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Hey, ambitious professionals.
It's Linda Rainer of Linda, rainer dot com, career strategist and intuitive purpose coach.
I helped driven professionals like you to enhance your personal brand so that you can pursue a career you'll truly enjoy.
And in this video, I really want to talk about the topic of how to get promoted.
So if you are someone who's been working in your company for a while and you've been trying to develop your personal brand, trying to get noticed for that next level promotion, but you're still not sure of what it takes, then this video is for you.
I'm gonna share with you key traits that I feel are important in order to help you get that promotion and some other important aspects as well.
So I have worked with a lot of clients, and I've met many professionals with the same common sort of dilemma.
What happens is they're truly very strong performers at their jobs.
They do a good job at what they do there, well relied upon by their bosses by their teams, their departments.
But what has happened is that despite how good they are at what they dio year after year, they keep getting passed up for manager, senior manager or director level rules that they really want to take on.
And the most common complaint I hear is that I work harder than that other person.
I'm smarter or I'm more experienced than that other person.
So why is it that I keep getting passed up?
And why is it that other people around me within my team or externally, outside of the company, why are they getting promoted?
And I'm not?
And so today, I really want to discuss a common misconception that it comes down to when it involves how to get promoted.
And on top of that eight key traits that you need to start to develop within yourself if you truly want to get that next level promotion.
So why is it that other people around you are getting promoted and you're not?
Well, part of it has to do with how you're managing your personal brand.
I talk about personal branding almost all the time, and when I talk about personal branding, what I mean is, it's not something that you develop on the outside as if it's a costume that you could wear.
It's that's not a personal brand of personal brand.
Is you knowing who you are, what you're capable of and the value that you bring, no matter what situation, no matter what organization you work in.
So that's part of it, is how you're managing your personal brand.
And on top of that, it's also because you probably have a misconception about how to get promoted.
And that misconception is that you think that working harder equals promotion.
And I can tell you that that's not the case.
The reason why you probably think that if I just work harder, it means that for sure, I'm gonna be guaranteed a promotion.
I mean, working hard, don't get me wrong.
That's absolutely necessary for you to get anywhere in life.
You definitely have to put in that sweat equity.
You have to put in that effort to move forward and go wherever it is that you want to go.
But at the same time, it's not the only thing.
And so you probably got the idea that if I just work hard, I'll get that promotion.
You probably got that from back in school, you know, growing up a CZ long as We studied hard.
We studied for our exams.
We studied everything that we needed to know.
And as soon as we wrote the exam, if we got a really good mark, that meant that our efforts paid off a lot of the time.
That's sort of the thinking that people carry forward.
They think that, well, I got myself through school through just working hard.
Why can't I get myself up to the next level of my career by also just working hard?
Well, you've probably already discovered that it doesn't work, just working hard alone, putting your head down and you know, getting your work done and being solely focused on that is not enough to get you to that next level.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of other qualities that you need to start to really develop within yourself.
If you really feel that you want to move up in your career and a lot of it may not have been taught to you in school.
But now that you're out in the work world, it's time to really take notice of those areas that need improvement, and we're going to start talking through them.
So let's just make things a little clear right now.
You are a strong performer, but you're not yet a top performer.
A strong performer is someone who does a good job at what they dio.
They are always on time with what they do there well relied upon by their boss.
But they're not being seen as the top person in the team, and that's simply because they don't have these other qualities that we're going to talk about that will help them to get to that next level.
And so what you're what you're having to really focus on now is how do I get from strong performer to top performer?
And so I'm gonna share with you eight key traits that top performers have that you could start to instil within yourself.
That, hopefully, will enhance your chances of getting promoted.
So the first trait that top performers have is that they look to help others all the time.
A top performer is really someone that is not just wanting to put their head down and only work on their own tasks.
A true top performer is someone that is always willing to really help those around him or her so people on your team, people above you, your bosses, their bosses.
If there's ever an opportunity to help, then a top performer is willing and ready to do that now.
What this doesn't mean is that you say yes to everything and you help everyone with everything and you can't ever get to your own work.
No top performers know howto know how to prioritize.
So what that means is you look at the task or the project or the duty in terms of how important it is and how beneficial it will be to the overall team and the company.
If it's something that is high priority, it's gonna have a great impact for the team and for the company.
Then definitely raise your hand and offer to help, because that's gonna provide an opportunity for you to become someone who is seen as going above and beyond what you normally d'oh the regular work task that you're assigned to you and then what happens is eventually people start coming to you more for your guidance for your help and your offered new and exciting projects to do because you've already demonstrated that you were able to do that well in the past.
Second trait that top performers have is that they know the difference between being serious and professional.
If you're a strong performer who really just wants to go into work and get your work done, I get it.
It totally makes sense.
You want to just focus on what you're doing, and you want to shut out the rest of the world beyond your cubicle.
And what you also probably feel is that you know all the friendly interaction.
The banter between colleagues can be a bit of a time waster, so you try to minimize that as much as possible.
What happens there, however, is that without even realizing it, you're creating this invisible barrier between you and your colleagues, and over time you start to appear overly serious, and this actually makes you seem less approachable by your colleagues and even by your bosses.
Even though they know that you're a hard worker, you seem to be very much a lone wolf, and you know, you just want to do your own thing, and that doesn't really help your case when it comes to trying to move up to the next level.
Trying to be the leader of the team because what it really involves is that you need to be beyond being serious.
You need to move into being professional.
And what professional is is that?
Of course you're still gonna have those conversations with your colleagues.
You're not gonna appeared that you're not gonna appear to them, that it's a weight waste of time talking to them because people can read that energy.
If you give off that vibe that Oh, my God, I'm wasting time talking to you.
You don't want that to occur instead to be professional.
It just simply means you interact with your colleagues when the time is right.
But when it's time to get back to it, you gently let them know.
You know, I got to really get this done.
I'm just gonna go back to getting this done, and that's it.
It creates a nice, smooth transition for you to be able to exit that conversation and then head back to your work.
So really, it comes down to how you interact with your colleagues.
It's really important to maintained that open, friendly demeanor, but at the same time showcase your ability to demonstrate boundaries they'll still see you as someone who's warm and friendly, approachable and but at the same time, they see you with someone who's hardworking.
So implementing this mindset of being professional versus serious will really get you further along in your career.
In the long run, number three top performers are flexible and eager, but they're not doormats.
When you first start a new job, there are no buts and there are no knows.
You know, you take on the duties and tasks and projects that you're assigned and you work through them.
You try to finish them efficiently within the timeline that you were given or before the timeline.
And you work as hard as you can to make sure that you set a good first impression, especially on the very first few projects that you're given.
But of course, throat as well.
But what happens, though, is that even though you're flexible in eager, you're not a doormat.
You're not saying yes to absolutely everything.
And then on Lee, slowly working through each of them.
What a doormat is basically is someone who has the mindset of sure Yes, yes, they can't say no.
Yes, I'll do this Yes, we'll do that.
They take on whatever duties and tasks are given to them.
And instead of prioritizing, they just do them in the order that they're given.
If you're a doormat, a lot of the time, if you're not prioritizing and you're a doormat just saying yes, yes, yes, your overwhelming yourself.
And you're drowning yourself in assignments that probably aren't as important and probably aren't your role, like, aren't part of what you're meant to do.
So essentially what it is that you have to be flexible and eager.
But at the same time, you have to know how to establish priorities.
And if somebody is offering you to perform a task offering you a job or a duty to work on, what you do have to do is identify what is your highest priorities.
And if you know that within that given day you can only do X y zed well, then you inform them of that, and you say, you know, I will happy be happy to help you with this.
But right now working on these items and these air of the most priority for whoever, whoever your bosses and once I'm able to get that done, I'll be able to help you out with this.
So being a good top of former just means that you know how to be transparent about your priorities, and you know how to communicate it in a way where the other person that's asking you to work on something doesn't feel like they're being outright refused.
Trace number four.
They execute more than they talk, even though the beginning, I said that hard work does not mean automatic promotion.
It's still a key ingredient that will help you to enhance your chances of getting promoted, especially at the beginning of a new job.
You want to prove yourself.
You want to demonstrate your value to your team and your company.
And so it's important that you put in that hard work to getting you in that realm of potentially being promoted.
Eventually, once you're able to execute enough and show enough results that you truly are potentially strong potential for that next level, that's when you can open your mouth and start articulating how you've been able to do that, or why you're an asset for this organization and be able to use that as leverage to getting you that promotion, getting you that salary bump or that bonus that raise whatever it is that you're looking for in straight number five for top performers, they say on Lee what needs to be said?
Even though I said a top performer executes more than they speak, they're not mute.
They just simply know when to talk and the right time and place to do it.
So, for example, um, a key approach that I know has worked for me and works for my clients is whenever you're in a team meeting in your company and your manager or director or VP, whoever decides to ask everyone on the team for their individual opinion about something, don't be the first person to blurt out the answer.
Instead, sit back and wait for each of your teammates to give their answers.
Some people probably will want to blurt and share their opinion and sound all great and fancy and just let them do that.
What will happen then is, once they're all done, the table will be turned onto you, and it's gonna be your turn to speak.
By that point, this you're at an advantage because you would have heard everyone specific opinion on what you're gonna be able to do is to be able to come up with, um, an answer, an opinion that is mindful of everyone else's.
So you can include some of what other people have said, showing that you've listened intently.
But then, on top of that, you're able to give an opinion that is genuine, authentic to what you feel about the topic, but also might be something that, well, it is going to be something that other people didn't think about because you already heard about everybody's opinions.
You already heard what they all said.
So you can add in a unique factor unique detail that maybe wasn't mentioned.
And then from there, what happens is that sets you apart from everyone else.
You're not just stating the obvious.
You're stating what's been said.
You're acknowledging that, but you're going above and beyond and sharing something also a little bit more unique.
So it shows that you're able to give a very insightful response and it gives you this calm, collected, confident vibe.
Tight number six.
They get their work done before the deadline.
The mindset of a top performer is simple.
Get your work done as efficiently as possible.
Unlike the average performer, they're not driven by deadlines.
They're not driven by pressure.
Instead, they're driven by the intention to deliver high quality work as quickly as they can.
That's the mindset of a top performer.
Now, I know this isn't always possible, but if it is, you should try to implement this new strategy of working where you're gonna be delivering high quality work.
But you're trying to do it in as short a time frame as possible because trust me, this will be appreciated and remembered by those who matter, and it will enable you opportunities to move up in your career.
If that's what you're looking for.
Trace number seven they avoid office gossip.
People who gossip in offices seem to think that nobody knows that they do the gossiping.
But in most cos everyone's or the majority of people know who the major gossipers are and trust me, if you want to be a top performer, you do not want to be in that group.
In general, top performers don't spend very much time with these gossipers because there's such at different levels, mindset wise that they don't have much in common.
They don't have much to share.
It doesn't mean that you're should be rude to the people who gossip.
It just simply means, you know you keep a safe distance away.
It's all about establishing the right healthy, friendly boundaries with one another.
But making sure that you don't stoop down to that level of being someone who gossips about everyone else in the office.
And finally, trade number eight Top performers are constantly training and updating their knowledge and skills.
A lot of the strong performers that I know tend to be really good at what they dio, but that's about it.
They stick with what they know because they're afraid of change.
And unfortunately, that's not going to help you to move forward in your career if you only know what you know, and you're not willing to learn new skills or advance your abilities or advance your knowledge in anyway.
And so what happens is for a traditional, just strong performer, you know, they're good at what they dio, but any time that something new comes along, they feel overwhelmed.
They just don't know how to handle it, as opposed to top performers who already have a growth mindset and know that there's always room to improve.
There's always room to learn new things, and they actively seek out ways to improve themselves and to learn different approaches.
And as long as you start to develop that mindset within yourself, Thio want to constantly grow and improve yourself than it's gonna be seen by your bosses and the people around you that you truly are someone who grows over time, and so it's only natural that you're gonna eventually grow into the next level as well.
So there you have it.
My top eight trades on how to become a top performer so that you can enhance your chances of getting promoted.
If you like the content in this video, and you found that you resonate with it because you're someone who really also wants to get promoted in your company.
But you're struggling with how to manage your personal brand.
Then you can feel free to reach out to me, and I'd be happy to have a chat with you.
Just head on over to linda rainer dot com slash chat with Linda.
Fill out the application form.
Let me know your details, and from there we can have a discussion and talk about how I can help you further in enhancing your career and moving to that next level.
I hope you like this video.
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Share it with your friends and let them know that this channel is all about helping driven professionals like you to enhance your personal brand so that you can pursue a career you'll truly enjoy.
Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you in the next video.