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are you in your twenties, But you're not so sure how to invest your money.
It's a confusing world out there, right?
And I know I've been getting a lot of questions asking.
Well, Dan, what should I invest in?
Is it?
You know what I think of crypto currencies?
What do you think of forex?
One thing.
A penny stocks.
Would you think about this type of investments?
And very often I don't invest in any of those things because, quite frankly, I don't believe in them.
A lot of times feel forget the fundamentals and they always always chasing the shiny objects, right?
They think that is going to be the latest whatever investment schemes.
And, you know, it takes you a long time thinking about it with whatever you do to accumulate, to live the capital, the money that you have.
And yet you could lose that money just like that.
So my goal for you is to make sure that you don't make those mistakes.
You wanna learn from me?
Listen carefully.
Write to them.
Go share with you.
Three strategies on how do you invest the money that you have in your twenties?
strategy Number one When you're in your twenties, I know that it feels like you don't have a lot of time, but you actually have more time than you think.
One of the things that you have working for you is time you can use and leveraged the power off compound interest.
So strategy number one and that is investing in increasing your income.
You see, when you're in your twenties, if you could make more money if you can increase your income, what does that do?
It gives you more money to invest.
So instead of worrying way too much about getting the maximum return, why don't you invest in yourself now?
Maybe for some is reading that book.
Is learning public speaking right Joining a local Toastmasters?
Learning your communication skills?
Maybe also going to certain networking functions and developing your network and expanding your contact list because your network, of course, your net worth.
So maybe you want to do that A lot of things that you could invest to increase your income don't go so rushing into the marketplace and buying all kinds of investment things like gimmicks.
Don't do that.
Invest in yourself.
You'll always get the maximum return when you are investing in yourself.
Now, in my mean different things different people so common below How could you invest in yourself?
How could you investor increase your income?
Maybe learning new skill sets whatever it might be common below strategy number to focus on the big three.
See, there are three types of investments in this world and these three types of investments had created Maur billionaires and billings than anything else.
They are businesses, stocks in real state.
That is it.
What is this?
This stocks and real estate.
These three categories.
These are what I call Big Three, right?
You look at most wealthy people's portfolio.
They have these three things.
Now they feel exception where they might have a few other things.
But pretty much almost all wealthy people either created their wealth or they now hold a wealth in these three categories.
So there you go success these clues.
So stop paying attention to so much noise out there.
Especially when you see someone a buddy of yours on Facebook or whatever tryto sell whatever they've got talking about this thing there No wealthy, right?
Look at the wealthy people what today invest in How did they invest in it?
No needs fancy techniques now within stocks with themed businesses with the real state there so many different categories.
And maybe we can go into this more in the future.
If there's something that you want, make sure common below.
So we think that you might want to pick a certain gather categories that it makes sense to you that you want to master because last thing you want to do is you want to invest something that you don't understand, that it's very, very stupid, right?
Always only invest in something that you understand.
Take some time to understand it, and you don't have to understand everything.
By the way, forget no one can master air free thing with in real estate everything with the the stock category.
When there's so much to study right When in doubt, keep it very, very simple.
Strategy Number three.
I believe you need three types of financial plans.
Most people has got zero financial planning.
You have three types of plans that you need.
Now you've read my book after money.
You know, some things that I'm talking about The very first plan that you need everybody needs is a plan for get rich certain.
That's correct.
Get which certain now what I mean by that he means that it is something that is a plan that you know for sure.
It doesn't matter what you do.
It doesn't matter what you do to make money doesn't matter.
Your business owner, it doesn't matter.
You're working for somebody else.
Carefree single one of us needs to have a new side business.
I caught a side business investing.
So get rich circuit.
It means that we're putting some money aside, investing perhaps in a low cost index fund in 30 40 years.
It's just not in your twenties, you know, that you would have accumulated in nesting.
You know, you would be comfortable, you know you could retire.
That's good.
It's not the only plan, but most people don't even have this plan.
So get rich certain we don't.
I wanted to be fancy.
We wanted to be said it.
Forget it kind of plan, right?
We don't touch it.
You don't need to talk about it.
This at dinner party, you should not be talking about your latest investment and the union and parties.
Things like that.
It doesn't make sense.
It shouldn't be like that.
Nice and boring.
That's good.
Get rich student.
Then you have the second plan, which is what I call Get rich smart.
Get Richemont.
Now you are much more involved.
Think about get rich certain.
That's passive.
Get respond.
You're living more active.
You're more like an active investor.
You're learning right?
The more skills you have, the most sophisticated you become.
It's an investor.
The higher that we turn, you'll be able to generate.
Get rich smart, and then you have a plan for Get rich fast, get rich fast.
So once you think about this way, get restarted.
30 year plan.
They were smart 10 20 year plan, and then you have to get which fast A 57 year plan.
You cannot just say.
Well, Dan, forget it.
I don't want a 2030 year plan.
Just give me the quick one.
It doesn't work that way because with get rich fast, it requires a different level skills also.
Sometimes it might require just a living more risk.
You don't just I want to do this.
You need to do this one first.
Let's make sure in 30 40 years you're gonna win no matter what.
No matter what happens to these investments, you're gonna win, right?
This is your safety net.
And it's so simple.
Little bit money aside, a few $100 a month depends on how much you earn aside in 34 years.
You're set great.
In the meantime, let's work on that 10 20 year plan.
What we could do to be more active investor, take a category out of the Big Three that you want to focus on.
Do that, right.
And then you have a plan for get rich fast.
That's the 57 year plan.
What could you do?
Tow, Earn more, Earn a lot more than what you're earning right now.
How could your double triple your income every few years so you could earn more and you can put that money in different buckets right now?
I could put that into different plans.
That's it.
Nothing fancy.
That's the best way to invest.
Forget about all that noise and social media.
Keep it very, very simple.
Investing is not supposed to be an exciting thing.
Keep being boring should be very repetitive.
People asking you what housing investment going in a few years.
How's it going?
Kind of the same saying That's a good response.
But it shouldn't be all man.
Last week it did this, you know last two months did that.
That's not sophisticated, Investor.
That is a naive, stupid.
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