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Okay, listen, this is what happens when celebrities lose their cool.
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This goes to show that celebrities air also human, so it's possible for them to lose their cool.
From Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez to Robert Downey Jr.
Sometimes the press and the fans can push buttons way too much to the point of getting on the wrong side of the celebrities.
Watch this whole video till the end and see if you two can lose your cool get angry or even worse, cringe.
I just need you guys to get warmed up, so you know what you're doing.
What are you doing?
Stop it.
Come on.
I said stop it!
What are you doing?
Oh, listen to me.
Are you listening?
I'm trying to wipe the floor.
You mean I'm doing a show?
Because people like you.
People like me.
Will you sell this?
So what?
You just did You sell your employed it?
You're employed.
What do you say?
Wait, e Everyone actually cool your sister.
You just holler.
And I could speak to her.
I was signing thing right now.
I want to tell that maybe can you stop filming me?
The video coming?
Because I'm reading here.
I was called shut.
Wait, think clearly.
Going brilliantly in your career.
I just wondered if you are as happy in your private life.
And will we be seeing a certain Mr Ashton Kutcher pats making a trip over here?
How disappointing was the question?
Hey, shall we move on to Absolutely.
I think there was a question.
We're gonna make you happy and I'm single.
If that's what you're really asking.
You could use makeup or your phone one last time.
Which one would you pick?
Makeup or your phone?
Is this what you think girls have trouble choosing?
Can you really go anywhere without your cell phone?
How long can you go without looking?
At many hours now?
I have to do it.
You know, when I'm at a dinner table.
I'd like to be present and talking.
I contacted.
He's learned way right now.
We gotta have you seen the new always and girls.
We can all learn your relationship with your father and the role of all of that taking drugs and drinking all of that.
You think you're free of all of that or whether that's still something.
I really What are we doing?
Uh, well, I'm just asking questions.
That's all right.
Thank you.
Down now?
Yeah, it is.
And it's hombre.
It's like Andre Teal gets lighter to the bottom of that purple shoes on.
Because why not?
I just wanted to show the legs because as I was telling you ahead of time, you're gonna walk home with more than maybe just a trophy tonight.
I think lots of men.
I'm not gonna walk home with any men.
Were you able to wear undergarments?
You're like the fifth person.
That's because what is going on?
Since when did we start asking each other about an interview underwear?
Because it is such a skin type.
Here, leave it up to your imagination.
Well, well.
Is it inappropriate to ask somebody what kind of underpants they were.
I didn't ask you what kind?
You just asked me if I was wearing any.
Yo, can you guys come here disrespectful and rude?
I just got back from being hated, and I'm trying to enjoy my day.
You got a picture now, huh?
I hear that.
No, no, I understand.
You just, you know, you passed by us, right?
And I'm going back to my house.
You're not going to get a picture right now.
I'm going to Gates.
I'm going to my parents house.
I'm It's not gonna You're not gonna be getting any pictures.
The neighbors already pissed.
The neighbors have calling complain because of you guys and everyone sitting on my street you've never seen before.
I guess you guys are a team.
You guys all hanging down with waiting on Ryan Boston.
So you passed by Ryan Gosling?
I mean, no disrespect.
You just wanted your job is disrespectful If you got a picture now, they got a picture now, So can you leave me on my way?
And they're still filming.
Dude, you don't want this.
You don't want this for your life.
Do the oh, you make people the horrible on.
People hate you for it.
That is not a good life.
There's way better things.
You could be doing a way better ways to make money, making people miserable, even here.
Why you even over there while you here?
Yeah, I'm talking to you.
Remember what you told me?
That I was just gonna be a stripping Riker to now watching Theo?
What happened?
No, that's the O.
Please be O Wait.
Nobody's every moment.
Excuse me?
That music will cut me off to war as a singer.
Let me They're not No, no, no, no.
I went to your house to see what you were talking about.
I had to change a cold bath.
Because you didn't have one slab.
No, no, we need a 10.
And you took 10.
I took six in the United States.
They just sent me the invoice today.
You took time.
You're charging me for the marble?
E you so famously and so powerfully said George Bush doesn't care about black people.
It makes me wonder.
What makes you think that Donald Trump does, or any people at all?
Why don't we take a break?
We'll come back and Kanye West, like, stop asking me questions.
You out in front of my house at 4 a.m. How's it going?
It's not going good.
We like you left before I am.
You blood sucking mosquito.
You left yourself hats.
Wait, take a few steps back.
Go get the answers, man.
You won't get the answers and you ain't got the ashes.
You ain't got the answer.
Okay with that said I saw you in London talking a couple weeks ago on TV, and you seemed a lot more excited about it than you do right now.
Are you just exhausted?
Just take these little things and maybe throw them away, Okay?
Oh, where's your purse?
You're gonna see your phone going Toilet, kids.
My tour, kids.
See your work.
It's what she deserves.
Oh, my God.
Passionate from the get Go Get it, You Miss Monod?
Would it be frightfully tiresome?
Somebody brought me some ice thing about you.
You're not supposed to do this your way, Lena.
It's just in just a little brother Thio.
Okay, well, there's other guys here.
It's between a Are you still in love with Justin?
Is a little brother to you.
You ever worry about your moment?
Having passed, you want to wrap up hearing one of her performances in Italy, She saw that one of her fans had a Selena Gomez cut out.
We don't know why someone would bring that toe a Miley Cyrus concert, but that is not important.
This singer grabbed the cardboard and decided to use it as a stage prop for her song.
There is nothing wrong with that except for the choice of the song.
And she decided to sing.
I've been doing this morning.
You doing?
We won't get it.
Come on.
You ain't got the addresses you and get the answers.
You ain't doing the education, bro.
You ain't doing exhortation.
You don't have the answers, though, because you're trying to give me advice about someone doing You ain't got the and you ain't spent $13 million of your own money trying.
But I spent hundreds of thousands and doing putting out clothing lines at a smaller degree.
All I'm asking you and Ralph though it Ralph Let me actually, What's the name of your clothing line?
We don't know.
You don't see as I lost money who saw the results of the Senate investigation into Microsoft's tax affairs on the allegation that about $4 million worth of taxes a day wasn't being paid because of the way that Microsoft manage their affairs.
What did you think?
I think that's about it's incorrect.
A characterization of anything I've ever heard.
It was the allegation that was No, no, it's just simply hogwash.
Okay, Which aspect is hogwash?
The idea that Microsoft didn't pay its taxes?
It's not that Microsoft didn't pay taxes.
It's that they could have paid more taxes voluntarily.
Yes, by choosing to organize their affairs differently rather than running them through Puerto Rico.
Your numbers are just completely wrong.
Comment Shawn Mendez.
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