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  • we hit today the kids are testing my patience

  • it literally took me faster to deliver max than getting them ready for school

  • there's been pinkeye or whatever infection in our household and it copy

  • hello guys it's Monday but it's literally 5:00 p.m. I didn't get a

  • chance to film today at all I had my workout and then I ran out to a meeting

  • and I was basically mostly sitting in traffic because it's snowing and that's

  • knowing I mean I might as well be snowing it's raining non-stop here in

  • Toronto first I'm gonna get much allotted then I'm gonna go pick up the

  • boys and take them to music I was planning to go and to rock climbing

  • there's like a facility for rock climbing today because I really want to

  • find time to do these like fun things that I want to do but that struggle with

  • managers that we have very limited amount of time and there's like 15 other

  • activities you can do and it's just prioritizing them and unfortunately rock

  • climbing is not a priority and it's far and there's traffic

  • okay my friends cute day this week this is how I feel about this week by the way

  • this is exactly what it is the day we've been all waiting for and by all means

  • Gary nine we're going to inspect the house it's a pre delivery inspection to

  • make sure that everything is the way we want it to be so I am really really

  • excited okay guys there's so much work to be done

  • but they're gonna do after the fact but I am so excited this is their first home

  • together for Gary and myself our previous home was a home that Gary

  • purchased a long long time ago and we moved in there because we were living

  • downtown in a condo Jake was born this is like our first home together this is

  • really cool I am planning to do look at the core series on YouTube and do room

  • by room because I'm planning to do like really exciting collaborations and

  • projects I wasn't into these type of things but when you have to choose

  • everything from scratch you really start noticing little beams and like all these

  • details okay coming to pick up the boys we hit 15 minutes ago and I really want

  • to celebrate but I can't because after they've been swimming but I am so so

  • thankful and grateful for you guys Benny you know what happened to mommy

  • mommy got a million subscribers on YouTube JK I told something to Benny you

  • know what I told him we just hit 1 million subscribers on

  • YouTube yeah

  • why do you want what are you going I hope to see a swan oh I see it Wow

  • what's her name you think we're doing this one was your anything you think the

  • same as my friend Benny you're pushing it with where you're going there no no

  • no no no no you can't sit here please come up thank you

  • this is the boardwalk this is what people want not here here

  • did you like it Maxie did you like it hi Wednesday today the kids are testing my

  • patience it literally took me faster to deliver max than getting them ready for

  • school no you're not going to the front from the back because I don't want your

  • shoes on my seat thank you very much good job and get it babe get it

  • so we came to hold to do a little fun video and they showed us their personal

  • shopping Suites look at this this is the door this is

  • the suite oMG is bigger than my master bedroom this is me today

  • their natural habitat do you like and on today's episode I'm GU Jurassic giraffe

  • apart o Discovery Channel what are you dreaming human sleep training Deauville

  • and this is how swimming skittish so he says dad it says okay okay hi guys today

  • we are shooting two-and-a-half fashion content thing we schedule a full day

  • videos yeah thing with scheduled studio day today so I'm excited I have all my

  • girls with me and then I have some clothes oh my god oh no

  • so this outfit is canceled and it's it we're just gonna dance around and have

  • fun and hope for the best thanks bye oh my god that's put some

  • popcorn in this bag and that'll be like

  • I can't know but the camera here yeah Emma burrow your new phone for selfies

  • Laura sent lighting it changes its lighting according to what anything what

  • is she trying to say oh that's a good idea

  • you better honest I've never looked so alive look at this do you burn I know

  • that is good yeah beautiful and struggling you would never know this

  • smoke a look at Emma she looks like a Sephora ad okay so today we have a

  • pretty exciting day we are doing a photo shoot for magazine that reached out to

  • me it's called modern Muse mag and it's basically a magazine that just like

  • highlights motherhood and the process of pregnancy I mean everything and they're

  • doing such a beautiful job they've been covering a lot of really

  • cool women with different experiences in motherhood I feel honored that they

  • reach out to me and ask me to do this so we are gonna head out in a couple of

  • hours to the studio where we're gonna meet a team there and that Jake Ben and

  • Max are coming and I'm so excited it's gonna be so cute obviously you guys are

  • coming with us because that's how family rules everybody together but not good

  • not good go down go down I know you think you're

  • a firework but this is can you come down please you're making

  • me worry we don't have insurance I did it

  • I just have very low expectations because it's like with Sjogren's wants

  • kids are down there time there's no life trying to make it work we're gonna do

  • kind of like a soft vintagey wave so it's just setting in kind of these

  • ridiculous ring and then you like it

  • well that looks really nice on you

  • last thing my loves and then we'll wrap it up hey you guys Saturday I am here

  • with Erin who is the founder of juice beauty I have a little crush on her

  • because she started this whole movement so today we are doing a meet-and-greet

  • at Sephora together we're going to be talking and sharing all sorts of tips on

  • organic beauty we're going to go and hopefully meet as many of you as

  • possible and hopefully you'll join our

  • conversation

  • yeah you guys we finished our meet and greet it was so much fun PS I'm not

  • pregnant forgot to tell you guys update we're all good

  • clear until next time hey so today we have the company party we're celebrating

  • our 1 million subscribers who wanted to do something fun for the team and create

  • a little Russian style celebration at my mom's place but then this happened I

  • don't know what to do about this guys we invited the whole team to come we're

  • gonna run now to a walk-in clinic to see if it's something super serious and if I

  • should stay at home but this is insanity there's been pinkeye or whatever I

  • infection in our household and it copy I am the better news this is my house I

  • feel like I went for a clueless theme hopefully I'll get to party tonight if

  • not then I'll just be back home and save this outfit for another time I don't

  • think this party's gonna happen let me take you to the clinic

  • to the party but because I feel like I can't keep this one open and this one

  • shuts Oh looks really bad so I'm gonna walk to the walk-in clinic like this

  • they're like what the hell do you think you're going and you're just fixed it I

  • never had something like this in my life nobody worried about okay we're gonna

  • take care of ladies

we hit today the kids are testing my patience

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這怎麼會發生在我身上呢? (How Could This Happen To Me | Weekly Vlog)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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