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  • Today were gonna take a quick look at Twitter and how to increase your Twitter engagement.

    今天我們要來快速了解 Twitter,以及如何提高你的 Twitter 互動率。

  • So, were gonna be looking at trending hashtags, the best Twitter profiles to engage with, and then sharing one of our favorite tips on how to combine these key pieces of information to boost your engagement on Twitter.

    我們今天要討論的內容包括熱門標籤、最容易引發迴響的個人檔案,並分享我們最愛的整合關鍵資訊建議之一,以增加你的 Twitter 互動率。

  • So, by default, Twitter and basically everything you tweet is public to roughly 330 million monthly active users and about 152 million daily active users since the end of 2019.

    一般情況下,自 2019 年底以來,在 Twitter 上發布的公開內容每月可觸及的活躍用戶約 3.3 億人,每天可觸及的活躍用戶約 1.52 億人。

  • So, this presents companies and individuals that are using Twitter for business with lots of opportunities to generate interest in their marketing campaigns and drive more traffic to their websites.

    所以,為了工作而使用 Twitter 的企業和個人用戶能夠透過營銷活動吸引感興趣的受眾,從而提高關注量。

  • Especially by engaging with Twitter influencers and really active profiles on the platform who can help amplify your message to reach even more users.

    尤其是與 Twitter 網紅或極為活躍的用戶互動增加宣傳效益,從而觸及更多用戶。

  • One effective way to boost your Twitter engagement and reach more people with every tweet is by using the best hashtags and tagging the right profiles.

    提升 Twitter 互動率並觸及更多受眾的訣竅之一是善用標籤並標記對的人。

  • So this can earn you a lot of interactions, like retweets, replies, likes, and follows, as well as clicks on links, hashtags, embedded media and usernames that you include.


  • A key thing to remember is that Twitter interactions occur between people, albeit online, so tagging the right Twitter profiles is a great way to increase your overall engagement on Twitter, and it starts with keeping an eye on hashtags and topics that are trending on the platform.

    一個要記住的重點是,儘管是線上平台,Twitter 互動仍發生在人與人之間,所以標記適當的用戶是提高整體參與度的好方法,而這得從留意平台上的熱門標籤和話題開始。

  • So, since Twitter is where people go to share news, this means that topics that users are interested in change with time, and pretty quickly.

    Twitter 是人們分享新聞的地方,這表示用戶感興趣的話題會隨著時間而快速變化。

  • So you need to be in tune with what’s trending at the moment.


  • Twitter gives you some general information about this, you can see what topics and hashtags are trending by location.

    Twitter 會提供大致的資訊,你可以根據位置得知當地熱門的話題和標籤。

  • Some of them are gonna be relevant to your business, but most of them are just gonna be about current events.


  • So if you are working within like a super niche segment, you might not see any hashtags that apply to your business on that list.


  • But tapping into a super trendy topic by monitoring those hashtags and then tagging the right profiles in your tweet is something that can help you grow your followers.


  • Which means that youll reach more people with tweets that do carry your marketing message.


  • So Twitter gives you the first clue to finding trending topics and hashtags right upfront.

    所以,Twitter 是發現熱門話題和標籤的第一個步驟。

  • And if you see one that you wanna try to tap into, you can find the best Twitter profiles to engage with by monitoring the topic more closely via media monitoring, also known as social listening.

    如果你發現想了解的內容,可以透過密切的媒體監測,或稱社群聆聽,搜尋最佳 Twitter 互動用戶。

  • Now, when I say "best Twitter profiles", I’m referring to Twitter influencers and other users who are really active in the conversation around this topic and who actively engage on Twitter themselves and generate significant amounts of engagement with their own tweets.

    我這裡所說的「最佳用戶」指的是 Twitter 網紅和特定主題的活躍用戶,這些用戶通常在 Twitter 上參與度高,其推文也會引發高度的互動。

  • So, looking at this list of top Twitter influencers for this trending topic, it’s where youre gonna find the best profiles to engage with your tweet.

    我們來看看這個熱門話題的 Twitter 網紅名單,你可以在這裡找到最適合你的推文的人。

  • But before you do anything, youre gonna want to check out their Twitter activity and observe how often they retweet and otherwise interact with tweets that mention them.

    但在採取行動之前,你得先評估他們在 Twitter 上的活躍度、觀察他們的轉發推頻率、他們與提及他們的推文的互動方式。

  • So some profiles, even though they may generate a lot of engagement themselves, they'll actually rarely engage with others and retweet content that mentions them.


  • And since your goal is to increase your engagement, youre gonna want to tag the Twitter profiles who will be more likely to engage with your content.


  • Of course, you want to craft a message that people want to engage with in the first place.


  • This is how Kalina, our social media manager at Brand24 garnered so much Twitter engagement on this tweet.

    這是 Brand24 的社交媒體經理 Kalina 的這則推文引發高度互動之因。

  • By first finding a trending topic, in this case, it was the hashtag "BTS."

    首先是找一個熱門的話題,這裡的例子是使用 BTS 標籤。

  • And then monitoring it closely with our media-monitoring tool, identifying the best Twitter profiles to engage with, and of course, creating a really interesting tweet with a valuable message that people were eager to engage with.

    利用媒體監測工具進行密切監測,找出最佳的 Twitter 互動用戶,當然,還要創建一則有趣且有價值的推文以吸引用戶的參與。

  • And another plus side to monitoring Twitterthis is actually how we were able to pick up on another tweet that mentioned us without tagging us, and it was sharing the infographic that Kalina created.

    監測 Twitter 還有另一個好處是,即使沒有被標記也能知道別的推文提到我們,就像這個 Kalina 製作的資訊圖表。

  • This tweet also got a good amount of engagement on its own, and since it featured such a clear visual of our logo, this is something that’s really good for our brand awareness on Twitter.

    這則推文的互動率很高,而且清楚展示了我們的 logo,這對我們在 Twitter 上的品牌知名度非常有幫助。

Today were gonna take a quick look at Twitter and how to increase your Twitter engagement.

今天我們要來快速了解 Twitter,以及如何提高你的 Twitter 互動率。

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想在 Twitter 獲得更多追蹤嗎?這些 Twitter 趨勢主題標籤你一定要會! (How to increase engagement and get more followers on Twitter | Twitter Trending Hashtag Tips)

  • 14251 134
    Courtney Shih posted on 2023/01/28
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