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Now, what can I get you to drink?
But I'm guessing you, like, have his Bristol cream summit.
I like something a little more manic than that.
Like a Malibu and pineapple, if you you really like.
I do have a soft spot for Amanda.
Going possible in the right mood.
Yeah, it's nice taste of some lotion.
Let me get one.
Is Well, I don't sing a very often, do I?
Not enough.
No, no, no.
Let me just pull this.
And then I Then we can get chatting about your new film, the Rewrite, which I saw.
I love it.
Well, thank you.
Well, you know what?
It's not.
It's a run.
Come, come.
Yeah, but it's like for adult Jonah.
May It's not. 00:00:59.270 --> 00:01:0.650 It's not a romantic comedy, really. 00:01:0.650 --> 00:01:10.550 They've build it as a romantic comedy to try and sell tickets, but actually, it just has I understand.
I'm sympathetic.
It has elements of romantic comedy, but there's a ll kinds of other deeper things going on.
Yeah, mud in your eye.
Because what it is about this so delicious I know that I could do the like.
I've made dreams come true tonight.
I've forgotten her.
That is Thank you.
I'm much happier.
You're quite picky about what films you pick on you.
Why did you go for this one?
The rewrite.
I thought I could be good.
I thought it would add even add a dimension to my work because I have to do bits of sort of depth and emotion in this that I'm unaccustomed to in my films because these entities shows the difference. 00:01:57.680 --> 00:02:1.400 It shows a side, isn't it to the whole business that you had your big hit? 00:02:1.650 --> 00:02:6.110 There's a right and then you, after end up becoming a teacher that Yeah, yes, yes. 00:02:6.110 --> 00:02:21.180 Poor man, He's a he's a He was a very successful screenwriter, won an Oscar 15 years ago, And now I can't get a job at all, and he's desperate, has no money, and his agent says, Well, there you could do this job teaching a screenwriting at this, frankly, crap university in the middle of nowhere.
America, and he goes and does that with a very, very bad attitude and just gets drunk and his route to all professors and shag the students.
And then you think probably school is like a college, you know, they were even so I did a casting.
I'm not watching that.
I think it does turn some people stomach.
But anyway, then he gets nicer.
He starts to realize these quite enjoys teaching these people.
And so it's a sort of It's a redemption story.
It's hard for men. 00:02:59.740 --> 00:03:0.280 Thank you. 00:03:0.290 --> 00:03:2.980 I think that's the idea. 00:03:3.290 --> 00:03:5.680 Well, that's a location of interest. 00:03:5.820 --> 00:03:7.620 Did you have instant chemistry? 00:03:7.970 --> 00:03:8.900 Well, yeah. 00:03:8.900 --> 00:03:10.610 I mean, we're very different beasts.
She's very method.
And I'm very slapdash, really.
Um, but we were No, we liked each other We like to do.
And you never know with chemistry.
Anyway, Now, you know, sometimes you think, Well, we get on so well, this must look great on camera.
And actually, it just goes flat.
And other times, you frankly loathe each other, and it sparkles.
Not funny, cause you think Yeah.
Yeah, Well, sometimes hate comes over his love.
Really think it would be that that would be watching.
And you think I would know who's been your best of you at the most spark with?
Have you got in the room and go about, you know? 00:04:1.040 --> 00:04:2.970 Well, it depends What you in what sense to me? 00:04:2.970 --> 00:04:9.660 I mean, the ones I really got on with Sandra Bullock I love I love to this day way like way. 00:04:9.670 --> 00:04:10.820 So just park.
Oh, but you know, I can't think of a leading lady I haven't fancied.
I think you got a fancy that.
Otherwise, it's no fun.
What's the point of doing the film?
Use films of speed dating pretty much.
And also, you got off with Julia Roberts in Not In Hill I got off with.
Yes, that's a straight line.
Now, listen, I was worried because I'm not being fair, but she has got quite a large mouth.
Was you worried about falling in?
Well, it could happen, innit?
I mean, I know, but I was aware of a faint echo when I was kissing her. 00:05:3.250 --> 00:05:3.750 She's great. 00:05:4.440 --> 00:05:7.860 And you're you had a gay case in Maurice, didn't you? 00:05:8.100 --> 00:05:8.590 Yes, I did. 00:05:8.590 --> 00:05:8.770 Yeah. 00:05:9.170 --> 00:05:10.010 Would you?
Did you ever think when you were kissing a man?
Oh, I could get used to this?
Well, the thing is no.
Where I didn't really have to kiss James will be properly because we were Ed Ward.
Ian and I was having platonic love him.
Yeah, they're the real shagging went on between him and the gamekeeper.
Later way just did gumming sounds worth get to go gummed.
I think we got I can't Remember. 00:05:53.380 --> 00:06:9.910 It was 1985 because ever since I saw that film, for if anyone would play me in a film, it'd have to be, Oh, do it say the script was amazing and like the Alencar story dignity to think off.
But there is a lot of full frontal nudity in the script.
Speaking a rolls love.
I've got a great role for you.
You know, George Clooney's doing that movie about phone hacking yet which I am Can't wait to see.
I was thinking that is a shoo in for you because obviously you're involved in hacked off and everything.
Would you?
You could be in that playing you.
Would you want to play him?
You I know my head's exploding your thinking.
It could be said that I played myself once or twice before.
Um, so yes, I suppose I suppose I would, but I don't know.
I feel a little bit sort of proprietor Oriole about that whole hacking thing?
I don't know. 00:06:59.120 --> 00:07:0.000 I feel like that, sir. 00:07:0.000 --> 00:07:1.650 They're two separate parts of my life. 00:07:1.650 --> 00:07:3.170 I don't like to mix them up, you know? 00:07:3.180 --> 00:07:7.560 Okay, One sort of serious militant Mary. 00:07:7.560 --> 00:07:10.640 Me and the other showbiz slag.
When is the Phonak and you were getting hassled by the patterns as well?
How bad did it get on?
Where's the weirdest place you were packed?
Well, no, I You should be able to deal with it better than I dealt with it.
But I never liked him round my house.
It felt like that was my bubble, Andi.
Especially if there were girlfriends with their Children around.
I don't want to lose my temper.
Twice Lost my temper very badly, twice got arrested.
I'm not even, you know, in a very cool way.
Because, of course, one time I attacked one on his.
His friend was lurking around the corner and got pictures.
And it wasn't like I was doing really good.
So the manly punching it was a kind of it was like the fight with Colin Firth thing kicking on then and then his friend came up to sort of try and protect him And I was feeling very Manning.
I said, You want some to my horror?
He said, Yeah, I d'oh hey was gigantic So I immediately chicken dance and, well, let's all calm down here.
He went back into my house, where, as chance had it, some drunk person the night before had left a sort of Tupperware packet of a baked potato, not too baked beans on my doorstep.
I picked it up to throw it away, and then I thought, No, I use that as a weapon.
Eyes another picture later whether you actually the whole thing is covered in baked beans, the lens and everything anywhere.
I was quite right. 00:08:59.780 --> 00:09:2.940 They arrested and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon or something. 00:09:4.740 --> 00:09:8.300 How would you know what you has been so lovely having you on? 00:09:8.310 --> 00:09:21.700 And it has been very good luck with the way out today way.