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it was going on.
Guys were kicking off frame arms month here, taking a look at the style it interceptor Ari.
So this is basically just again already just means that it has the improved or the updated inner frame, therefore, that the architect frame and this is just a version of the style it that has the interceptor parts on it.
So it's a little bit different, and actually, you can get the parts as a separate part set that would be extend arms 04 for the style it.
So basically, that's just gonna be in different colors.
So if you don't get this particular, you can still pretty much make this.
So are they know it's got all the parts to make exactly like this is gonna be different colors, the parts that I believe is in the same colors to match the original style.
It kids.
So if you got the original kid and the parts that separately, it would just be in the original close.
This one is in different colors.
Obviously, in this kind of gray color scheme, they're not the most colorful thing, but it has a very utilitarian or can a realistic militaristic kind of style.
Look to that second, See a couple of them.
They're fighting what looked to be just architect frames pretty much there in the background.
Not really sure what's going on, but still pretty cool action scene here for the front of the box.
As always, guys, huge get us.
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Zach earliest.
And so check that out.
So I've never built the original style like it I have about the frame arms girl style.
It's a while back that was actually the 1st 3 arms girl kit that I built, and I pretty much enjoyed that.
But this one is going to be a little different, obviously.
So let's take a look around here on this side of the box, concedes just basically the same artwork there again, this is 07 and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that s means that it's part of like the special like variant Siri's of free mom.
So, like the regular kids just have a number.
It's a three digit number City like 007 or 0 to 5 like that.
The S ones are the different variants.
So this being obviously, in a variant of the style, it it's got that different marking on there.
So we're going on to the bottom of the box, can see there's lay out all the parts that's basically got all the parts here to make the style, and these are gonna be all the extra parts that, like I said, I would be available in the separate set if they can get separately.
But all gonna packed in here.
I got some really cool new weapons there, of course, for that new head for it's a new armor is cool.
Really cool.
New shoulder armor options for this kind of larger one and a much larger one there.
You can convert that from the original shoulders weapons.
It's got the mini gun and missiles there, and guts looks like I think to you.
I've got a set of two of those.
You can double up with those on both armed.
There's little action pose there going around to the top of the box.
There's nothing here.
What we do have.
The list price for this is 5400 so not so bad as you see.
It's a pretty thick box here, so you've got a lot of stuff in here again, with it being the original kit, plus the extended arms thing.
That's not good price.
You can get it together like this.
It probably, I guess, about the same, if not a little bit cheaper than buying them separately.
It seems like so I just got a bunch of parts in here.
Obviously, it's just mostly all different shades of gray and, unfortunately, no water slide for any markings for this, which is kind of usual for frame our muskets.
Most of them don't usually come with water slides, but always just kind of wish they would.
It's just kind of a shame they don't.
But I hear is the manual there just got a nice photograph of the kit there on the front and a couple of the kind of action poses they're shown in the background a little bit there as well.
On the back is our color guy, and for that again?
Just different shades of gray.
Mostly so nothing really too much there.
But it's all in Japanese.
If you want to check the exact colors, check that out.
Opening up to the center page.
We've got a bunch of information here on Japanese battle graffiti there, just about the story or background of this particular unit or this particular version of the style.
It again, just the layout of all the parts, their specs on those details about the different things.
What that all is.
But course again, it's all in Japanese going up to the front page.
We got our parts list here, so a bunch of parts there, it looks like they've got it, separated all the parts there for the style and then all the extend arms for and says even has marked here.
Extend arms.
Four parts are there, marked off separately, and the architect frame also separate box off there.
So I've got plenty of runners in here, and so the construction we'll give you a few different options.
They can see building different styles of that.
However you want to build that still have some options with that's years building up the torso here, first backpack, torso and in arms and the legs skipping over a centre page got the full body than altogether and then looks like we're getting into some of the different options.
So if you want to build a little differently, it's just showing you how to build the different optional parts for that.
The weapons there as well.
The new head and just some other new parts for that and other weapons and all of that to your then at the back as well.
All right, so let's get through all the runners, then all rights first.
Ah, PC A foursome.
Polly caps here in a light gray color.
All right.
So as you saw on the menu, we've got a bunch different kind of sets of farcical the silent parts update instead of parts and then architect frame parts and then the interceptor parts.
I'm gonna go through them in the order that they're listed in the manual.
So here is running a one.
Anyway, from the original style it The date on the runner is 2009 will be the release day of the original kid.
Then this is based off.
And then you've got a two, which is kind of the mirror of that.
These air in a light, slightly bluish gray color for these gonna be here.
Just a couple of parts there for the backpack.
And I received some parts for the arms and legs.
We've got two of this.
Sea Runner never ideas.
Some parts here in this off way of the light cream color for this car is in a kind of very slightly greenish, darker gray color here with four basically some parts for the mini gun and the weapons.
Anyway, F business are a singular piece here for the chest or G.
Isn't his metallic gunmetal kind of dark gray color?
Very interesting for ages.
Back to some more parts here in off white, ever.
I is some parts here in a dark navy blue.
Very dull Navy blue color number.
J will give us our second Gatling gun or many gun with chain gun.
Whatever you call it.
According to the runner, there it is.
A 60 millimeter Gatling gun.
They've got everyone here for some of the newer parts.
Not from the extended arms set quite yet, But just some of the parts here on you when we got two of these.
Never eat to a couple more parts There in that lighter, great color reveal be are generic runner of frame, arms, hands busted.
Nice hand options on there and then run A Here is our parts for the architect frame.
The Ari version of the Arctic frame, I should say, Never be as well, just some or arctic frame parts here.
For that, we got two of this.
Be runner.
They were finally getting into the extend arms part.
This is running a from extend arms 04 set in one's getting back to the light gray color gonna be here.
It's more new parts in that off white order.
See some more parts in the lighter gray color.
You've got two of this Sea runner number D for that kind of new blade weapon that you've actually got four of.
So we've got four of this d runner in that kind of greenish start great color, and then finally, runner e A few more parts in the dark dole Navy color there haven't I think this frame arms kits is the highest in terms of parts count of any of framers.
Kids that I've built basically the ones that I've built so far just kind of the more simpler ones.
Like I've built the gore I and the rapier the cut lists on vulture.
Yeah, and so they're all kind of a more simpler one, this one still not as complex as you can get.
There are more complex bearing arms for once, but it does have a lot of parts in it.
So forth.
Checking this out, it seems like it's gonna be worth the price is for all the different options.
Everything you get in there in terms of the different armaments are armor that you wantto put on this.
How you want to load it up so pretty cool.
And if you already have the original style of kit, then it looks like some of the options here could use some options with this.
And then you're extra parts you could put onto your original style like it, which is pretty interesting.
So that is if we're the unboxing guys.
Thanks so much for watching.
If you have questions or comments, of course, feel free.
Leave those down below.
I'll see you guys in the review coming up next on again.
Just check going down below to see us again in stores, selection of frame, arms, kids and everything else.
They're on their side.
So thanks so much, guys.
I'll see you next time.