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And it's a pretty awesome kids, so it's got two different forms.
So we're gonna first take a look here at the incomplete form, and then we'll put the different parts on to make it into the complete form.
And if you guys watch the live build of this, you saw that.
It was a pretty fun bill, but pretty straightforward.
Nothing really to fancy about it.
If you didn't see the live bill, you can go back and watch that if you prefer it's stored here on my YouTube channel may wait until after you finish watching the review first as always big thank you to as a gun store for their support.
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There is Doc Aurelius, tend?
Yes, a pretty awesome kid with some really nice design features.
I really like the way of this kid was designed the proportions and some of the details of a love like the feed. 00:00:58.410 --> 00:01:0.260 The chest head is really cool. 00:01:0.260 --> 00:01:1.940 Looking has a very unique style for the head. 00:01:2.180 --> 00:01:4.930 The arms, especially inside the arms, is not really so much. 00:01:4.930 --> 00:01:8.070 That's not really my preferred design there, but we'll get into it. 00:01:8.070 --> 00:01:12.750 We'll talk about all the articulation, accessories, everything, all that just to give you guys the bottom line straight out the back.
If this is a design that you like that, I would definitely recommend this kid for you.
Now let's get into it with the accessories first, shall we?
First off, this kit did come with a couple of marking stickers that can see the six in the triangle There, there, and there's another one on the alternate shoulder armor.
We do also have some boil stickers as well, which I'll show you.
Here goes the stickers include the Little V there on the crotch and then the camera stickers for the front and back of the head.
There in foil red and then for the eyes.
You have two different options, either in red or in green.
I went with red, but you can choose green if you want.
No notably.
There's no stickers on here for these cameras on the back, Back underneath the cannon.
There, it looks like that should be a camera detail there.
But strangely, no oil stickers for that, which is kind of odd.
As for hands, we just got the two holding hands here. 00:01:54.430 --> 00:02:1.000 And we do have 1/3 hand, which is a rifle holding hand here at the trigger finger extended, which I've got here on the beam rifle. 00:02:1.010 --> 00:02:2.720 Also, no camera. 00:02:2.730 --> 00:02:5.520 No, uh, sticker for the camera for this one either. 00:02:5.530 --> 00:02:6.310 Strangely, still. 00:02:6.310 --> 00:02:16.690 You if you have any leftover sticker that you might want to use for this, any left over from some different kid or something, even where you got a little bit of extra space, you can cut out a little sticker out of that good stick onto there if you want.
But as it is, if you use Boyle stickers, you might find this get a little bit lacking for a couple of cameras.
But being rifle is pretty simple.
I like this kind of weird magazine that's got here.
It's got, like, the two different sides there on that white tip on it is a bit odd.
It's definitely unique.
But anyway, the design for this rifle is very cool.
I like that you got the shield here, which is just a couple of pieces, but it feels different.
This definitely feels like it's, Ah, new mold for this particular design of Shell, which is not a new shield, just regular kind of curb.
Sheila's been included with multiple kids, but this feels like a new mould of that.
So kind of interesting.
We have the connection here, which is just on a ball joint.
You can actually connect this either onto the side or the back of the arm like that. 00:02:57.130 --> 00:03:0.590 There you can see one more of those markings stickers there just for the FSF logo. 00:03:0.590 --> 00:03:11.780 On the front of that, we've got a couple of clear pink team a zipper effect parts for the beam saber handles, which restored up here on top of the backpack, and then we have the alternate parts here for making us into the complete version.
You have the different set of shoulder armor here, and then you also have different parts for the legs.
All go ahead and transform that here in a moment but let's just take a look at the articulation.
First for the backpack.
Basically, these will just rotate up and down like that so you can rotate those up out of the way.
You'll have a seam line down the middle of those great parts there for the cannons.
Unfortunately, also on these black parts, you have a seam line down the middle of those parts.
There on the side.
Ask for the main center part of the backpack at this center, pieces like all one part that you plug in the store smells into.
I really wish that this would have been molded in gray and said, Just with this being all black, you kind of lose a lot of that detail there.
It's kind of a little bit hard to see.
If that was just a great piece, I think that would look nicer.
That said, you could just paint that part gray in the center just for those vents in the little detail, their center of the backpack and still keep the outer body of the backpack still in black. 00:03:57.510 --> 00:04:2.360 As for the head, it will move all the way up to there, which is pretty good you have some little flags on the phone. 00:04:2.360 --> 00:04:5.680 I haven't removed those quite yet, but of course, you could just cut those Shave those down. 00:04:5.680 --> 00:04:7.520 If you want, head will go down to there. 00:04:7.520 --> 00:04:8.250 That's pretty nice. 00:04:8.350 --> 00:04:16.630 Go a little bit of four of them back movement here in the stomach section, although not terribly too much, but basically just some rotation here at the middle of that's gonna be about this.
And as I mentioned earlier, I really like the design of the chest.
You're head of the yellow inside the blue inside the great piece here for some really nice color separation here for the molding of the chest.
As for the shoulders, those will swing out to the front like that.
You have that swinging Polly cap joint there for those were only gonna be able to bring the arms up to their about 90 degrees before you gonna be popping out of the ball.
Joint arm will rotate there at the top.
It will also rotate now down here below the elbow joint as well.
So you can bend that a full print, 180 degree bend there with that double jointed elbow, which is pretty nice.
Do you have that bend to the correct way?
The wrists, of course.
Just on a ball joint.
There, the front skirts also on ball joins, but they're connected together.
You can clip them apart, though, if you prefer those who've moved plenty far away, too, not interfere with the articulation forward of the legs. 00:05:0.360 --> 00:05:4.220 The side skirts will also move up and down, and the back skirt will not move anywhere. 00:05:4.220 --> 00:05:10.620 It's just fixed as just one big solid piece there on the back, as normal for high grade, hip joint will rock side to side.
There we got some irritation at the top of the lake and bring the leg all the way out to the side and then all the way out to the front forward, 90 degrees perpendicular to the body like that, a nice double joint here in the knee for a really nice full bend there in the knee as well.
That's really cool.
Front and glamour will move up, and down there you can point the toe up all the way to their back all the way to there, and then you have a little bit side to side movement.
Here and it's just on a ball joint Now.
I love the design of the feet here.
How they just have, like to come to a flat point at the tip is just kind of interesting design of the aside from them being was yellow, which is cool.
The design of them is also just a little bit different than your normal gonna foot design.
So I like that underneath the feet you have some nice full detail there as well.
No hollow spaces to have to fill or anything.
So that's also good looking.
Very nice compared to is, our 78 to brother here is gonna be just about the same height in terms of head height. 00:05:59.170 --> 00:06:3.440 Obviously, though, with the cannons in the backpack, it's going to be towering over the Arctic 72 with those. 00:06:3.440 --> 00:06:8.230 But it's generally gonna be the average size for a typical 1 44 scale, Gundam says. 00:06:8.230 --> 00:06:9.610 Can see this kid is pretty cool. 00:06:9.610 --> 00:06:11.060 It's got some really nice articulations.
So nice details around there as well as for the weapons.
It's pretty standard with just the beam Sabres being rightful.
The shield that's kind of your just standard Gundam load out that said, the addition of the parts to make this into the complete version is what really makes this cool.
It really, really gives this just a little bit mawr in the way of making it worth for you to pay that big people and that price tag for it.
And while I assume most people are gonna want to display this as the complete boil just because of how cool I think it still looks incomplete form.
I was the kind of thing that I wouldn't mind getting two of these just to have one in the complete form, one of the incomplete point.
It's because I do kind of like the incomplete form to just because that just kind of the typical Gundam sort of simplicity.
It was similar to the Ark 78 to doesn't have a super a lot of bulk on the legs, the shoulders just kind of simple.
And that's the most similar to the Alex, I guess, to in that way. 00:06:57.080 --> 00:07:6.690 Obviously it has a big giant backpack and some good amount of bulk there on the forums, but still, I like the simplicity of incomplete formas well, But that said, it does just look so cool with the complete form as well. 00:07:6.690 --> 00:07:13.430 And the color separation on those parts as well on the shoulders and on the legs, the yellow insect parts and the white parts going with the blue parts.
All that looks really cool.
Painting this up is gonna be a lot of fun.
It's also really minimal in the seems like on the body.
There's practically nothing, except for basically, just a little bit on the head.
And it's pretty much just mostly on the backpacks.
Only one place you're gonna have some major seems to get rid of on this case, so painting it up should be not too difficult a task by any means.
And it should look really cool once it's all painted up.
Even if you don't want to just giving it some panel lining and some topcoat.
It's got a lot of really nice detail on there to bring out.
That's definitely going to look really cool as well.
So that's gonna be it for the review guys.
Let me know what you think about the kids they're down below.
I'm really happy with this.
Really cool.
Glad we finally got awesome kid here of mud rock, and it's pretty much exactly what you would want.
I think.
Thank you all so much for watching once again thanking us a good store, of course, for their support to.
And I'll see you guys all next time having going, I guess.