They did not come yet, Like put them on.
He's go for.
So these pieces right here, pretty much the only stickers and on the front as well.
So, again, a lot of stickers color separation is pretty nice on the kid.
I actually really enjoy the Browns and the yellows.
I don't think I'll be painting him because I've kind of actually like the way he looks at the box.
Maybe just will remove some of the numbers that he has, as you can see on the foot and a little bit right here in the stomach and some of the armor pieces.
I'll remove those and just for him with a flat top code.
Because again, I kind of like the way that he looks outside the box.
One minor issue that I do have with him e mean I won't even call an issue is he doesn't have a lot of surface detail.
What, again?
That's something you can easily fix but describing and describing in some Pan alliance.
But, you know, I don't even know if that's fair for me to say that, because again he's like a $10 high grade like you can't really complain.
At $10 he has pretty much a good amount of detail ing for a $10 kid.
Like I'm pretty surprised that, you know, band, I was able to pull this off.
It just the $10 range, I think is amazing.
Especially just look at that, you know, shield right here.
Not the whole key could have this amount of detail ing it would look even better.
But you know, he doesn't look very boring.
It's just mostly in terms of the lower legs.
It just feels like there's something missing in this area to me.
But again that can be fixed if you just describe in your own panel lines.
And again, he doesn't have a lot of accessories.
But again, for 10 bucks, you can't really complain up.
This was a $20 kit then, yes, I would be a huge issue with me that you're paying 20 bucks for like, little to no accessories.
But, you know, for 10 bucks he comes with the accessories.
You can't you know, I can't really see anything.
But about that, I like the, you know, accent.
He has a gun and he has a shield.
You can't put the shield on the back of this clipper here, and the acts can also clip into hiss.
But waste armor and they could put the gun on his hand instead.
Don't not terrible, you know, overall, I can definitely recommend him.
I give him a solid eight out of 10 for me and that's it for the review.
I hope you guys like it big.
Thank you to us again.
And for sending me this kid, if you like shopping on the Web site, don't forget to use my code, Millie.
Tend to save yourself 10% off.
So let me know down the comments below other kids you would like me to review and talk about on this channel again.
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I'll catch you guys around.