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- That's a very interesting question.
I do travel the world.
I travel quite a bit, actually.
I think for two reasons.
First of all, there are a lot of Vloggers out there already,
a lot of great travel Vloggers
and they do a phenomenal job when they're traveling,
documenting different things
and you know when I travel to Japan
and in certain places when I'm traveling
I make a video here and there to share a little bit.
I think number one is I believe that
when we are making video like this
that I like to teach,
I like to share my stories,
I like to share my insights.
With the different travel,
I might do a couple here and there.
If you've seen my unboxing video, comment below.
I do a little bit here and there
but I think when I'm traveling, that's my time off.
I probably don't want to do a lot of filming.
The problem is with travel Vlogger or even food Vlogger,
that when you are thinking and spending so much time
about filming, you're not being present.
It's very difficult to enjoy the moment,
'cause you're thinking about when am I filming?
What am I filming?
What am I doing, what am I doing, what am I doing?
Tell you a quick story.
I was in Hong Kong with my mom, seeing my mom.
I was staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Hong Kong.
They have a pool near the top of Ritz-Carlton,
one for the tallest buildings.
I believe the tallest building in Hong Kong
with spectacular view.
So swimming pool, awesome right?
I went to the swimming pool, no one was swimming.
Guess what everyone else was doing?
They were all posing in front of the pool
because with the spectacular view, right?
So they're not swimming.
No one is swimming in a swimming pool.
Everyone is filming, posing, and all that stuff
and that's the problem.
When you're traveling, I just want to travel.
I don't want to think about filming this much
because it think it takes away from the experience
and I don't think I could do it better
than a lot of the Vloggers out there.
I could do that, but that's not what I do.
I take much more interest in teaching you
and giving you the skills so that you could make more money,
generate the income, so that you could do more traveling.
It's one thing to say hey, look at how cool this is
and this is my life and all that.
That's one thing, but that doesn't excite me,
doesn't create change in you,
it doesn't create change in people.
I want to see how you have used what I teach you
to better your life, to increase your income,
to help your family, to pay off debt, to be more educated,
to get smarter, to have more self-awareness.
That excites me more than showing you,
hey, look at a stick that I'm eating right now.
That just doesn't...
That doesn't excite me.
So that's why I don't do it.
If I do a little bit of it,
it's more like hey, I'm in a very special location.
Maybe I'm meeting a very special person
that I want to bring you along
and say hey, let's turn on the camera,
but I don't like the fact that I'm going somewhere
and all I think about is filming.
Hey, I need time off too.
I just want to relax and enjoy the moment
and being present with the people that I'm traveling with.
It could be my wife, it could be my teen.
That just to be present, to be there with no distractions,
not thinking about all these other things.
So that's my perspective.
- Hello my HTC brothers and sisters.
This is Jeff Newman just checking in.
Wanted to share a quick boom for this afternoon.
Was a $5,000 sale at 15%.
Anyway, thank you everybody for helping me
and the coaching calls and then our group calls.
Appreciate you all
very, very much, especially in Discord.
I look forward to keeping you all up to date
and seeing you in the next class in a couple days
and in Discord.
- So on July 18th, I closed my first boom for $6,820.
Let me remind you guys.
I run a small business and these are deals
that I haven't been able to close before
and I'm closing them now.
It's happening now.
On July 23rd, I closed another deal for 6K,
and the day right after that, July 24th,
I closed another deal for 3K.
So all this is happening right now.
All this has been before graduation.
Thank you very much.
Thank you HTC, thank you HTC family.
I appreciate all have you done.
Sifu, thank you very much.
Tina, Desmond, all you guys.
This is just great.
This is happening, it's happening now.
Take care.
Comment below, let me know if you agree with me
and also comment below if you have any other questions
for me, Boss in the Bentley.
More than happy to answer you question
if it's a good question.
Until next time, I'll see you in my Bentley.