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Welcome to Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
In this lesson we will learn how to call the office and inform that you cannot come to work.
Hello, Mr. Carlson! This is Neil.
Yes, Neil. How are you doing?
Mr. Carlson, I’m not well. I won’t be able to come into the office today.
Oh! Why? What happened to you?
I fell down the stairs this morning and sprained my left leg.
I see. So you can’t walk around?
No, it’s very painful. I think I need a day off.
All right, Neil. Get well soon. Just keep me informed.
Thank you, Mr. Carlson. I will. I hope to be in tomorrow.
Hello. Is this Jaime?
Yes. Who is this?
This is Neil. Jaime, I won’t come to the office today.
What happened, Neil?
I fell down the stairs and I cannot walk.
You should be more careful! I can’t do all this work alone!
Thanks for being so sympathetic, Jaime. I will try to be in tomorrow
Hmm... Well, I’m sorry. It’s just that there’s a pile of things to do.
Don’t worry, Jaime, I will take care of it when I come in.
Thanks, Neil. I hope you get well soon.
Thank you Jaime!
Mr. Carlson, I need three days off starting tomorrow.
Jaime, do you know that Neil is already home with a sprained leg?
I know that, Mr. Carlson, but it’s really important.
And what about your job? Is it not important?
Of course it is, but I really need these 3 days.
Why do you need them?
Well, my wife needs to have some exams done and we need to go out of town.
Jaime, could you reschedule the exams for next week? Go when Neil is back in the office.
Well, we scheduled the exams because now the hospital finally has the CAT machines. We’ve been waiting for three weeks.
Well, in that case, it’s better if you don’t miss the appointment.
No, it’s very painful. I think I need a day off.
I won’t come to the office today.
I fell down the stairs and I cannot walk.
Thanks for being so sympathetic,
Don’t worry, Jaime, I will take care of it when I come in.
I need three days off starting tomorrow.
Of course it is, but I really need these 3 days.