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I can do this.
I was so scared.
What do you want now?
Is your name David Dobre?
Does your YOUTUBE channel have over 10 million subscribers?
Is this your girlfriend?
No, I'm so sorry.
That's okay.
That's not your girlfriend.
Okay, That son of a bitch.
So first we'll talk about your life.
You nervous?
Yes, Yes, I am.
Start from the beginning.
You were born in Slovakia?
Do you remember living there?
What do you remember?
Um I remember living in apartment.
I remember my grandpa's hair.
He'll hear a lot of it for his age.
And I remember I just have two bunnies.
And then when I moved my aunt, Uncle eight.
This is serious.
They're gone now.
Why did they eat them?
That's just That's just how they work in Slovakia.
You don't really keep bunnies as pets.
But I did.
Were you sad when your family ate your bets?
Now, when did you move to Chicago?
In the fourth grade.
The suburbs?
Would you call yourself a Chicago?
In front of other people that have never been to Chicago, I would, but if I meet someone from Chicago.
I make sure to let him know that I'm not from Chicago or else I'll be mad.
Is there something you miss most about living in Chicago?
Yes, my hometown.
My hometown Friends.
He's telling the truth.
Your ah, doc of recipient, right?
Are you worried about your status under Trump?
How so?
Um, I'm worried and and start crying in the way that I feel like I could get deported.
But I'm also I'm not worried because I just don't really think about it.
But like, if I think about it, then yeah, I'd be worried.
Let's talk about your friends.
We asked one of your friends from high school to ask you some questions.
Play the tape.
Did you ever ditch school?
How many times, David?
Just three times.
Yes, Just three times.
Did you ever win anything in high school?
I want some.
What's it to you?
One thing's in high school.
Would you win all state in tennis?
Did you just laugh?
I'm not the one being examined here.
Did you laugh?
Just everyone always seems to laugh when I say play ties Let's play the final question.
Who was your high school crush?
This girl?
I said it.
She's a boyfriend now.
Courtney was your high school crush?
Did you ever ask her out?
Why not?
Because I'm a little bit.
Do you still talk to her?
Um, from time to time, I never slide into her.
Diem's No.
Is this man Scotty, Sire.
Your best friend?
Listen, you sure showed me pictures and have friends and asked for the best friend wise, I'm out.
But show me another.
What do you say?
Todd Smith is your best friend?
Neither remember are my best friends, John, does that check out?
No punts.
This any road, prince?
Do you know how you would rank your vlog squad from best to worst friend?
No, I don't know.
Come on, David.
Give it your best shot.
Number one the I have to go with Jason.
Number two.
I have to go with Todd.
Number three, Scott, number four.
Carly number five.
Why you doing Aaron like that?
That's not your business.
Are you aware that a lot of people in your comments call you cute?
I'm aware.
Would you call yourself cute?
Yes, Yes.
Are you cuter than Cameron Della Go?
How cute would you say he is?
On a scale of 1 to 10 if ever.
If I'm a six, he isn't.
He's an eight and 1/2.
I think I'm soup like I think five would be average.
But I think when I do my hair the right way and get up to six, you okay there?
David, Can I go home?
Would you say you find this man Drake Bell more attractive?
This man, Josh.
No, I would not say that.
So who's more attractive?
My my type.
Josh pack.
He's a husband now, and he has a family.
And he's a child.
That's that's the type of person I would want to be with.
And now let's talk about relationships.
You single now?
Yes, but you previously were in a two year relationship with one Liza Koshi.
Are you aware that your break up announcement was your most viewed video on YouTube?
How does that make you feel surprised?
Um, no, not surprised.
Pretty solid that there's that many people supporting us, but it's more a good thing or a bad thing.
Is it true that she broke up with you?
Are you sad that it's over?
Um, yes.
Are you actively trying to get her back?
You dating anyone else right now?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm good.
Get some tissues.
Let's move on to your career.
Do you miss your privacy?
No, really, for some things, but no.
If it would cost me my job now, it's nice to have some privacy.
Do you miss most about your privacy?
Um, just people not knowing the ins and outs of of everything in my life not knowing everything that's going on.
That was kind of nice, but it doesn't matter.
You regularly watch your own videos in your free time.
No, but do you read the comments?
Yes, General.
How do you feel about the comments?
Most of the time.
Pretty good.
Ever engaged trolls?
No, not really, No.
So that's a no No.
So no meaning.
You don't engage with trolls or no meaning.
You do engage the trolls.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
What's the worst comment that you've ever read?
Not worse, but I get a lot of like get a lot of comments that say he's attractive in, like, a weird way.
Or like I don't know if I'm the only one with, but I'm really attracted to him.
I kind of like a backhanded compliment.
I thought the worst.
But it's like, Why are you saying that?
Are you happy?
Are you still happy now?
Some people on Reddit speculate that you make a lot of your videos for 20 in length because of for 20?
So you smoke weed?
No, David.
A little bit.
I'll smoke like once every six months.
How high are you right now?
How high are you right now?
I I'm not high right now.
I'm sober.
Okay, Let's go about YouTube.
You started off on vine.
You have a favorite.
That you may.
Um, no.
If you had to pick.
Is there one you like?
Yeah, I liked like most.
Well, which one did you like the most?
Um, I'm drawing a blank on him.
I mean, I could explain to you, but it would just bore you.
Wouldn't you call the one you like the most?
Your favorite?
Yes, we do.
have a favorite.
You just can't explain it to us now.
Are no.
Okay, We'll move on then.
Was there a vine made by someone else that you wish you thought of?
Um, yeah, I really liked the one where it goes where it's that song.
And I go when this girl turns around Chloe, and she has a glass is honesty makes a funny face, You know?
Im timeout sickness.
If I don't explain why, that sounds very funny.
Thank you.
There any youtubers that you think?
Our cell up?
Name one.
Saint Josse.
What about this guy?
Yes, Major.
The biggest.
If you were to describe this man with a single word, it would be you said it perfectly yourself.
Think that's two words.
Pretty high.
One of your blog's.
You jumped into £1400 of dry eyes.
Is that right?
Tell the truth here, David.
Is it a bit hacky when YouTubers watching react to their own videos?
Yeah, it is.
But I know what you're gonna do.
What am I gonna do?
You show me a picture of me reacting to my own video is that something you've done?
I've never done it.
So you have reacted to your own videos before?
Okay, so have I.
Have I have reacted my own videos.
I have.
And you're saying that's a hack Move?
You're calling yourself a hack?
No, it's got nervous.
Are there lots of people out there copying your videos?
Taken notice of anyone?
Is copying somebody else's video wrong?
Not necessarily.
In what way?
If you give it your own twist, are there any YouTubers out there who you think are funnier than you?
Like who?
I want you better secret.
What about this person?
She is.
She's funny.
And how about the Dolan twins?
Are they funny here than you?
By a lot.
Or just a little?
Just a little.
Do you think you'll ever be funnier than these guys?
I'm working.
I'm working my way up there.
You have a plan toe.
Elevate your game, work out more.
How much can you bench enough?
Can we cut the interview?
I don't think so.
David should find make a comeback.
Why not?
Because it's It was like a cool thing for, like a group of people to enjoy.
And that's it.
Like it was.
It was hot when it was hot and that's it.
We shouldn't revisit it.
It's like making a sequel to a great movie.
Just watch the movie again.
All right, David, Last question.
At any point during this interview, did you lie and we didn't catch it?
No, I'm gonna ask you again.
Any point during this interview did you lie and we didn't catch it?