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Hey, I was going, guys.
So here is HD build.
Divers are Corgan MG, three Colors and V two units.
Obviously, you're not seeing the B two unit quite yet.
We're just gonna take a look at the core Gundam.
But the core Gundam is it going to be exactly the same as what we saw there with the earth three gun.
Um so I'm not gonna go over like the articulation, everything of the core gun and I'll show you what it is, what it comes with the course.
But the main difference here with the core gonna It's just gonna be essentially the colors.
It's now in the G three colors, which I think looks super cool.
I have these guys know I'm a big fan of purple on Mobile sits so I definitely always have strong feelings for the G three coloration there for the gun and here on the Corrigan and I think it looks really cool as well.
So, like I said in my review of the Earth Three gun and I think if this was the kind of thing that you did actually want to buy these and display like the core Gundam and the V two units separately, I think.
I mean, they look great just separately, I think or combine.
Either way you go can't go wrong or just get to of the kit, and then you can display both ways.
And speaking of getting the kit, you can, of course, get this kid at us.
They're gonna restore the link to their site.
As always, we'll be just down there in the video description below, and you can use my coupon code.
There's a really is 10 save 10% off of that as well on everything there on the site, of course.
So let's go in first.
I'll just take a look at our accessories here for the core Gundam, and then we'll take a look at the V two unit and the combination of the two as well for the cargo number.
Of course, we've got here his small, a simple little beam rifle there.
It's got a little foil sticker for the camera.
For that, this just fits down into the hand.
No problem there.
That's pretty cool.
And other weapons, of course, are the beam saber handles stored there on his back.
They've got two Little Shorty clear, like fluorescent green beam effects parts for that, which looks pretty awesome.
And then when it's in its full V two Gundam form, you got the longer version of those as well.
You can use me.
You could use whichever one you want, but that's kind of how the manual tells you to go about it.
And then we've also got his shield, which again, like I said, in the core of the or three gonna review.
It's kind of weird how this fits into the hand.
You just kind of slide into the hand like that and then kind of like off to the side or just kind of weird the way that I hold on to that.
But it's all right anyway.
It's on there anyway, so it's pretty cool.
And then finally, we have this little option part for that which you can plug in here onto the backpack that just plugs into their here on the shield.
You'll just pulled down that peg there like that and blood the shield.
They're onto his back, back for storage there on his back, like so.
And I said, I said before the core Gundam itself is pretty cool.
And I think it mean the articulation of it is great.
Just the look is kind of cool for those people who maybe like, a little bit sort of TV look, But maybe don't quite like the look of something that's, like full on SD.
I think this works really well for that just cause it makes probably a cool little mini Gundam for anyway, it's really cool and disinfect.
You have all the standard weapons and accessories that you would expect from a normal gonna just a shield rifle being sabers.
The fact those are all included for this and they're like these air this forms that specific before the core gun.
I'm here.
That's what makes it really cool.
They're not just like the same weapons that you use with the gun.
And once it's in its full V to form, you can of course, he's the same weapons.
But it's cool.
These air specialized, like specifically to be used for the Corgan.
I'm here, so we're cool.
But all right, so then, of course, we have the V two unit here, which is pretty cool again as a separate just kind of flyer on its own Like I said, What?
There are three goddamn again, I think is with same applies for this one as well.
I think it looks pretty cool.
There's a separate fly, obviously, because it's not a full Gundam, it doesn't look like just a folded up Gundam.
You can still see some kind of recognizable parts, maybe especially the beef in part or the part of the even its blood right there onto the front discord Cockpit.
There you have these oil stickers for a little green circle there and the kind of canopy, I guess sort of for the flyer there with those foil green stickers for that.
But this does also come with a little stand, in case you just want to throw this on a standing two plugs up right into the center.
You could even use the stand to stand up there like that and have the core Gundam just kind of kneeling on the top of us or riding along on the top.
That's something kind of interesting, I suppose, that you could do with this, But what we really want to make is, of course, the full form B two guns were gonna take both of these and combine them together, huh?
There you go.
There he is, all armored up.
No, As it is, we don't really have any other sort of weapons.
Aside from just the beam, Saber is for this.
You can, like I said, still use the mini beam rifle.
But it's not really all that impressive.
Havana does, of course, also make the B two weapons which are sold separately, which I think I'll probably get at some point in the future.
I just don't have them at this point in time, so I can also include those in the review for this, But just know that those are also available.
But even though straight out of the box, it may be a little low on the weapons that can really use with this.
The cannons there on the side of the arms are pretty cool as well.
And just, of course, the ability to get the weapons sets for this for pretty cheap.
Additionally, so mean, the kid itself was 1400 yen.
I think the weapons that can probably get for around 800 yen, something like that.
So all in all to get the full set She only cost you about 20 bucks.
25 bucks around there.
So still not a bad price for a h g kit that at that point would that be very loaded up with a bunch of weapons, cause that includes, like the cannon and big rifle parts and stuff and all that, too.
So if you want to get a full set, I think you're gonna be pretty well sorted.
But even if you just get this, that I think it is still really cool, kids, 1400 yen for this just isn't bad.
Just be my only complaint about this is that maybe I wish I just had maybe one extra part liketo add onto the rifles are like the There are three gun and how you could make the rifle into the larger form of the rifle.
Something like that.
To be included with this would have been nice as well.
But otherwise, Yeah, the articulation of the kid is great.
It's very few and far between as far as any seam lines on the kiss.
So it's gonna be a really easy one to paint up as well.
If you just want to just give it a little sanding.
Get it painted up.
It's not really gonna give you much headache in the way this team minds or anything like that, so that's pretty good as well.
I got some nice detail around.
It's not super detailed, like RG or anything like that, but it's got some pretty good detail around on some of those parts.
You don't have a whole lot of like big, empty spaces with no detail on them whatsoever.
So I think it looks good.
It works well and it's a very affordable kits.
So I think it's a It's a nice one, so very highly recommended.
I definitely like this.
Get quite a bit still.
Don't think that I'll be checking out the Mars.
Forget him so out d just pass on that one, this one as well as her three gun.
I've enjoyed immensely, though, but if you guys do have any other further questions or comments about the kid, of course, feel free to let me know.
Down in the comments section below.
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