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e o e Guys, welcome back to let's talk in.
This is me, Mira.
And today we're gonna talk about some really only new words that are recently added in the dictionary.
Now, obviously, English is an evolving language.
Their new words that are being added, probably every day.
So I have got some really, really funky words for you to use on ad in your vocabulary that get started, guys.
Well, the first word for the day is wardy.
Now it actually comes from words like foodie where people are food enthusiasts rate, they're really I am foodie of big foodie.
But I'm also a wordy, and that means I'm enthusiastic about new words.
So whenever I hear people saying something new or if I'm watching a movie and I realize that Hey, that's a new word.
I don't know that.
So I would immediately go check the meaning and I would try to use it well for people like me.
And if anyone of you out there are like me than Waddy is the word for you.
So you can say I'm pretty much a wordy.
That means you are what enthusiast?
Okay, Ward.
And you say yes, moving from Woody.
The next word is Laghi.
Any guesses?
What that could mean?
Where, um, we talked about, ah, lot of things lagging right, which are slow, right?
So, for example, my wife I these days has been behaving pretty lagging.
That means it's responding slowly, right?
So slow responds.
So when when I was actually going through all these words, I was just thinking, Why are these really, really crazy words being added to the dictionary?
And I think that's because the way our life has been in our lifestyle has changed.
It's so much ado about technology and particularly when it's slow.
All of us get really cranky and irritated about it.
So that is the new world that you can use.
When your Internet a slow or your wife.
I slow.
You can say it's behaving Laghi or its Laghi.
Okay, moving on Banga were guys.
Now this is actually a word that means extra valiantly costly.
Okay, flamboyant.
That means something that is costing you a lot of money.
Probably use powers, Your wife or your daughter or your friend is someone who likes extra wagon turn flamboyant things.
So she could say that this birthday, I need Ah, bunga gift.
That means something that costs a lot off money.
Okay, Costs a lot of money.
That's a bunker house that you have bought.
That means something that is really, really costly.
Okay, moving on.
We have been Gia ble.
Another word that comes from the word binge.
Well, what does binge mean?
What does it mean?
It means something that you watch repeatedly, right?
So binge a ble means if I have to tell you that currently, I'm watching this particular TV series and it's absolutely been Jubal.
I recommend you should watch it.
So Benjamin means something worth watching continuously.
Okay, Something worth watching Continuously or back to back.
So these are most probably Siri's, But you can say where you can tell your friends or family that recurrently I'm watching the series and I recommend for you to watch it.
It's absolutely benj a bubble.
Okay, moving on, guys.
The next word, I promise you I'm going to get you really funky would say the next word is Rando on and actually means it comes from the word random.
Okay, that actually is something that is that gives you an unpleasant or unnecessary feeling.
Well, um you're sitting in a group and you're with a group of friends and there comes a person and just spoke ing his nose into your business and saying, Hey, so what are you guys talking about?
And once he leaves, you end up saying things like, What was this Randall doing out here?
Or you can say, Why does that guy talk about Randall?
Things that means unnecessary things, unpleasant things, random things.
Okay, guys, I hope you having fun because I am next.
Word is nothing Burger.
What could that mean?
Burger actually means something that is insignificant.
That lax significance, for example, Um, his speech was full off.
Nothing burger stories or phrases that means it lacked significance.
Okay, Lack off significance.
Something that is not so important or essential.
Lacks significance is nothing.
OK, moving on.
We have hop head.
Any guesses?
What that could mean?
Well, guys, hop head actually means someone who is of your enthusiast.
That's right.
You heard me.
Ah, Parson, Who is a beer?
Beer and Susie asked.
Okay, Don't act like a hop head.
Come on.
We need to have food.
That means you're telling a friend of yours who is a beer enthusiast or probably is not that.
Stop acting like a hop head.
We need to have food now.
Don't keep talking about beer.
I know you're a hop head.
I know you're a beer.
Enthusiastic, but don't keep talking about it.
Next is the word glamping.
Well, guys, I'm sure some off you could guess this one.
But glamping actually is a combination off.
Two words.
Any guesses?
Let me write that down.
Glamorous camping.
Believe it or not, this exist.
Okay, now, glamorous camping.
Usually I think it's so much inspired by the Instagram grand instagram life where people like to, um, weren't put marshmallows on the steaks and have pretty fairy lights, which is unlike camping.
Camping, according to me, is so while and so natural where you are not just pampered so much.
But I am sure glamping is definitely where you get pampered, even though you're camping in the wild and nature.
Well, that being said the next day is Indy weensy.
Now, any guesses what that means?
Well, I know that this has been used quite a lot, but this is a new entry in the dictionary.
It least in the windy means something that is really, really tiny and really, really small.
Okay, Very tiny, for example.
Oh, if you want to say that you see a very cute baby, you can say, Oh, my God, that baby has such an eensy weensy knows, right?
Such a tiny nose.
Okay, look at that.
That's an eensy weensy box.
That means a tiny box.
Okay, the next word is do she any guesses What that could mean?
Something that is really irritating or obnoxious.
Someone whose behavior is irritating or obnoxious.
Okay, irritating behavior.
All right.
I can always say, for example, that he apologized for his do.
She remarks right.
Something that he must have said before that people got angry about and he apologized for Okay, Next word is hang gry.
Any guesses what that means?
It's a combination off hunger and angry.
So when you're so hungry that it makes you angry, that's that's actually angry.
Okay, well, don't you think that times in our lives or days when we're just like you know what?
Just bring me food right now.
I'm super hang gry.
That means I will understand if you say this to me that you're just hungry.
And that's why you need food.
Okay on.
Then I'll give you a nice plate of food, and you will be happy again.
Okay, guys, the last word for the day is douse.
Now, what does that mean?
It actually means something that ah, you know, you pour liquid on and U s stink.
Extinguish it.
That means probably something is on fire, right?
And you pour water on it and it extinguishes.
That's douse, but I can actually use it to frame a sentence differently.
For example, someone is really, really enthusiastic about something in pumped up or charged up.
People usually say that.
Oh, my God, he's on fire or she's on fire when people are performing really well.
And I can actually use this word.
And I can say things like, um, nobody can douse her enthusiasm.
That means nobody contesting extinguish whore enthusiasm.
Right, That means extinguish.
So you don't need to use this word particularly to say things like the fireman came and they doused the house.
They stink.
They douse the fire testing, extinguish the fire.
You don't need to say that always you can use it to frame a different sentence in a different weight.
Well, like I promised your are your funky, funky and crazy words.
New word that a part of dictionary.
So please go ahead and try these and use thes in your conversations.
That's all for the day.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Keep smiling, Keep practicing.
Spread a lot of love.