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What's going on?
Everybody about him?
This paper beats rock.
We got the Bronco in the shop.
I'm grinning ear to ear Just blown away.
Super super static, Like just I'm having a hard time Stand still right now.
Just just thinking about it is bringing a super grand of my years, but it weighs.
Oh, yeah, We got the Bronco over here, Got it cleaned up.
Start spraying it off and everything like that while I was on the back of the the flatbed.
Let's do with town with the pressure washer Push off that years of dirt and moss and stuff like that.
It looks so much better.
Just gives me the fields, gives me the fields just getting clean.
But I had to hold Stuart back at bay because when he picked it up, you guys saw in the last video when he picked it up on the flatbed on the tow truck, he wanted to take it home in Washington immediately.
I was like, No, no, no, no.
You can't wash it immediately.
I need Thio.
I gotta record this.
People want to see that.
It was like, What if I just do half of it.
What if I just clean one side of it?
It was like, No.
So you had to hide it in the back of the property so that he didn't have to look at it because it was killing him, Seeing it all nasty.
A few days.
Well, got that clean and had a wait till a little bit of time.
But we got in here, clean up a spot where the Broncos gonna be in everything.
That and where we could work on it and get going.
It, uh, clean up the area it like it was Guys were super awesome.
Just knocked it out the park.
You know, he had a pile of scrap metal that has been sitting there since about 2004.
So it was about time for it to go.
Well, uh, get the Bronco up off the trailer.
They're off the trailer, waited up, get the Bronco, getting ready to get off the flatbed.
And Robert went and started tearing up the tires.
I was a big wimp and stood away.
And I want it because those things are so old and crusty and nasty.
One of them was going to go for sure.
I mean, he didn't take him up very far.
We got upto maybe max £20 that's maybe I don't even know.
We didn't really check him.
But we tried not to go very high on him.
And but was surprisingly enough, all four tires held there like I was certain they weren't.
But you could see like it's ripped on the side.
I don't know.
I don't know some type of magic.
Get it off, get it onto the will, stands there like that so that we can push around.
Get going.
What are those cold?
Those cart full of things with these little currently holding at the time, we'll do it.
Okay, so I was pretty much on point there.
Get on the wheel dollars and root around, Get him to the spot where you see it sitting right now sitting in that spot.
And then right after that, I told him I haven't like I gotta take off, Go put my son on the bus and then I'll be right back after that.
So as I do that with him on the bus and like, there's, like, 15 minutes to get there.
15 minutes back.
So we're talking like, 30 minutes round trip here for me.
You gotta wait for the bus where I'm gone from may be all, like, 45 minutes.
Okay, if that much and all of a sudden I get a phone call in a message from still saying Hey, Bad Rocco.
Rocco started.
It was like, What?
What did you see?
Yeah, right here.
This is This is what I see.
Bronco runs.
Okay, I see Bronco runs, Brooke and I'd be feet back here as fast as I can.
I was like, Stop what you're doing.
I have to record this.
Okay, guys, I'm at home right now in the middle of two and edit on video, and I have intentionally not watched this at all so that you can see my facial reactions as I see it.
Fire up from these guys in the first time.
They they go through this.
Now, this is all slow move footage or hyper lapse footage, I guess.
Time lapse.
This is all time lapse footage.
I left my GoPro up in the attic at the shop and it was just running.
So no sound or anything like that.
But my narrative will cover Stop this, but you can see my face and see how you react.
All right?
People, it's best to just look at stuff.
Oh, my gosh.
There was a battery in it.
Just look at that.
Still sitting here?
Probably telling Lulu.
But you're just stupid.
We just put up the closed like that.
No good would open fire.
And here he is, tearing off the carb jumper comes over, you clean up the spark plugs.
Oh, my gosh.
Trying to find yet?
Lover Stuart, you cannot leave stuff alone, can you?
You want to get into it?
Here you go.
Sports book Back in.
Well, best around there.
Trying to figure out the fire in order right now.
Yeah, that's what This Oh, my gosh.
I gotta stop.
I gotta stop.
We watch a quick dude that spoke.
Well, that comes out of it.
Here, I guess.
You oil left to you already started a good job, guys.
Good job.
Although I really appreciate it.
It's just wow.
So they took it upon themselves and shit like that and knocked it out ahead of time.
and started, you know, cleaning the scene If it would turn over Because, like I said, before the engine was seized two years ago, I tried to start it.
We throw a battery in it and it was ceased up.
And so we pulled all spark plugs and we dumped Marvel Mystery Oil down the spark plug holes, you know, so that a kid sees and then actually let it sit there up until this time and never tried again.
It was just like I got demotivated.
Didn't want to touch it.
It was all upset.
And you guys, you guys thank you.
Because you pushed me to this.
Anyways, the headache of time start to break free and then dumping.
Ah, dumping the fluid down it or whatever.
If it fired up for him is could you believe that 16 years not running and it fires up, I get here and they hit it again.
Just we had to dump a little bit like I know I'm the tic tac.
I said first fired it.
I'm sorry I like it was the 1st 1 that we had recorded.
Like I had it in the corner and there I had my time lapse just looking down, and it was going.
And so we've got that footage.
But, you know, you don't hear any sound with battery thing, but yeah, it was first time for me seeing it firing.
We'll just call it that.
Yeah, You could see my response.
Oh, I'll show you here in a second, man.
You were gonna be amazed if you'll go for forest fire up.
Let's do that.
Let's do it.
Oh, my God.
Blown away.
Truly, Surely do.
Here's the thing.
Idols Kinda.
It does if he had a good supply.
The smell right now around here of carnage fuel Old fuel is so heavy, it's nasty.
The tank is gross.
So we're gonna pull tank, uh, stand do you like, but, I mean, it pulls and pulls in there like that.
So anything's anyways, we got a whole list of things that we're gonna d'oh!
Just give it up.
I've gotta order wheels and tires.
Now, here's the deal.
I am.
I'm kind of all over the place with this, okay?
So because like I said, our plan is to get it up and running and good, Unreliable so that we could go do the Gambler 500 then if there's any of you there, you know, we can meet up and freaking b s and stuff like that.
Uh, but I just want to go do it.
You know, it's an awesome event.
It's really good for community.
Brings a lot of money into the area.
And then it's all about going out and treat up cleaning up trails.
So I'm about it.
But I need wheels and tires.
I'm thinking that, like I said before, um, I had 35 by 15 by 15 Superstorm Purty a cell's on there.
I'm pretty sure that that's what I'm gonna go with.
Pit back on it.
I might do the XX is.
But someone last night on Facebook posted that they had bloggers home.
They had 575% tread and so may see about going to pick those up.
I don't know.
They want 11 heart bucks for him.
I don't know.
11 hard bucks for five used 75% of what he says is sending 5% shred, you know, used tires.
People always over exaggerate the help out of those things.
It runs.
It runs.
Yeah, if you all I love you.
You guys, You what you've done.
You're making this more and more possible every day I'm telling you.
Here you are.
You're blowing up my phone even more.
Tic tac going off nonstop.
Responding to comments just it's stoked.
Will Smith, 1970 comic.
Glad you got it going.
Thanks, Will.
Thanks, man.
Make my day.
All you guys, all you guys like in Dale Jones to 86 started following me just a second ago.
Thank you, Darryl.
Every single one of you.
I'm not gonna list you all off, But you know who you are, and I appreciate the hell out of it, okay?
You guys have blown up the YouTube big time, and you're gonna make things more and more feasible as things go along.
Right now, we're just about if by time I get done headedness and put the video up, we may have crushed it, but we're almost over 3000 subscribers right now in the channel.
I was at 380 subscribers when I posted that first tic tac radio.
Thank you.
You guys are so awesome.
I can't tell you how much.
I appreciate the guys enjoyed the video.
Go ahead and hit the light, but just tap it like that.
It's good and hard.
And if you did like to video, go and describe because things were happening.
We're moving and grooving around here, all right, and we're getting a Bronco done.
And if you do describe, if you do, go ahead and hit that notification belt because a lot more videos coming down range and you want to know when they happen, it's always guys, thank you so much.
Get out there, Get your side houses on, get your vehicles that you got in the backyard and work on him and we'll talk to you later.