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  • hi guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to create a video talking about

  • this craziness that is going around the celery juicing it's been everywhere

  • people that I follow held gurus different magazines articles this whole

  • celery movement is insane and I got really really curious oh now that I

  • finally not pine it I can start experimenting on myself so I wanted to

  • cover a little bit about what the celery juicing is in case you didn't hear the

  • benefits of it there's so called crazy transformation people have been feeling

  • and having and to give you a little bit update about how it's been going for me

  • I haven't been doing it for that long I think it's been literally five days so

  • I'm not gonna like show you any crazy results quite yet but I'm planning to

  • stick with it for at least a month with you to really see something happening

  • some people have been reporting seeing differences in like one week so I first

  • heard of it because of the medical medium which is basically the guy who

  • started this whole movement he actually wrote a book about it I think and he

  • provides a lot of information about it online and on Instagram and I think

  • that's where a lot of health and wellness influencers really cut up with

  • it and now they're all just like everyone is celery juice it's insane

  • I actually saw on this one girl that I follow that she went after the gym like

  • she went and bought celery juice like there's a place that you can buy celery

  • juice it I can't even imagine how much it cost the cuddler it's celery a little

  • bit about the properties and the benefits of celery juice so first things

  • first and which I think started this whole craze is the aspects of weight

  • loss from celery juice so one stick of celery is ten to fifteen calories which

  • means it's really obviously low in calories and the does contains fiber

  • which is great and that also helps for any unhealthy creating the second

  • benefit that a lot of people always talk about is the amount of hydration that

  • you get from celery celery some 95% water so you know how and all

  • like the healthy tips and stuff and everyone's resolutions and the one is

  • like I need to drink more water so if you snack on salary you are getting your

  • hydration and the third thing and kind of the base of it all is that it's

  • apparently extremely anti-inflammatory and if you guys don't know what

  • information is it starts in the body and most diseases that people have or any

  • issues it caused because of inflammation so celery is anti-inflammatory and would

  • be a great thing to incorporate into your diet if you are experiencing any

  • diseases that has anything to do with inflammation the next benefit is it's

  • claimed to stop heartburn and acid reflux because celery is highly alkaline

  • it really helps to lower the acidity in your body we without even knowing

  • consume so much of foods and even our lifestyle the cost acidity in our body

  • and we want to make sure that it is balanced because otherwise there are

  • problems so if you are experiencing heartburn acid reflux apparently it

  • helps does benefit it's kind of going back to the fact that it does have

  • fibers it helps with digestion and making sure that things are moving

  • inside your body so if you are constipated or have any digestive issues

  • celery juice is your man vegetable the next benefit is actually something that

  • I didn't even think about is that I helped one of salary's main vitamins is

  • vitamin A and vitamin A is known to protect your eyes and help with dry eyes

  • so if you are battling that that's a great reason to start consuming celery

  • juice the next benefit that I've been seeing quite a bit from other people's

  • kind of review on the celery juicing is the student effect so because celery

  • contains magnesium is very important to help with the

  • nervous system and can relax your body a lot of people reported to not feeling

  • anxious as much and they reported that they sleep better and they fall asleep

  • easier the whole aspect of coming the nerves celery juice has the next benefit

  • that was quite surprising as UTI treatments so apparently there are

  • places around the world that where salary is a common treatment to UTIs UTI

  • urinary tract infection because salary has a direct so it actually helps to

  • take our water without losing potassium in the body and some other of the

  • benefits that exceed common with the people that have been up the celery

  • juice journey is the fact that you're healing the gut so apparently when the

  • celery is getting juice there are special nutrients that are being

  • realized that help with healing and the gut and the gut is a very important

  • place because once there's a balance here it's gonna start showing everywhere

  • especially on the skin I feel like the first thing you see when there's a

  • balance in your body it shows up on your skin so a lot of people report

  • improvement with your skin conditions acne psoriasis a lot of like if there's

  • redness pigmentation so apparently it's like this whole thing I've been

  • experiencing some hormonal acne it's not really bad but it's definitely unlike my

  • skin but I kind of expected it after having a baby my hormones are all over

  • the place that's kind of the reason why I started doing the celery juicing and

  • because I've only been doing it for a literally like five days I can't really

  • see much but I'm excited to kind of track it and it's good because you can

  • see it's visual so I'll know when it works also there were a few people that

  • were doing the juicing and they were saying how in the beginning because

  • celery has his detoxifying effect they actually first saw worsening with their

  • skins everything came out and then it cleared

  • up so just FYI you might experience that if you're trying to clear your skin up

  • with celery and then celery is apparently very detoxifying

  • it helps to take out any bacteria or fungi or anything that's going on in

  • your body and that kind of brings me to the whole purifying of the bloodstream

  • where I heard a lot about it from the medical medium which is the guy that

  • orchestrated this whole trend so apparently it contains a compound that

  • I'm not even gonna try to pronounce because it's gotta be really bad so as

  • we first put it right here and that compound really helps to promote

  • activity of white blood cells to make sure there's a good luck flow to purify

  • the blood also because celery is high in vitamin AC iron and magnesium it's

  • really good for people that experience high blood pressure or that have anemia

  • oh that's really interesting that I didn't know about if you guys are

  • interested in starting this celery juicing experiment they recommend to

  • drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and to make sure that

  • you wait about 30 minutes before you consume any food breakfast or anything

  • else coffee whatever it is they do recommend to drink about half a liter a

  • day so it's about 16 ounces I started a little more carefully and I started with

  • just like a cup of celery juice just to make sure that my body adjust well do it

  • and now I'm gonna be moving to the 16 ounces so that's really it that's all

  • the rage about the celery juicing I hope you guys learn something new and I am

  • dying to hear if you heard of it a B if you tried it and if you didn't make a

  • difference and if you want to try it then let's together and then we're gonna

  • all transform into unicorns that's not a bad thing I'm gonna do a follow-up video

  • about this in about a month or two just to really see if anything changed but

  • I'm also gonna give kind of updates throughout through my Instagram so if

  • you don't follow me there follow me and see my transformation to a mermaid with

  • the celery juice that's it you guys I hope you enjoyed this video and learn

  • something new let me know if there's any other like big trends for hell that you

  • want me to cover and talked a little bit about and maybe try on myself and see

  • the progress of it hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys next

  • time

  • you

hi guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to create a video talking about

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每天喝芹菜汁會對身體造成這樣的影響 (Celery Juice Every Day Will Do This To Your Body)

  • 14 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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