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Welcome to the square mile Roastery tour.
I have been promising you this for a long time, actually, so I finally got around to doing it.
Now the outside of this building is not particularly beautiful.
After we had to relocate, we needed just a great space to work with. 00:00:59.820 --> 00:01:3.470 And I think inside here way got to build something we're really proud of. 00:01:4.130 --> 00:01:11.370 So I'm gonna kind of walk you through aspect of how this restaurant works, What we do here, a different kind of It's a kid.
We have different processes.
We do.
We're gonna get a little bit nerdy about how roastery works sound inside the building is not very good.
It's lots of noisy stuff happening, so I'm not gonna do it in a kind of low key style.
Walk around Instead, I'm gonna take you to different points in the industry explained how they worked on what's going on.
Let's go now.
The idea behind this whole road straight was that we found a big, empty building and we thought we should build a building inside the building, and that's what we did.
So you have this sort of central structure and then around the edges.
Lots of fun stuff along one side near the loading bay is where we store all our green coffee.
Mostly, this goes into racks.
Sums on the floor.
Some has kept closer to the roast is as well.
We don't keep all the coffee we have here, but we keep a good amount of it.
There. 00:01:57.400 --> 00:02:3.180 At the end of all of that is the kind of main production space where the roasting machines are. 00:02:3.510 --> 00:02:5.520 Let's talk about those resting machines. 00:02:5.960 --> 00:02:9.830 We were into production roasters, and the first is this G 75. 00:02:9.960 --> 00:02:15.450 It's a restored a vintage pro bat, and 75 refers to its capacity off 75 kilos.
The UK drinks a lot of espresso based coffee, and so this machine pretty much just roast coffee for espresso because that's what we have.
The biggest demand for usually are red brick espresso blend.
While it is an old machine, it has been fully updated on the technology side, and we do run crop stir on each of the stations to monitor all the temperature probes.
Inside the machine to track profiles is what roasting with this roaster.
What we tend to do is just roast a full sack of coffee.
That's typically gonna be either a 60 kilo bag or a 16 9 kilo bag, and that's a batch for us.
Have a little crane set up here that helps us lift the coffee up so we can bring it over to the loader, slice it open and just drop it in. 00:02:53.490 --> 00:03:0.380 There's a bit of a complicated work floor around the roaster, designed really to prevent any heavy lifting for any of the production team. 00:03:1.000 --> 00:03:6.350 So you left the sack up and you dump it into the loader, and that loader sends it up to the hopper above the roaster. 00:03:6.850 --> 00:03:13.600 You then drop it into the drum and roast it and at the end of roasting would spill out into the cooling tray, and it's cooled down to room temperature.
It then goes through a D stoner up into a silo on From that silo, it's dropped into a blending tray there.
It's blended with other roasts as necessary, and we only blend post roast just because it's much easier for us because we're roasting a whole sack at a time.
If the blend is red brick, then it gets sent directly to the machine that will package in particular bags.
But we'll talk more about that a little later on, just like with the other roaster.
It's a Yuji 15.
It's another pro bat.
It's the roaster that we started with when we started Square Mile.
It roasts a lot of our filter coffees and smaller batches of espresso roasts after roasting.
Every batch is wade.
It's part of our kind of quality control, and it's also color tested.
And if it's hit its profile and it's hit its correct and wait and correct color, then it goes to be packed. 00:03:59.790 --> 00:04:3.950 But if not, it gets set aside, and it's tasted before it's packed and shipped. 00:04:4.640 --> 00:04:15.700 Now we build the roast is a little cupping room near production so that they can use it easily all the time because they're gonna taste every single bat that they roast inside that couple room divorce group a little set up for brewing.
They've got too many E K 43 grinders.
They also got my GS three that I won when I won the world championship.
It's a machine that's so old.
The old phone we're running on it has this weird glitch where you can't change the first letter.
So I've kind of always left it as look, we're Mile.
Assuming all the coffee dates good, it's adults parameters that it goes off to be packed, and we've got to packing lines inside the production space.
We have a form fill in seal machine.
Now the coffee comes directly to the machine via a series of pipes that run from the blending tray right into the loaded for the machine, and this machine takes a role of foil.
It punches a valve in it. 00:04:54.960 --> 00:05:3.250 It forms it into a bag shape, weighs two kilos, drops it in, seals the bag, cut it off and then sends it out to be labeled and packed away. 00:05:4.410 --> 00:05:7.150 Alongside that, we have the smaller backing line. 00:05:8.790 --> 00:05:23.910 There's a load of that brings the coffee up to the top of the way, and Phil, and that way, and Phil will portion out exactly the way to coffee that we need that we then drop into a bag, and after that bag is sealed and stickered, it goes into the shelves where it's gonna be picked Now, the start of the day.
Our shelves are bare because We produce pretty much everything to order, and they'll be busy and full in the middle of the day and then back to being empty at the end of the day from here.
Coffee will then go out either to online customers or it'll be packed for wholesale customers, sadly, still often in cardboard.
But we're trying to cut it down as much as possible, and we use either reasonable grates or reasonable boxes wherever cam downstairs.
We also have a workshop space that's full of spare parts of various different machines, and then we can also bring in machines the bench test or weaken service them if they need a little TLC.
Let's head upstairs. 00:05:58.340 --> 00:06:4.160 We have a team kitchen, which is a space that we can all cook, lunch and ideally eat together or as many of us as possible. 00:06:4.490 --> 00:06:10.330 The source of the office space, which is not very exciting, and my office is, frankly, too messy to show you so we won't go there.
We have another cupping room in the building.
This is the main team cupping room.
Everyone in the entire company could come together and taste in this room, but most of the time.
It's just used to make fresh pots of batch brew.
There's a meeting room that has probably the best view in the roastery, a big window overlooking the roasters themselves.
That's kind of great to stand and just watch production happening from.
And then we also have a training room.
There are two stations in here, one with a black eagle, and, um, it falls to that.
We do a lot of our training on on another one with a white eagle that will soon be replaced with an eagle one.
There's an arrow in the back of the room, and actually there are, Oh, supplies almost all the equipment in the building, with water running all over the place from that one central source.
We do have a little section for domestic espresso machines, and we have the necessities, of course, to do kind of coffee brewing training.
But we try not to have too much get in the space because it'll just feel really cluttered instead of feeling neat and organized Now, mostly, we use this room for wholesale training, offering classes to host our customers and occasionally to consumers to at the end of the long central corridor.
Upstairs, you step out onto a kind of papal balcony above the roasters, which is great for making dramatic entrances.
It's one of my favorite spaces in the roastery.
I'd just like to stand there sometimes and just spend a little time watching everything happen.
Watching production work like a well oiled machine.
And that's it.
That's the new square mile roastery.
We're very proud of it.
We found a space with room for us to grow, and there's lots were going to do.
And we hope you've enjoyed having this look around and seeing what it is that we do.
If you've got questions, leave them down in the comments, I'd love to answer them for you.
Let me know if there's things that I didn't quite explain properly or stuff you just want to know more about.
We're always happy to share.