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Good morning.
Every Oh, my voice sounds weird.
OK, quite rusty.
I've already managed to get makeup down.
Me, So please ignore that.
But I'm getting ready for the day and I'm tired.
I hope I'm not looking tired.
Yeah, I'm getting ready for the day because I have the day in London today.
I've got two meetings on Dhe.
Then I am going to get my hair cut on.
This is the first time I'm going to the headdresses and not really knowing what I'm doing in terms off.
Am I cutting it or am I growing my hair?
I haven't really missed having long hair, but I'm no totally deserted knives like found my look with my hair.
I think maybe I'm a little bit too scared to go ashore as I probably need to go.
But I just I haven't missed my long hair.
And I know that people write in the comments.
Sometimes all I miss your long hair and it's like I look at it and I'm like, Oh, yeah, God, you have.
It's amazing, but I don't miss it.
I don't feel like it.
Like I'm not complete without it, which is how I would have felt if I had done this like two years ago.
It's very strange.
It's a very strange feeling I have about my hair at the moment.
But we'll see because Stephen, who cuts my hair now, is just amazing, like he literally is so good.
I am always feeling like I'm in good hands.
So it's all so fine.
And then obviously I'm going to see does Pena, which I'm so excited about.
17 for ages Now I see her at Christmas.
When did I see a car?
Remember my makeup today is by Terry by Terry CC Syrup on my face on Dhe Then I have literally just concealed in areas.
Just something my skin.
I probably have already spoken to you about this, that I'm trying to show my skin a little bit more.
So I just used the Armani power fabric in shades 6.5 to kind of conceal any areas, but then let my skin come through.
And then I've been using the Valtteri Assisi powder with the Tom forward shade and illuminate to bronze up, using this over my eyes on dhe, just going kind of like a broom glowy Look which I mean literally What I do all the time on that is the plan of action.
Today I really need to find a new saying, don't I than saying that everything is the plan of action for the day.
But it is the plan of action for the day.
So until we have a new saying, we're gonna go with that.
If you have a new saying that I could essentially use them please do remit The comets like my hair, is also looking weird because it's half cut off.
So sorry about that.
I'm going to my low bun today because I cannot be bothered.
Thio do anything else.
My hair and I actually really like how that looks.
I'm going to sweep it back.
I'm just dragging some of the shade on illuminate underneath my eyes.
Just nothing, major, just to kind of because it's brown.
It works really well with new eyes saying just doing that on DDE.
What else was I going to say?
Also my meeting today.
So I have a meeting with my Theresa, which will know that I worked with a lot on dhe really people to meeting them cause I actually haven't met this side of the team before on That should be really, really good.
And then I also have a meeting with Louisa Via Roma, which, you know, I am just I am in love with the team there, so it's gonna be amazing to catch up.
I haven't seen him for a while, so it's a really lovely day ahead.
Chilled meetings.
Nothing too fancy on then getting my hair done ahead off my trip.
Tomorrow should be good.
I was having second tea, but I have been working so hard behind the scenes.
Thio get lots of videos, films.
He might notice that I'm not quite so many logs going out, and I think that's a good thing.
Correct me if I'm wrong because I wanted my blocks to be a little bit better, and not quite so.
I have to log more so I'm blocking cause I wanted to block, because otherwise it's not really any good for you guys.
So enjoyable because it's just maybe a bit boring.
Or maybe a little bit say me.
I don't know, and I know that there'll be so many people that say We just love your logs and that's so lovely.
But there will always be people there.
Actually, No idea.
You're right.
Let's do something a little bit more kind of focused here.
Why's the light going funny?
I've also got CC thermal my lips.
I got that.
Why don't you two have white lips like this?
Who remembers foundation lips?
But yes.
So I have been working really hard behind the scenes to start filming sit down videos again, something that I've wanted to do for a while and I haven't had the time.
And now that the team here has got bigger on dhe, we are doing more on DDE.
I am able to focus more on the creative side of things because that's what I'm about, really like, Yes, I love business and stuff like that.
But focusing on creating content is my passion on DDE.
That might not be everyone else's passion.
Some other people's passion might be just business or mike everything.
It might be networking, or it might be something else on dhe.
For me, it's creating content.
I love updating my YouTube.
I updated my instagram on.
I'm working towards being able to update my block in the same way on dhe it be an enjoyable process.
I'm not feeling like you have to do this.
I have to do that.
So why don't you wantto when I haven't even done my eyebrows?
So yeah, that's it.
I'm just going a little bit of the highlight on my island because that works really really well.
A lot of the products I'm using on my face are like liquid cream products.
So they take higher maintenance throughout the day is something that I realized because my matter buying your skin it can sometimes look a little bit more cakey.
Where is using cream products means that it's more Jui and Coach Wish shall.
Virtuous is a word I've just made up, by the way, where So I do have to carry a lot more with me to make sure that nothing is moving around too much on my faith.
So that's just a little heads up.
If you're wanting, like long wearing, maybe this makeup isn't the It's getting my eyebrows.
A brush on a cut.
It was they were very simple outfit.
Today I feel because I fancy it.
I am going to be wearing jeans on DDE my last so long wells is get these boys trend.
It's so it's so funny when I look like head on at the camera like I was a fine.
It's only when I look from the side and they're like So I have to kind of be conscious.
Oh, wow.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, Interesting.
What else do we have in store for you today?
I think that's about it.
Oh, yeah, Cream products on my face.
That's what we're talking about.
I obviously have my long wearing products, but I just kind of want todo eye makeup and not think about it.
Like if I'm doing, like, meet up or shoots or anything like that, then it's better to that.
I don't have to think about the fact that my makeup might be moving around on my face.
However, I also really like the effect off cream products and how it makes your skin look the way that it does on DDE.
That means that I just have to be a little bit more conscious off, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, enough about that.
I'm going to finish getting ready on Dhe doing my hair.
Oh, my God.
Nine minutes.
Seriously, Lydia.
This is the outfit of the day, my blazes going with it.
I've got my totem team to 10.
Later on, that I got from Net a porter got and other stories T shirt on, which is just basically like a plain white T shirt, which kind of reminds me of, like, my p kid's school.
I can't like it.
Then I've got Paige denim jeans on, and I'm trying to decide between these Manolos and my like, kind of pumps the other black ones.
I think I'm gonna go with seasons because they're a bit more interesting.
And then I have my deal bag on because it carries so much more stuff.
I need to quickly ran downstairs, put tonight's video on a memory stick so that I can get that up.
And then about that time, my car should be here.
So yeah, makeups will haven't shown you my makeup, actually, because I Yeah, but don't for, like, eight minutes.
This is my makeup.
Look, I really like this kind of I look think it works well with my coloring hair.
It hasn't gone up is easy Today.
You should have to use any car bigots.
But today it is car.
Be good.
Yeah, Very nervous about my hair.
I just don't I don't know what I'm gonna day honestly don't know.
I'm gonna be pregnant somewhere safe.
Arizona from Proenza schooler on dhe.
Yeah, that's the plan of action for the day.
Oh, my God.
I just did it again.
Yeah, I get so weird with your duty because you get these, like, we'd like ticks.
Almost this word.
I keep saying the moment kinda like I should have pointed that out because so many people are not gonna realize, But I am conscious of it.
I'm just trying to stop.
But, you know, it's just one of those tics that you get, but yeah, you know, I'm gonna go with my thing on a memory card now so that I can upload later if my hair takes awhile.
I need my watch on dhe.
Good to go Thes to Sophie's Are chilling in bed together, living the dream.
See you later.
Hi, guys.
So journey update.
Because I have not spoken to you since I left my house.
It has bean emotional to say that these it took me like over an hour to get to the train station this morning because there was a accident on the road where I live.
There's actually like one road that just gets everywhere and that's blocked.
You're screwed and I was screwed.
So we are getting to London an hour late, which means that my first meeting with my three there is only gonna be an hour, which is such a shame.
But it is what it is.
At least we've made it for a little bit of time just to meet them and chat and stuff like that.
Then I've got my second meeting on.
Then it's D Day for my head decision time basically way both absolutely freezing.
I would carry a swell way.
Don't have Coke on Dhe.
Apparently, it is winter again.
So it's everything I've literally got like slingbacks on my feet are like little baby blocks of ice on.
It's not a good look.
I miss spring.
Do you miss spring anything?
Anything I need to pay?
So I'm going.
I'll be chopped my next book, my next meeting, because it's it's her house and you can't film or take pictures in there by when Louise of your own to get you the big car.
Love this onto my hair appointment.
I totally forgot why I was coming here today.
Basically, I sent a very frantic message to does mean a couple of days ago about my grey hairs.
We've decided that we're not gonna be coloring my hair even though I had my little freak out.
She's hardly in the process of using color.
Wow, on my hair on covering my grave.
And it's This is this hole.
Actually, I don't know.
This is a temporary, temporary Don't get caught out in the rain in this with this on your head get like, black tears running down your base.
But we're testing out because I have, like, one or two great head because my hair is the color that it is, it's quite prominent.
So we're kind of working out at the moment.
What the best line of attack is pool hovering migraines, but way we're going to initially color it.
But we're not gonna do that now.
Not yet, but I still haven't decided what's happening with my head cut.
Oh, yeah, that's much better.
And also bythe, you just have to carry hair was like way need to do something very good tone.
I think it's lovely, but I do think I think I do think you need, like, a root drag.
But then I do like the whole platinum.
Well, I think you could use one yet has been done on.
It means it's time to cut my hair, which we discussed it going half inches, apparently.
But I'm scared that all of a sudden I'm just gonna regret it.
But I've never regretted anything so far.
It just seems like such a lot.
I know that he's gonna be living with me.
Well, touch it.
No more high ponytails.
If I look like I've been crying, it's because I have been no over my hair, although I need to go and style it myself, because this is not how I would style my hair.
I'm crying because I tried to do something nice for Ali on dhe.
I picked him up some boots on the way home on, picked him up socks and some ties on the taxi driver, stupidly approached something too quickly, broke all of my stuff, went everywhere, and I frantically tried to find everything on the floor in the dark.
I thought I'd got everything back in the bag, but missed the ties off on.
So they're just in the back of a black cab on Dhe.
He's probably never going to come and bring them back, so, Yeah, I was upset about that.
Anyway, I'm gonna go install my hair.
I want to start it now because I'm home.
I'm cheered up a little bit now.
Sorry, guys.
Just put a little bit the waves in my head to give it its fullness again.
But my face is looking a bit blocked because I cried a lot.
Sorry, but I've come back on, and my husband has treated me to a pair of Du Barry boots on.
And these are the new style.
They're called this something with an S.
I tried on the original ones when I picked up Ali's boots for him because he wanted a pair as well, and they didn't happen.
So I went to Farley's in.
Where is there in Piccadilly Circus?
I think that's where it was.
It was so funny.
I walked in in my Manolo Blahniks, having just had my hair term like Christine do go back on.
It was like a fishing.
And then there's just loads of men in there, like talking fishing rods and stuff.
But I was like, Oh, this is this is funny, but yeah, So I picked up an ISA beats is well ready for our trip because we are off to the Cotswolds tomorrow, kindly with the Aston Martin a team on.
This is something that was delivered.
Actually, I've got two of them.
This is my luggage department here for the trip as well.
But Ali and I, I have two of these cases Thio take with us like holders.
And what they basically dio is all four of them.
So my set and Ali set all fit perfectly into the boot of our Aston Martin, which is very cool.
Although I think I'm going to have to pack quite light.
I reckon my toiletries were probably just about getting that one, but still, I'm going to do my best.
But that's what I've got to do this evening.
Haven't had a needle dropping.
You haven't had any dinner yet.
It's far lows, not Farley's.
There ever seen stocks?
I bought Follies.
So I've got to pack my stuff on pack light, so I think it's gonna be kind of a one pair of jeans.
Jobe this trip By the looks of things, I was indeed have some dinner because I haven't eaten.
They're hungry.
Very hungry on yeah, up early for a PT session before leaving for 23 days in the Cotswolds.
That's time where we've been to before, which, you know, I really like.
We actually thought about getting married time, but they only do small weddings so we could do that.
Lasts a bit too big.
Not the heart is the biggest wedding in the world or anything, but it was too big for them.
But it's such a beautiful venue, and we haven't been back ages, and they've done loads of stuff that they got spar now.
So I'm really, really looking forward to going and seeing that place now on very, very honored to be going with Aston Martin as well, very excited.
I know I've got a very excited husband of Well, morning, everyone on dhe to a much more sort of upbeat me.
I had a bit of a wobble last night, but I'm feeling a lot better today was I styled my hair how I would kind of wanted to look and I am just so happy with it.
Had a little clip in earlier, but I'm gonna take it with me just in case.
But little cute little clip really, really happy with it.
So bye bye to three, nearly three inches.
I'm now up and I'm dressed because today I am heading on a little trip with my husband to the consul's Thursday at time.
We're heading there with Aston Martin, if you don't know which he might already know.
We purchased another Martin advantage at the end of last year on Dhe.
Basically, Aston Martin have tailor made trip for us to head to the Cotswolds, which is a place that we love.
We got married very place to the Cotswolds on dhe.
We have been to time before we love it.
And I think I told you this already, but we do love it.
So we've got a very special scenic driving route to head there, which I'm looking forward to it because it means we get to explore the Cotswolds a little bit more.
You don't know what the consuls are when I say about it?
Many people don't actually know, but it's just a very picturesque place in the UK.
You think of the cottage in the holiday.
It's all like that, basically.
So we're loading up the car now, which has been, like washed there, and it's ready to go on.
We're heading for two nights that time on.
We also have a cow, and they are just joining us for the first night, I believe, because we actually want to enjoy it.
So we've got our team coming to create any content that we want to create one with, because then it means we can kick back and relax.
I think that he's doing a vlog on this as well, which will probably go out before mine.
So I'll link that downplay cause He talks about it in a much more concise way on knows a lot more about the nightie with putting our Aston Martin luggage to the test as well.
Like I mentioned last night, these fit perfectly in the boot off our car, my toiletries in there.
My clothes are in there.
My husband is there.
Oh, yeah, Oh, yeah.
I showed him my best.
These are my new beats that Ali treated me today as an early birthday present yesterday.
These are my what They Oh, yeah.
I d Barry bees on Gary?
Yeah, we're embracing the country living.
I think we got some as well.
Well, I picked him up for him, but he did it, but he's not wearing them today.
This is my outfit.
I'm wearing a animation top on some page denim jeans.
And then this is a house of CB cardigan which I thought were quite cozy to take with me on having the Cox.
It's basically like a blanket.
Are you waiting for me on these?
Kind of matched that of the boots.
They lying?
How did they u e I think you can hold on.
Let me just make sure everything way are just in the car.
And I don't know why.
Whenever I get a car, my eyes go.
So, like, saw so weird?
Yes, that we're on our way to time at the moment and we've just pulled over quickly on get excited.
Very so beautiful.
When you drive there as well.
The drive is like half the fun.
Excited, babe.
Yeah, me too.
Who has a front door.
Hi, everyone.
My eyes are looking so swollen and tired.
I'm so sorry.
I've been in the car for, like, six hours filming with Annie.
I didn't realize it was gonna be that long.
And I'm just like, Oh, my God.
But we've arrived to time on dhe.
Oh, my goodness.
It's amazing.
It sounds like I haven't been here before, but that's because there's so much of this place that is, like, knew that I haven't experienced there now spar.
They've got Paul.
They've got a yoga studio.
But I don't know you could like there's not like classes, but, like, if brands do, event it and they can put on, like, yogurt stuff.
But we are staying in the Rose English rose sweet.
I believe an almost with is actually my dream.
Like I know my house is a new build.
And unfortunately, with our house, the ceiling, the quite low.
I think we've got, like, 2 40 height ceilings and I do love the big ceilings in these kinds of places on the floor to ceiling windows.
I mean, obviously we have those, but this is just a completely different vibe, like solid wood floor and just just look, just look, This is our bath, and it's all it looks like.
Well, I'm not sure it could be callin mine pink from far own bull.
I might be wrong, but it looks like a purely because I used to have Kalla mind lotion all the time as a kid and that looks like Caroline but this beautiful roll top bar that looks over the private gardens off this house.
Gorgeous marble sinks on Dhe, funnily enough, can't see in here.
But I have come dressed as the actual curtains like it's ridiculous.
Me and my animation top are basically one.
In here is our bedroom, and it's beautiful big on.
We got fireplaces in each of the rooms.
We're obviously saying here as guests off Aston Martin.
So they've obviously sorted this amazing room out for us.
Oh, my God.
The shower.
The shower is ver dream.
Look at that.
I can't deal with it.
You've got a little port way, which is so cute.
I love it.
Oh, and you could also close this room off if you want to have some privacy, which is just lovely.
But the boys out shooting at the moment on Dhe.
I am just chilling out in the room.
We've got dinner tonight at the docks.
Bond might be tomorrow.
I'm not quite sure I need to check the Centenary.
I think I'm just gonna, like, close my eyes for, like, five minutes because they are so sore.
It's no.
Even though I like didn't see that.
Well, it just my eyes get really sore when I'm in the car.
No idea why?
I'm gonna enjoy five minute now, I think.
Good morning, everyone.
It's our second day here at a time, and I am up and dressed and ready for a day off adventure.
Basically, we are heading clay pigeon shooting today with Aston Martin.
We are also going to a gin distillery, which I'm so goddamn excited about on dhe.
Then we are over the last thing that we don't think we'll have lunch somewhere.
And just enjoying basically the art of living on dhe.
I'm enjoying my outfit today because I've stolen Ali's jacket.
I'm gonna show you it really quickly.
I've literally mess left a mess everywhere, but I've got my new du Barry boots on the alley.
Got me I've got his coat on.
I've got Vince Jumper on.
Which is this gorgeous cashmere k on it.
But you got hated unconscious blouse underneath.
Just for good measure.
Andi, my hair is not playing ball today.
I probably need to wash it, but I'm holding out because I'm so you have, like, a spa treatment or something Did use him.
My tummy rumbling.
Good job.
We go for breakfast, but I'm trying to hold out with my head.
Begin case I have a massage on Dhe.
They put like oils in my hair tomorrow, so I'm not quite sure what's happening yet.
So we've just arrived.
Thio Coley Gunshot.
But I'm sure you can hear people firing in the background.
We are coming to do some clay pigeon shooting for the morning before we head to the wild rabbit for lunch.
We got the whole crew with us.
Apparently, there's a cute little cocker spaniel inside that I'm probably gonna fall in love with you.
It's like honey Oh, just Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm gonna do any clay pigeons.
The thing I was really good when I went to Gleneagles, but oh, apparently I have to do some filming.
This is what we're going.
It's getting very noisy.
So what?
Back how?
Step out of line.
The lady said to you yesterday, you would have your Children.
You relax.
Starts with bear in mind a little bit about your when she I said you're going to be picked.
However, you are going to feel some Rico.
Relax the shoulders and it feels like a gentle sets up your feet.
First, I will load a gunshot.
At the time I was in shock, I'm placing into your shoulder like So.
Now what?
I'd like you with your three things up.
One off the trigger.
Never bring your finger down to the trigger until we're ready to shoot with your left hand.
Bringing that up to the foreign.
A nice firm grip on bringing your *** down to the gun.
That's what have been your cheek to the trouble to put your head forward.
We'll bring it back.
Just what you do.
And it will be different for where it's okay.
How about Yeah.
You say pull.
The play will be released, Actually, Just take it.
Stay calm.
Come back to me.
Oh, Okay.
So you see this clad.
It is that Okay, I got my eyes.
You're not worried about her shot way?
No matter what I say, you're thinking, What's this?
Yeah, yeah.
What is now that I know that your shoulders.
That one gets to be, too, by the way.
Shape, close.
Make, like, shake it.
Isn't adrenaline rush.
So at that time, what happened?
You're not comin when you saw the way.
Exactly the same place really high.
Okay, wait.
Stop there.
Clay goes off.
We moved to okay.
Chase it If we wait, Wait till Christmas tree right to come to me.
Yes, I doesn't like to be.
Oh, you down to the lineup yard.
Well, you've got to do things to play out.
She comes.
So that's it, I think is a very good way that I do teach people.
Imagine that gun you took off your fingers.
Okay with getting getting any right.
I think this is just my woman Round is over.
War must.
Okay, so follow it like it's a typical We've got to point it.
Here it comes.
You okay?
I missed you.
Moved to that?
They can't know.
Doesn't matter.
this guy's really Mrs Booth.
Way leading towards that point where we wait.
Actually, yes.
I didn't get I was looking at you.
I'm gonna be Oh, right now.
I You know, I e o e So I've just finished up sheeting.
I've given a cow and some of my shots so that they get because neither of them have done it hasn't done it before, but I'm not sure if cow has at least one to get the car.
We're leaving in about 15 minutes.
Thio head to the wild rabbit for lunch.
So I'm looking forward to that.
But I'm not really good at this.
Like I love it because it's obviously clay pigeon shooting, so I would never animals ever like they do that.
Well, just something I agree with.
This is a great way of, like, enjoying it as well.
So I do that.
But now we're gonna get ready, get packed and head down.
The sun keeps coming out just like a little bit.
It's quite cold, so I can't actually like, feel my hands, But you know, we're going with it.
But such a cool day.
I'm loving this.
Look where we are It's just looks incredible.
Oh, my gosh.
Way have just finished up a very lovely meal at the wild rubber.
Yeah, well, yeah, We've been, like a start there for so long as well.
Just getting in the car.
Yeah, we've just finished a tasting menu.
That wild rabbit, which I believe is part of the Dales Food Farm franchise, I think because they had, they also found stuff everywhere, like family.
I'm trying to give this alley to take me.
Today was tomorrow because I've actually been bugging him to take me for ages, and he hasn't taken me.
So the fact that we're literally here, it's on the way home.
How disappointed you guys gonna be if he doesn't take me tomorrow?
I think that will be very disappointed to say That's just put the pressure on because I really want to go.
But we are now off to the couple gin distillery and I've eaten so much food I've had unbutton the top of my jeans.
Wow, The new video.
Yeah, Yeah, It's like a sauna.
I think this is my natural habitat.
A look at the cabinetry on that way.
So they see the new fashion.
And I know you guys are really first last night.
Not just a little bit.
Extra branding thing is done, eh?
Do you eat west?
Is that the new tasting area?
Oh, wow.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, wow.
I could stay here.
You should turn into a hotel.
A cz?
Well, I just be I'd be in here living my best life every day.
Uh huh.
This is what happens when Ali Gordon sees a sunset.
It was really lovely, but it's pretty much disappeared now in the two seconds it took us to palaver causes.
Just thinking here, these We have finished distillery.
We are.
Well, where are they?
Got a bag full of alcohol or taking home with us?
Way Got a bottle of gin, obviously.
Also there cream liqueur, which was absolutely beautiful.
Like I honestly I couldn't believe that was Yeah, it was amazing.
Is such a beautiful brand.
It really was.
You could really see a lot of love passion that has gone into their products.
I can believe that there is actually a ward wise.
The best in the world like that is a really claim to fame on.
I have had that didn't quite a few times when I've been thio like having to house on basically whenever I see it because I love the Constable.
You know what I'm like, like country living and stuff.
So I often opt for the possible jin on dhe.
Now go on my own.
But I also met the guy who starts it.
Andi have an even deeper love for that particular gin.
And my God, when you just smell, it's quite often I just order myself a gin and tonic on.
I've never actually just had the neat Jim in front of me on smelling it.
Oh my God, it was so flagrant.
Is that a word game over some fake, fragrant, fragrant?
That's the one.
So, like a mix of it was very fragrant thinking.
But yeah, we're heading back now because we've got dinner at the Swan just opposite where we're staying for our last night here in the Consul's time, I'm probably going to have a possible Jenna Tonic as well.
I'm looking forward to on has been a long day.
It has been a tiring day in place honey content today, whilst he's been here with the mountains so He's been very hard to get over that done.
And now we can kind of relax.
And I've said to him tomorrow I am having a no makeup, no makeup day I've got my leggings with me on Just gonna have a chilled one Get to go, Thio.
What do you mean, really?
Yeah, leggings.
I feel like that leg forward Karl Lagerfeld said about leggings or something like that was swept on something like that.
Yeah, I'm still trying todo if I keep going out because it's really getting quite dark.
So anyway, sorry, guys, I'm out focus, but it's just No, it's not working for me in a moment.
Yes, I'm trying to convince Ali to let me go to dance with farm tomorrow to experience that and hopefully by the whole place.
But you know the whole place because I can't get home.
But no problem.
No problem.
I'm not continue talking to you because Ali is driving very, very fast in the moment, and it's making you drive with it too fast for me.
Morning, everyone.
I'm already packed on ready check out, little bit bleary eyed because I'm not doing makeup today, just having a chilled one because I've been a lot going on on this trip.
So now I'm just having some downtime, but we're about to head over to the cookery school here at time.
We're gonna do a quick one our cookery class before my husband treats me to a trip to Dale spurred, which I'm looking forward to.
I've also just chucked my hair up in 1/2 ponytail because I couldn't be acid in my head today.
So that's good living.
My best light on my outfit today is I am wearing my Toto Tota.
I'm just gonna stop saying it's just my black blazer.
Basically, if you can't see me, yeah, I'm wearing my black blazer And then I've got black cashmere jumper underneath some black leggings on my DU Barry booze.
Basically, this is just a chilled outfit that the blazer makes it look so much better.
This is like my law wardrobe pack leggings and a blazer go really well together.
Wish I brought my train is actually cause I'd probably be a bit more comfortable, but at least I'd have to worry about my She's getting dirty.
We're gonna head over now and do a quick cookery class.
Andi, then head on our merry way.
So we've arrived at the cookery school.
They've already started making John because we're gonna be making way.
Sorry about that.
That was carrying the owner of time coming in there.
Haven't seen her in, like, three years, so that was lovely.
But we're just in a good preschool.
We're about to make some scones and some rhubarb jam and possibly use some butter as well on.
We're gonna get to take those home and enjoy them, which it's pretty special, even though I look quite tired at moments it Sorry about that.
But I'm gonna enjoy doing making because I actually find making it easier now.
But I'm gonna give it my best shot anyway.
You know, it's a lot of Jase.
It's everybody's job was already made for us.
So now we're gonna make the butter to go with guns.
Well, that's flying.
Wait, This is Reebok.
Damn that we could be taken away with us on.
I've actually never tried three.
But I do think I need to start getting into making my own jam because it's always black.
Brief wishes around our home on probably put them to good use.
So I've been stopped testing out jammer speed think way Currently making the but for our scones.
And I had a bit of brain wave because we're obviously going home to the same house we're gonna do.
One of the butters felt it so we can have it on like, toast on the other One will have with us going.
So just call me the brains of the operation Way exposed me on my own channel.
But going out the oven on this is my batch and that is Ali's batch.
I think that eyes, that's its favorite.
Well, your best one to the front.
Oh, my best one, I would say is they're coming.
They're coming up.
I would probably say that one.
He's the best.
Guys let you decide.
Minds definitely got the height on yours.
It was no big ski with compared to mine.
Ladies is honest.