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  • I've been kind of hoarding my packages that well, due to lack of time.

  • You're going to Japan.

  • I've just kind of haven't had that much free time to do thes, um, boxes for you guys.

  • So they kind of just been stacking up in the corner off my Gundam room.

  • Henry.

  • And of course, I have my you know, companion right here next to me.

  • They had everybody won re when we she's camera shine.

  • So you'll have to excuse her.

  • But, um, here is a huge pile of boxes.

  • I'm not kidding.

  • Lots of boxes to get through.

  • So I'm probably going to split this video into two parts.

  • Just won't get too long, and you'll get bored.

  • So I'm going to start off with the first package. 00:00:57.710 --> 00:01:7.140 Um, yeah, that's what I want when I want to start with one package, get my appeal boxing, and then leave the other hall for another video. 00:01:7.430 --> 00:01:11.540 So let's get started into all these boxes.

  • I have here so many goodies to show you guys excited.

  • Um, I'm going to do this one.

  • Here it is P Bandai items, and I know those are my patriarch.

  • You guys got a sneak peek at what I ordered for?

  • You guys actually want these on a website called Zen Market and they sponsored this box for you guys for me to review on here.

  • So I So it's like a proxy website, actually, really Would enjoyed some market.

  • And I think I might order more if you by night kids from them because they actually offer a very fair, reasonable price.

  • So what you do is you love winemaking account and basic.

  • You can buy anything from Amazon J P actual band.

  • I, um, abandoned, but they're the P Bandai website directly from Japan. 00:01:58.820 --> 00:02:4.590 You can order anything from Japan Bay City through this website, and I just have a small fee of a believe through 100 yen. 00:02:4.770 --> 00:02:7.100 So you just make an account log in there. 00:02:7.440 --> 00:02:7.670 Why? 00:02:7.670 --> 00:02:11.140 Whatever you want to buy, and then it gets shipped to their warehouse and from the warehouse.

  • They ship this the items to you.

  • So this box right here is actually items I want off.

  • Um believe it waas Japan.

  • Yahoo, which unfortunately you can't access.

  • If you're an American or you're outside of Japan, you have to be in Japan.

  • So I used the market to go ahead and win these items for you guys.

  • And I'm really excited to show you what's in here.

  • So let me show you what's in the box.

  • This guy put the box in front of me.

  • Now it's even things out.

  • Lots of a bubble wrap.

  • You know, you never keep crickets more safe.

  • All right.

  • First item I have here is the Universal Century Group.

  • Now these came in three.

  • Whoa.

  • One group.

  • What?

  • It came in like a set of three. 00:02:59.560 --> 00:03:2.270 You could order the goof, the accident to end the gun cannon. 00:03:2.280 --> 00:03:5.690 And right when I saw these items release, I was like, I need to have them. 00:03:5.690 --> 00:03:7.580 But unfortunately again, there, P Benda. 00:03:7.590 --> 00:03:11.070 I didn't have access to them, so I wasn't able to buy them again.

  • I want to use it because they tends to be a little expensive when ordering p band.

  • And again, these are P main A.

  • Unfortunately, I kind of have to pay that scalper fee, but I actually did end up getting these for extremely fair price.

  • I believe all three of them were only like $65.

  • So that's actually not terrible for AP Bend.

  • I kid, if you know, divided by three.

  • So this is the 1st 1 I mean, just look at that coloring.

  • I just Why would I saw him released on my own?

  • My God, it's so freaking cool.

  • You guys already know that I'm going to be doing a review of this kid for you guys.

  • You can see.

  • See, Here's a three of them and instead of block.

  • So I'm pretty excited.

  • I got this guy for a really good price. 00:03:59.410 --> 00:04:1.810 Let me show you the next thing in the box Thief. 00:04:1.820 --> 00:04:4.050 You guys can already guessed what's gonna be in here. 00:04:5.390 --> 00:04:14.750 And the next one is the Arctic 78 to again from the same Siri's that the goof was in amazing freaking coloring.

  • I just loved it.

  • The side of the box side pictures the other side here that you can see the kid different poses just overall.

  • An awesome kid.

  • I'm very excited to show you guys have a channel What this guy looks like out of the walk, snap together and last leave wth e gun cannon.

  • Here is what this little cute he looks like Not as cool as the other two, you know, but okay.

  • He's still kind of cool looking, right?

  • I mean, it doesn't look terrible. 00:04:51.420 --> 00:05:1.620 You know, he's got a little kind of cool markings here and in the booties and way, so obviously not as exciting as the goof or the artillery, too. 00:05:1.620 --> 00:05:9.110 But, I mean, how to get all three of them, right, cause how could I just get to and then discriminate against against the poor gun cannon? 00:05:9.170 --> 00:05:10.050 I can't do that.

  • I need to show this guy some love, so I picked him up as well.

  • Okay, there's one more thing in this box.

  • And I was so I was really worried I wasn't gonna win, because again, it is an auction, and I was very like I couldn't sleep thinking about Oh, my God, someone's gonna outbid me.

  • Son's gonna outbid me, but I did end up winning it.

  • So take a look at this freaking item right here.

  • This is a one slash 12 scale.

  • Off the arcs and me to beam saver and even cooler is that it makes e c.

  • I'm so excited, Like human talk.

  • It makes noises like you went missing around and makes noise. 00:05:53.240 --> 00:06:1.120 I know it sounds so freaking lame, but I mean what like, how is this not the epitome of awesomeness? 00:06:1.120 --> 00:06:3.760 I mean values for me, you know, I guess I don't know, Whatever. 00:06:3.810 --> 00:06:13.810 But here's a back of the box, and it also comes with a display piece so you can display this thing that I wonder if you can.

  • You if this is the same one that comes in the the big, like $10,000 Gundam.

  • I mean, it's the same company S C H Y two em.

  • They're the ones that did make the one slash 12.

  • I believe it's the same scale off these Aku and the Gundam.

  • But I'm so, so ecstatic that I won this item off Japan, Yahoo, Japan.

  • So I'm pretty excited.

  • Thio show you guys probably will be doing a video on this, letting you guys know kind of like it's moves.

  • I gotta figure it out all in Japanese. 00:06:49.080 --> 00:07:2.700 So I gotta ask my friend to help translate the directions for me because apparently there's different sounds with different movements you make and there's also like a little led on there, so yeah, this is the stuff. 00:07:2.890 --> 00:07:8.280 So this is the last item that I got from this end market again. 00:07:8.280 --> 00:07:9.170 Thank you so much to them. 00:07:9.170 --> 00:07:12.460 Work it for sponsoring this boxing for you guys.

  • I'm really happy with these items and stay tuned for me, reviewing all of them in the future.

  • So that's one box down.

  • Okay, I'm going to do next.

  • Will probably be my p o on boxing.

  • Oh, when we look at her, isn't she so cute?

  • I like Can you please feed me or something?

  • She's always thinking about for of course she's got.

  • But okay, let me get to the next locks.

  • You got some mail, and this is from Gump Low Wife.

  • Ooh, I'm gonna have her information and description. 00:07:58.990 --> 00:08:3.330 So if you aren't already prescribed to her ghost describes and he's awesome. 00:08:3.340 --> 00:08:4.560 Cute little letter. 00:08:5.470 --> 00:08:11.090 And she drew me these focus through this Oslo.

  • A picture of me and herself.

  • Cute.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Comfortable.

  • Wife for the care package.

  • I really like it.

  • Her cute little stickers right here.

  • So cute.

  • I read who I got a Zach too.

  • TriStar's things really good here.

  • Okay.

  • More exact was actually, don't have this one.

  • So I'm pretty excited because, you know, even though I have, like, 500 doctors, you can never have enough stock was in your life. 00:08:59.400 --> 00:09:2.750 So this is the one that I got from. 00:09:3.180 --> 00:09:7.500 I got a letter from Thomas F. 00:09:7.510 --> 00:09:13.430 I want to keep the last name private for privacy, and I would read this letter off camera again.

  • Thank you so much, Thomas, for these aku.

  • I'm gonna look, I'm gonna you know, like I'm so happy doing this video, can you and speak where I mean, but that's this man that scared me.

  • I don't know if the Thundercat that on camera, but it felt like it was literally right there.

  • So was, well, scary.

  • Uh, anyways, thank you so much for the Zach.

  • Well, I'll look forward to building this, um, whenever I get time.

  • So thank you.

  • Moving on.

  • God, my heart is racing.

  • That was really loud. 00:09:55.950 --> 00:10:0.160 Wondering I'm not a fan of thunder. 00:10:1.000 --> 00:10:1.410 Okay? 00:10:1.410 --> 00:10:4.240 And this is from Korea. 00:10:6.130 --> 00:10:7.630 You take a look in here.

  • Very good.

  • This is from G reworked.

  • I won't his a Seagram information down below at a Melissa.

  • Thank you.

  • And this is an awesome Gundam Or dunk the gum flaw.

  • More specifically, book.

  • And it's like two Torigoe tells you how to do things.

  • Well, let me a little dough inside here.

  • So sweet.

  • So I'll give you a little snippet.

  • I could get it on camera some of his war.

  • He's a very awesome Gumpel modeler.

  • And in this book, Okay, here, you can see hey gives you tips and advised howto make you're gonna kits look amazing describing how describe trying to be gentle so I don't mess up the book.

  • Um, but very awesome things G and sniper.

  • I will be.

  • I got two looks very, very thing.

  • Um, thank you so much.

  • And I'm actually gonna be giving one away and they give away.

  • So one lucky person will be getting one of these books.

  • I'm gonna just do a big give away with some kids I had planned.

  • I just got backed up, You know, I'm sorry, but I won't give away with this look.

  • And why some other kids that I will be giving away for you guys?

  • You were describing to me and watch my stuff so again Thank you so much work to sending me disciple I'm going to be leaving a link are his instagram information and never loved You guys are interested in getting on to the next I I probably have more packed my chance to go over their work has been keeping me slammed like a vacation like you were working to the bone.

  • Okay, so let me want to my tithe boxing and I want to give you think types for sponsoring my channel.

  • Thank you guys so much.

  • You'll continue making deals with the help of this company.

  • So if you want to support my China would have a description to their website. 00:12:47.970 --> 00:13:8.470 And don't forget to use my save yourself, so let me get it first.

I've been kind of hoarding my packages that well, due to lack of time.

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高達又有大收穫!P-Bandai & More!第一部分 (Another Massive Gundam Haul! P-Bandai & More!! Part 1)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary