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  • You know, sometimes it may seem that you know all the secrets of the modern world.

  • After all, you can and do use the Internet.

  • But then you accidentally find out that the first photographs took eight hours to expose, or that Mount Everest isn't the closest point to space.

  • That's when you realize the world might not be that simple.

  • Has it ever occurred to you that your phone's vibrating when it actually isn't?

  • If so, you're familiar with Phantom Vibration syndrome scientist suppose that it can be a sign that a person's too involved with her favorite gadget.

  • Your household Internet has the average speed of 25 megabits per second.

  • It's fast enough to watch YouTube videos and Netflix with no buffer time.

  • No doubt it's great.

  • But just for your information during some testing, NASA's Internet speed once reached a staggering 91 gigabytes per second.

  • Peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth is nothing to be excited about, but some people take it to the next level Iraqi.

  • But Tyra Phobia is an irrational fear of peanut butter getting stuck somewhere in your mouth.

  • Hot chocolate tastes better if you drink it out of an Orange Cup.

  • Researchers asked 57 volunteers to try the same hot chocolate out of red white cream.

  • And orange comes.

  • Almost all.

  • The participants agreed that the chocolate tasted better when they were drinking it.

  • Out of orange comes.

  • It proves that the way you serve something influences your perception of its taste.

  • Oh, by the way, if you had a little orange flavoring to your hot chocolate, it tastes just like a two tier.

  • Oh, really?

  • Try it and let me know how you like it.

  • In the comments.

  • You're probably familiar with such terms as Megabyte, Gigabyte and terabyte.

  • But how about a petabytes?

  • Just like one gigabyte?

  • Consists of 1024 megabytes, when petabytes is made up of 1024 terabytes and it's a lot of data.

  • See for yourself.

  • A one petabytes hard drive can hold more than 13 years of HD TV video, and a 50 petabytes hard drive would be able to hold all the written works of mankind in all languages from the very beginning of recorded history.

  • By the way back in the past, when there were no terabytes or even gigabyte check megabytes usedto weigh a lot.

  • The first computer, which was built in 1956 at a hard drive or something similar to that this hard drives capacity was five megabytes who but the cabinet.

  • It was kept in wait around one time, more than 68% of all fresh water on Earth is permanently frozen.

  • Some of it is locked up in glaciers, and the rest makes up the earth's ice caps.

  • If you need to figure out how right your cranberries are, try dropping them on the ground.

  • If a cranberry is ready to eat, it'll bounce off the floor.

  • Even farmers use this method to check if their product is ready for shipment.

  • So wash those cranberries.

  • In 2006 Carter Telecom had a charity auction where they offered a unique phone number.

  • 6666666 An anonymous bidder bought it for $2.7 million.

  • Our planet's inner core is as hot as the sun surface.

  • Yeah, it's mostly solid iron and nickel, surrounded by super hot liquid and heated up to 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • The only birds that can fly backwards are hummingbirds.

  • They do it while getting away from a flower tonic.

  • Water glows in the dark, thanks to one of its components, even a little amount of a chemical called Queen I makes tonic water Flores, a brilliant bright blue human taste buds, have a very short life cycle no longer than 10 to 14 days.

  • You can't see your taste buds with the naked eye because they're too tiny.

  • Those small bums a lot of people take for taste buds are actually for pillage, and real taste buds sit on top of these hair like projections.

  • If a popular browser is named Firefox, its logo supposed to be a fox, right?

  • Not actually.

  • It's a bit puzzling, but the cute, furry animal on the logo is actually a red panda.

  • The sun is an average sized star, and still it could fit 1,300,000 Earths.

  • The star is also 333,000 as heavy as our planet, however hot it's outside, you won't be able to cook an egg on the sidewalk.

  • The highest ever recorded sidewalk temperature was 131 degrees, but to cook an egg, you need at least 158 degrees concrete is a great heat conductor, but it's not enough to make breakfast.

  • It took the radio almost 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million people.

  • For comparison, the iPod achieved the same milestone within three years.

  • People have been able to spell their emails in Morse code since 2004.

  • That's when a new symbol at was added to the code for the first time in many decades.

  • The character is called a comment and consists of the A and C signals with no break in.

  • Between.

  • 97% of people use Google as a spell checker.

  • Users type in words in the address bar to see if they spell them correctly.

  • Well, I'm definitely one of that 97%.

  • Scientists claim that the Earth's core is about 1% gold, although it may not seem so much if you deposited all this gold on our planet's land surface, it would cover the ground up to your knees.

  • More than 6000 new computer viruses appear every month.

  • This number has dramatically increased since the nineties.

  • Back then, there were only 50 known computer viruses.

  • Sadly, these days, about 90% of all e mails contain some kind of malware.

  • The best anti virus programs detect more than 360,000 malicious files a day.

  • Barcode was patented in October 1952 but it started to be used for product labeling only 22 years later.

  • Nowadays, this system is known as U P C, which stands for universal product code.

  • If you think that the QWERTY keyboard doesn't make sense, you're right.

  • It was invented to slow people down.

  • When typewriters were invented, they were far from perfect, and typing too fast tended to jam the keys.

  • The chord.

  • The keyboard spaced out.

  • The most commonly used symbols, which slowed type is down and prevented jamming, by the way, on a typical working day professional type, his fingers travel about 12 miles.

  • Pineapples have nothing in common with pines.

  • When early explorers saw this fruit for the first time, they thought it looked like pine cones.

  • Hence the name.

  • Your brain uses about 20% of your body's energy.

  • When you're resting, it's almost as much as when you're away.

  • This genius Oregon also burns around 330 calories per day.

  • There's a C with borders defined not by land but by ocean currents.

  • It's the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from Bermuda.

  • Several currents create a large, still area of salty water filled with floating seaweed.

  • One of the loudest animals on earth is me.

  • No.

  • Is the tiger pistol shrimp famous for its super powerful claw.

  • When hunting or feeling threatened, this tiny creature starts to snap, its claws shut so fast that the process creates a bubble with extremely low pressure inside.

  • When this bubble collapses, it produces a deafening shockwave.

  • Even though all the process takes less than a millisecond, it's still an impressive feat for an animal so small they don't mow lawns at Google Mountainview headquarters.

  • Instead, they rent goats.

  • 200 goats herded by a border collie are regularly brought to eat the grass and keep everything neat.

  • Astronauts tasted the first food grown and harvested in space in 2015.

  • It was red romaine lettuce that have been growing in a special chamber for 15 months.

  • The fact that in the near future people might not need to bring huge amounts of food to space means we can explore further and longer without running out of supplies.

  • It's a proven fact that when you're on the computer, you blink less in everyday life.

  • You blink around 20 times per minute, but when you're using a computer, though it's only seven times per minute.

  • What's even more interesting?

  • You also read 10% more slowly.

  • When you're looking at a computer screen or any other electronic device, Don't blink or you'll miss it.

  • There are more than 120 million pieces of junk orbiting Earth.

  • Sadly, all this space trash was left by US humans.

  • Space debris moves at a breakneck speed of 17,500 miles per hour around our planet.

  • Just don't get in the way.

  • The first photograph was taken in 18 26 and it took the image almost eight hours to get exposed.

  • But 13 years later, this time decreased toe a mere 15 minutes.

  • Surgeons who play video games for more than three hours per week make 37% fewer mistakes and their important work.

  • Plus, they're also 27% faster when it comes to completing particular types of surgeries.

  • Yep, in never wanna hear a surgeon say Oops, the sun surfaces scorching high, but a bolt of lightning is five times hotter.

  • Earth gets struck by 100 lightning bolts every second, which results in eight million lightning strikes a day and around three billion a year.

  • Angel Falls, the largest uninterrupted waterfall on our planet, is as tall as a 300 storey building every day.

  • There are more than three and 1/2 1,000,000,000 Google searches.

  • In May 2019 the most Googled words were Amazon, with more than 103 million searches, YouTube with 194 million searches, and Facebook with 233 million searches.

  • The world's first VCR, which stands for video cassette recorder, appeared in 1956.

  • It was a massive thing about the size of a piano.

  • Your fingers don't have muscles of their own.

  • Surprise.

  • All the muscles that move finger joints are located in your forearms and palm.

  • The first computer mouse was created in 1964 and it was made of wood.

  • The device was also rectangular and had a small button in its top right corner.

  • The inventor called the new computer edition a mouse because it's cord reminded him of the little rodent.

  • One study showed that bookstore customers were three and 1/2 times more likely to look through romantic books.

  • If the store smelled of chocolate and six times more likely to buy such books, check it out.

  • As you know, the greenhouse effect has a negative influence on people.

  • At the same time, if there was no greenhouse effect whatsoever, the Earth's global temperature wouldn't rise above zero degrees Fahrenheit for comparison.

  • Now the planet's average temperature is 59 degrees.

  • Pringles shape is called a parabolic parable.

  • OId.

  • Yep, I'm positive you needed to know this information these days.

  • By the age of 21 theat Bridge young person has already spent 10,000 hours on their smartphone 5000 hours playing video games and receive 250,000 e mails and texts.

  • Yeah, now imagine what else you could have done with that time.

  • Sloths living moist and humid conditions.

  • That's why Moss and some other plans often grow in their hair.

  • Plus, these animals have very poor eyesight to factors sometimes lead to a sloth, grabbing its own arm, thinking that it's a tree branch and falling down to the ground before a person develops frostbite.

  • After having spent too much time in the cold.

  • They have to go through a milder frost nip stage.

  • Giant Pacific Octopus has nine brains, three hearts and blue blood.

  • It can also changes texture and color to camouflage itself in a matter of seconds.

  • Even though Mountain Dew tastes like lemon or lime, it contains some orange juice.

  • It's the third on the list of ingredients right after carbonated water and high fructose corn syrup.

  • Australia has more than 10,000 beaches.

  • If you decided to visit a new beach every day, it would take you more than 27 years.

  • When you blush, the lining of your stomach turns red as well.

  • Hey, look, the director of the despicable Me movie created Mignini's so that minions could speak their own language.

  • Mignini's borrows words and grammatical rules from other languages.

  • For example, Banana Potato Orb apple, which is basically just an apple with a B come from English.

  • A male zebra Finch is less likely to court a female if they didn't have some kind of social friendship when they were younger.

  • See, you got a network man.

  • The longest mountain range in the world is underwater.

  • The Mid Ocean Ridge system.

  • That's what it's called is around 20 times as long as the Andes Mountains, the largest mountain range on the surface.

  • The entire underwater ridge has a volcanic origin.

  • More than 40% of all grown food products are never sold because they don't look beautiful enough.

  • Customers don't want to buy in perfect fruit or veggies, even though they're totally edible.

  • That's why stores refused to stock them in the early 19th century.

  • People believe that tomatoes had amazing medicinal qualities.

  • Doctors were sure this product could treat different digestive problems.

  • That's when a recipe for tomato ketchup, which was then a medicine, was invented.

  • Before the late 18 hundreds, lobsters were the food for the poor.

  • They were often eaten by prisoners and homeless people.

  • No wonder the lobsters nickname was a cockroach of the ocean on Lee.

  • Many decades later, lobsters turned into a delicacy and started to be associated with the aristocracy.

  • But they still got eaten.

  • The Earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving, even though it's no more than several inches per year, which is as fast as your fingernails grow.

  • If this pattern doesn't change than 250 million years from now, people will be settling on a new supercontinent on an island close to the west coast of Australia, you confined a bubble gum pink colored lake.

  • For sure, like Hillier isn't the world's only leg with an unusual you.

  • What makes this water reservoir unique is that scientists haven't understood yet the reason for its bright pink color.

  • Healthy food is generally three times more expensive than junk food.

  • Then why not eat junk food and save money?

  • Well, I doubt your body will appreciate such an experiment these days.

  • Most people get their antioxidants from coffee.

  • Antioxidants help fight heart disease and ageing.

  • And even though coffee doesn't contain big amounts of this useful substance, people consumed so much of this drink that in loads of countries, it's the number one antioxidant source most was sobbing.

  • You can buy in a supermarket is actually colored horse radish with different flavorings.

  • Real wasabi is a rather expensive and challenging to prepare.

  • Even though Mount Everest is the tallest peak above sea level, it's not the closest to stars more than 20,000 feet high.

  • Mount Chimborazo, in the Andes, is the closest point to space simply because it sits.

  • Hire some shredded cheese.

  • Contains edible wood pulp called cellulose.

  • This ingredient doesn't do any harm when you digest it.

  • It's added to prevent the cheese from clumping together.

  • Wouldn't you know it?

  • One of the most toxic plants on earth is the yew tree.

  • Interestingly, any part of this tree can poison you, be it its bark leaves or buds.

  • But the Berries air harmless unless you eat the seed within.

  • Dummy white chocolate has a totally misleading name.

  • Technically, it's not chocolate because it doesn't contain cocoa solids.

  • White chocolate is, in fact, just a mix of cocoa, butter, sugar, milk, vanilla and less.

  • A thin, less enough sound influences the way you perceive your food.

  • Low frequency sounds enhanced the bitterness in your food, while high frequency ones bring out its sweetness.

  • There's no solid land under the North Pole.

  • All you can see there is see eyes.

  • By the way, the gravitational pull is stronger at the polls, and if you travel there, be ready that you'll weigh a bit more.

  • Nutella is such a popular product that 25% of all hazelnuts in the world end up in its jars.

  • The amount of the sweet paste produced in just one year would be enough to cover the Great Wall of China eight times Who?

  • Let's try that.

  • You might have noticed that there are no solar winds on our planet.

  • For that, you can thank the Earth's nickel iron core, coupled with the planet's fast rotational speed.

  • These two factors combined create a strong protective magnetic field once, and astronauts snuck a corned beef sandwich into space.

  • But when he took it out in zero gravity, the things started to fall apart.

  • The astronaut was forced to hide the delicacy away as soon as possible because the crumbs could damage the spacecraft equipment.

  • White salmon have their trademark pink color because their diet consists mostly of shrimp, but farm raised salmon eat totally different food.

  • That's why the fish would end up white.

  • But for a special plant pigment, they get with her meals.

  • Thanks to it, farm raised salmon have the same hue as the wild fish.

  • It seems Mother Nature doesn't like the black color, since there are no black flowers on Earth.

  • What you may perceive is black is actually very dark purple or red.

  • Now there's a reason for crackers.

  • Toe have holes in them, this way when they're baked, bubbles don't ruin the snap.

  • Cucumbers and celery are famous for containing a lot of water.

  • Surprisingly, potatoes are only 15% behind them.

  • You could actually juice a potato when fresh.

  • It contains 80% of liquid.

  • McDonald's sells almost two and 1/2 1,000,000,000 hamburgers every year.

  • In other words, it's 75 hamburgers every second or six and 1/2 1,000,000 hamburgers every day.

  • Scientists claim that our planet stable climate is just anomaly that will come to an end in a 1,000,000,000 years or so.

  • Um, I won't be around then.

  • Turkey is the world's most tea drinking company.

  • Turkish coffee is famous all over the globe, but T is more popular within the country.

  • On average, a Turk drinks more than £7 of tea every year, best way more than they drink.

  • In England, chili peppers contain a chemical called caps a sin.

  • It tricks your poor mouth into believing it's being burned.

  • But all this pain is on Lee in your head where your mouth is.

  • The largest living structure on earth is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

  • This huge natural construction is made up of more than 3000 individual reefs.

  • You can buy the world's most expensive cheese in Serbia.

  • Pool a cheese made from donkey milk at only one particular area in the country cost $576 per pound.

  • When discounted, it's normal.

  • Cost is more than $1000 per pound, so they cut the price when they cut the cheese.

  • The Antarctic Ocean is, on average, the saltiest of all earth oceans.

  • Cheese is the world's most stolen food.

  • Around 4% of this product ends up stolen.

  • There's even a cheese black market.

  • That's why when the authorities close in, the smugglers typical yell cheese it the cops.

  • Well, that's what I heard.

  • Hey, if you learn something new today, then give the video alike in share with a friend.

  • And here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy.

You know, sometimes it may seem that you know all the secrets of the modern world.

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瞠目結舌的事實大集合 (The Biggest Collection of Jaw-Dropping Facts)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary