ThelastthoughtsongoinginagainstNeilMagne, youknow, isthereanythingdifferentaboutyougoingintothisparticularcamporanythingelsegoingdifferentinyourheador, uh, no, justforthisFriday.
I mean, thisismy 8th 5 theUFC.
I'velearned I'vewon, I'vehad a lossand I'velearnedoffofeverything.
Oneofthosefights. 00:01:59.460 --> 00:02:7.600 Sothisisthebestcampthat I'vehadinmycareer, thebest, uh, nutritionthat I'vehadinmycareer. 00:02:7.600 --> 00:02:22.090 So I'm at a pointwhere I justfeellike I haveeverythinghasn't beenputintherightplace, and I'm comingin, youknow, in a goodmentalstateandphysicalstateand I'm readytogowhentheywatchyouNovember 21st.
Don't forgettowatchonFX.
He's a goodstriker.
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