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Friends and beautiful people.
Miss, you want to get you guys set?
Okay, Perfect.
Hi, everybody.
It's me, Stormy Grace, and welcome to an absolutely gorgeous Friday.
At least it is here in Colorado.
So I hope you guys are all doing well.
And it is time to talk about this big, beautiful full moon that's coming up in Virgo, and it's just gonna be happening on Monday.
I mean, we're going to start the week with a full moon energy, which it's, like, so productive and so changing.
And so I hope that you've been able to bring some ritual or some kind of connection to the moons that are happening into your life, and this moon will be absolutely no different.
It's gonna be a really gorgeous time.
So this particular moon that we've got going on is gonna be our full moon happening in the energy of Virgo.
Um, this is gonna be March night.
So, March night, whichever wherever you're at in the world we're in March night happens for you.
That's what we're gonna see.
This particular full moon is gonna be at 19 degrees of Virgo, so make sure that you grab your chart.
And if you don't have a chart, come see me and get one.
Go pull a free one.
From astro dot com Cafe Astrology.
There are plenty of free charge somewhere, but what you want to do is locate 19 degrees off Virgo energy.
But you also want to locate 19 degrees of any kind of pie, see, and energy as well, because they will be in opposition to each other.
So you want to make sure that you see both sides okay?
And where these energies air gonna interact for you.
So let's talk about this particular mood now, First and foremost, if you are new to astrology or just starting to study whatever, whatever it may be the full moon, what's actually happening in the technical side of the astrology?
The aspect is that the moon is in opposition to the sun.
So we see that the moon is at 19 degrees and the sun will be at 19 degrees as well.
The sun is in the opposite energy at a full moon.
So we know that the sun is over in the energy of, um, prices.
Now, we just recently had a pie ces moon as well.
So we'll talk about that influence as well.
But with this technical opposition, what it does for us, it pulls us in two different directions and opposition says this sign is going this way.
This energy is going this way in the world were in attention.
We're in a poll here, right?
So it's like my needs versus my wants.
It's gonna highlight your polarities.
It's gonna This could be internal conflict.
It doesn't have to be anything external.
It can very much so be an internal thought process that you're wrestling with.
And we have a lot of that going on in this particular moon.
So what it's trying to do, though, is it's taking you in two different directions.
And the on leeway to really work with or to relieve an opposition is going to be to find the compromise in the middle.
How can you move these two polarities towards each other?
And usually that has to do with adjusting some portion of our acting or some portion of our understanding around something.
Now, this particular full moon is gonna be in the energy of Virgo, which Virgo is our natural Earth sign.
energy healer of the Zodiac.
But because Virgo is also an earth side and we look around, we've got a lot happening in Capricorn up here as well, right?
Which is also an Earth sign.
So one of the first indicators that we get this moon is that the shifts and the changes that are going to be happening are going to be in the material world because Earth signs want to live in the material world.
They're very five century.
Let's be in the material world.
Now, if you got to watch the video about Mercury retrograde, that's happening with myself and Gary Keeton.
Um, what he talked about in the Earth Energies is that the earth symbol is this.
So with earth energies, we go in and down.
So even though this is an inwards type of situation that's happening, you're also with this moon looking for the illumination of how you can create a steady, structured, sturdy something in the material plane right now.
That fool there, that moon that happened Excuse me in pie ces energy was talking about it in a very esoteric place.
Right in place is a little bit more watery in between the world where you're shutting something, releasing snatch something so that it can transmute.
But you're also trying to assimilate all of these things.
And now here, at this vertical full moon, the light is going to be shown to show you how to assimilate those things into the material plane.
So keep that in mind.
This is material playing kind of living.
Okay, Now, Virgo, like I said, is our Earth Energy and Virgo.
The qualities that Virgo brings to the table are they have attention to details, details, details, details.
Right and Virgos have a plan.
Look, I'm a Virgo rising, okay?
There has to be a plan, and the plan is to get us to the goal.
Whatever it is we're trying to do, we're picking up the patterns and we're checking into the plan.
A lot of times we talk about how Virgos very nitpicky and could be very critical of details of patterns and things like that.
And what it is is that Yes, they have an incredible amount of discernment over what is important.
What's not important, what needs to be happening?
What's gonna get us there?
What's not going to get us there right.
So at this moon, we get to have those qualities illuminated where the moon has got all of this blood.
Bright luminary like.
And it's gonna say, Hey, Virgo, take a look at this.
What's important for this human?
What needs toe happen here?
What's important for this business?
Let's pick out and discern those details.
So that is where we see this very nit picky quality of Virgo energy being beautiful and so entirely useful for us.
If you've listened to your march horoscope, Vogel also shows us the way to get things done.
It says, Okay, you don't have to eat this entire thing right now.
Let's take these steps to get there, right.
So think about this.
I want you to honestly, at this moon.
Let's think about the bigger lunar cycle for a minute.
Big back to the Virgo moon.
That happened in 2019.
So think August September timeframe.
Right there.
What were you working on?
What was starting to come into your reality, where you're like, Oh, this This might need some adjustment down the road, or Oh, I want to do this or I want to show up this way.
think about that.
They're OK, because this is gonna be the culmination of that big lunar cycle.
Okay, now, let's look at the smaller lunar cycle from that time in 2019 to this moon that we had in prices just last month, What did you feel prepared to surrender about yourself in your world and put it down so that it can become something else?
That doesn't mean that you know what that something else is.
Or maybe you do.
But you haven't had the path to get there.
Now, this Virgo energy's gonna give you the very material in the world path and steps to take to get to that next venture that you wanted to get to.
OK, now, the other influence I want to point out at this particular time cause we can't present it's not out.
There is all of the heaviness that we've got happening up here in this Capricorn energy, right?
Is this very heavy?
Um, it can be a very heavy, authoritative kind of energy.
And so a lot of times, what comes from the Capricorn Energy is this idea of tradition and of structure.
It's very concrete, right?
And this is this is what should be happening.
This is what it needs to look like.
Sometimes we impose Capricorn views on ourselves, and we say, I believe I should be doing fill in the blank or I should look like or picked the thing that should to be happening right?
It's not a good idea to should on yourself or anybody else, because it's just not very useful, right?
But so we're taking on at many of the moons that were gonna experience all the way up until June.
This Capricorn energy, um, up in the sky, right?
So what's happened is that that prices moon, you started to shed some things that were maybe going against that Capricorn energy a little bit, where it was like, Yes, I know.
I need to mature.
Yes, I know it's time to come to the next level, but I have.
I have shown up to give everything that I've got and I'm out of ideas.
What's next?
Where do I go next?
How do I get out of the fear?
How do I get out of the resistance of going to the next place right?
Or how do I assimilate all of that information in order to take it to the next place.
So now, from that place of surrender at that new moon and price is looking at, you know, the the wide range of what things should look like at this vertical moon.
You're gonna get the steps to move you forward to move you into the information that actually needs your attention.
The actions that need your attention and the things that are gonna bring you, your work, your home, your spiritual life into the highest level of integrity.
That is possible for you at this particular point in the journey.
So that is something I wanted to wrap your head around.
You're getting an earthbound helper to take run that maybe maybe you're going forward.
Doesn't look like what the world has said it should look like instead, Maybe it looks like what you've got going on, what you have to give.
Remember that, Leo, move that we had that, uh, what is your special talent?
What is your special thing that is unique, that you do that shows your heart, your passion in your fire and that you're gonna add that to the hole to the mainstream?
So now we're keeping up with that, because half the time, in order to be what we really are, what that really big piece of just delicious of us is, we have to put another piece of our ego down in order to step into that.
So now we get the steps to be able to do that.
Okay, let's talk a little bit more about some of the technical aspects that we see happening at this particular moon.
Okay, now, first of all, we talked about the technical aspect of the sun and the moon being in opposition.
Let's make that work.
So the sun and the moon are in an opposition here.
They're pulling in two different directions.
So this is your inside your outsides.
Some kind of polarity is lit up in your world.
This could also, depending on the house is involved for you could be in a conflict of you on another person as well.
But you're just going in opposite directions.
So remember, try and find the compromise in the middle.
Hey, now, this movie, even though it's in opposition to the sun, the sun right here is traveling in conjunction with Neptune.
Okay, now the sun is over there beaming bright light, he life vitality.
We've got our attention really very, very focused.
Okay, is very, very focused into this spicy and energy right now.
And as it's traveling together there with Neptune, this is a delicious combination because Neptune walks between the world and he's very happy.
He's very optimistic.
There's a lot of bliss that comes with Neptune and energy.
So this is this is happy.
This feels a positive.
This feels fortunate.
This feels like, Yes, I can.
I can I can be creative.
I can be this person who walks between the world and I could be compassionate and Aiken be empathetic.
And I can be whatever it is that I need to be.
And I can be that at a bigger level, right?
Whether that be just in your in your life, If that's in your community, If this is something global that you're stepping into, you have this positive influence that just and it feels good.
There's a nice harmony here.
So as the Sun and Neptune are together in their conjunction, you are beaming with pricey and energy.
So you see how in this opposition what could be happening is Virgo is like, practical.
No, no, no.
We need some practicality here.
How are we gonna do this?
And how are we gonna do this with the most integrity that's available?
And then the sun and Neptune are over here.
They're like, Look, I'm just dreaming it.
I'm just imagining it.
I'm just getting it together.
Oh, this is so good.
It's so positive.
So you're still dreaming, thinking and don't have the pathway.
And this moon over here is like, Mmm, Let's compromise because you have to compromise to use an opposition, right?
Why don't you bring that dream equality?
Why don't you bring that thing you've been seeing?
That thing you've been feeling called towards that yearning that's in your soul for wellness, for empathy, for creativity.
And I'll bring some practicality.
Then we can compromise and make use of this particular mood energy.
Right now, there's some other players in the game that are helping out as well.
Now one of them is an aspect we've seen.
We've already talked about it.
We talked about it in February, right?
Jupiter, who's sitting up here beautifully, traveling in the energy of Capricorn.
Still, Jupiter is actually still sex tile to Neptune.
Now, when planets have sex, that's good for us, right?
Because it is not only a pocket of opportunity, but she will intelligently use that you're gonna take action.
So what you've been doing is here is the energy of maturing Capricorn.
I should It should look this way.
But it's sex tile.
It's helpful.
It's happy they're working together with Neptune.
So what you've been doing here is recreating your ideals.
What are your ideals?
I've talked about this in the last couple videos.
What are the ideals and principles that guide your life?
What do you stand for?
What are you about?
Who do you want to be when you get up in the morning?
Are you still in a place where you've got a lot of judgment going about things?
But you're trying to turn that to discernment, right?
This is a beautiful quality that fellow astrologers were talking about.
And I think it is so applicable at this particular rude.
But it is also this energy that brings harmony into what's going on.
So our moon has agreed to compromise with our son.
We've got Neptune and Jupiter in a nice harmony, agreeing, saying up, Let's put those principles into action.
Let's bring these principles to the forefront.
Let's have a good perspective.
This is a positive moon, A good outlook.
A good perspective is available to us and we're going to take some kind of action on that.
Now, this moon Jupiter is not on Lee interacting with Neptune.
Our moon is also trying Jupiter as well.
So when the moon is trying in Jupiter, this is again a good feeling is very fortunate.
It feels good, right?
It feels happy.
It feels expansive.
It feels like you know what it is time and I can and I will.
And I'm ready.
And I have a different understanding because now this Verbal Moon has shown me the steps it has said, OK, this is the route forward, so it's very I can do this kind of energy.
Okay, so I absolutely love the players that are on deck at this moon toe.
Help us accomplish some things.
Now I want to point out just one other thing to you because I'm trying to include the asteroids a lot more so you can see the depth of their level of connection in the astrology that we're doing.
So appear up top.
We see that we've got not only that transiting south node which remember Mars, has just recently come over this transiting south note.
So you love likely experience.
I know I have these feelings of connection to the past.
You're thinking about things from the past.
You're replaying it, you're seeing it in your dreams.
And it's like I'm supposed to be detaching from this and it's almost like I feel like the universe has been kind and has said, Look, this is not productive for your energy anymore.
This is a behavior pattern.
This is a thought pattern.
This is a person.
This is a thing that has ruled your life or been an important piece for a very long time.
Trust me, Toe.
Let that go.
Because it doesn't serve you anymore, right?
Mars and Capricorn is efficient.
He's up there being like get rid of it.
Take it to the thrift store.
Doesn't work anymore, right?
Let it go.
Pass it on.
So we've recently had that Mars energy to help us.
So again we're seeing you're right pie ces energy it's okay for me to shed and get a new path forward, but I'm going to travel forward.
Remember, without this thing that I've been attached to this idea, this identity, this saying this victim quality, this whatever it is, this political ideas and I have had for a very long time.
And now I'm put in a position where it's like that doesn't fit anymore.
Hey, now the other thing we've got going is Mars Appear is in conjunction with asteroid policy.
Now Paulus Athena is the daughter of Jupiter.
Okay, so she's Daddy's girl, right?
Best dad ever so.
Paulus Athena.
Though she's over connections, there's different connections that are going on.
There's Inter working.
There's interconnection that's happening.
There is a plan.
There's a path.
There is this idea of justice.
Athena is definitely over the immune system.
And excuse me, have we not?
I mean, have we not just seen a fair amount of sickness?
Corona virus over the opioid crisis happening as well.
So Paulus Athena is over all of those kinds of things, but ultimately what she's looking to do is to help us gain clarity on strategy.
She has a strategized right.
She's like, Let's get this strategy built down, right?
And when I think about Paulus Athena when she was taught to me, she was taught to be with the idea of looking down at a map.
And you see all those little roads and they look like veins.
And there are these interconnected things that help you get to the thing you need to get to next.
So she is a part of the strategy in conjunction with Mars as well.
That is going to help us see how to come to the next level, right?
This is literally that energy, that's like, Okay, I'm gonna show you the physical steps to take forward.
And I'm also also going to do it with a fair amount of structure.
Mars is still in the energy of Capricorn, exulted, working hard, working for your benefit.
So where you are trying to build policy?
The Commander, the strategize, Our Mars, the action taker in Capricorn, the build physical structures.
They are working together for your greatest good, and they are working together to try and put a system of success in place for you.
So you see how this particular moon becomes so critically delicious to us because even though I've needed to shed and get rid of this path this pattern that I've had my entire life maybe even and I've had two separate from it I've been willing to shed and surrender to becoming something else, allow myself to transition, allow my life, allow my house, allow my money, allow my Children to transition to something else.
Now, to move forward towards this greatest amount of success, this moon will eliminate my pathway.
So, you see, when we see the players that are in the game, we can see how they're calling to us, and they're calling us to pay attention to certain areas.
So what?
How how do you really use this?
First of all, if you connected with that message on pump because I can't wait to see what your manifestations look like and what they've looked like between the moon's please tell me down below.
Also the way you use this now, as you grab your chart, you're gonna wanna look for 19 degrees of Virgo.
Definitely 19 degrees of prices energy.
But if all you do is focus on 19 degrees of Virgo and what house that is happening in your chart that's gonna tell you where Virgo is, literally giving you a big old spotlight and saying, Hey, focus right here and I'm gonna show you which details we need to take care of because some of its minutia, right?
Some of it is just noise.
But I need you to do this or, you know, in your lives, my friends, Have you been fighting for your health?
Have you been looking for solutions to your health?
Have you been looking for solutions to your daily routine?
Have you been looking for solutions to your work, your independent work?
Have you been looking for the right app?
Right, Because remember, Saturn's gonna jump into the energy of Aquarius here on the 21st of March.
But there will still be just under this moon energy.
So maybe you discover that right app that says yes.
Guess what.
You really do need to track your mileage because that matters at tax time.
You really do need this app to pre plan your instagram to plan your kids lunches to whatever it happens to be your structure and your details will be brought right here and then we can check in at the next moon.
Since the moons are connected, there's gonna be that new moon in Mary's New Moon and Cherries.
You got the information on how to move forward and Virgo.
And in that new moon and Harry's you're like, Boom, it's not time to think it's time to act, so we'll have a lot of motion, a lot of forward motion happening here in Mars to help get you to this thing that is next.
The only other thing I will tell you.
There's this other thing that Gary and I were talking about.
And I think it's brilliant this idea off.
You know, maybe what you're doing doesn't feel like it fits the current culture, or it doesn't feel like it fits like you feel restricted in what you want to do in some way, shape or form.
Remember, Satur, moving into the energy of Aquarius is developing and bringing is bringing a whole new culture to the surface.
The vibration of our world out here.
What you're feeling called, too, has a place in what's gonna be happening next.
And it may be entirely awkward.
It may be very different than anything you were thinking you were gonna d'oh!
Or it's something you thought you were going to do all along.
And now you're getting your courage under you to make baby steps.
Remember, Virgo is gonna show us step by step.
You don't eat the whole cake right now.
It's just bite by bite.
Unless you're tourists on, tourists don't eat the whole cake.
So you get the planning toe happen for that next thing, and then you get to know that as we start to experience this Aquarian energy, it will fit as well going forward, we're gonna begin to move into the Gemini and sanitary in axes We're gonna get and learn new information and ways of doing things.
And we're also gonna detach from always of thinking always of governing our our global communities that don't work anymore and is very much so gonna be in a group setting kind of way.
So here, start your pathway of actual building that material in the World foundation for what's coming next.
Allow Virgo to show you what details needs your attention.
And truly if you are one of our friends or one of our tribe who is struggling with something in your immune system where you've been sick or even tired, and you haven't been able to put your fingers on why Virgo is the natural healer off the Zodiac, right?
So it may be time to do a little bit more investigation into that actual immune system into, you know, the systems in the digestive track, right?
Cause you could be thinking all my hormones are going crazy or something like that.
It's not.
And it has something to do with maybe in your digestive track.
So keep these things in mind as we travel through this moon.
I absolutely love each and every one of you.
Thank you for taking a little bit of time out of your day to watch and to see what's going on.
And if you're watching in the playback, I appreciate you for watching there as well.
Now I do have some cool things coming up that I want to tell you about just really quickly.
First of all, I might have a giveaway coming up next week because we're getting into airy season.
We're getting into spring.
We're starting restarting the astrological New Year, so I've got to give away for you plan together with a couple people in corrupt collaboration.
So gifts Venus must be in tourists, cause I'm out here giving away gifts.
He also there will be gifts coming.
Watch for that next week.
And if you wanted to or you were interested in doing the find your sole purpose course with astrology, huh?
We're gonna do it again.
We've just decided to do it again.
We're gonna do a webinar on the 25th of March and the 26th So I will bring you more information on that in this coming week.
So stay posted.
Watch the community tab.
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, I'm gonna be putting it up there as well.
So it will be myself.
Tammy Brunk.
Um, Donna.
All will be there.
It's just gonna be a good time of learning.
So if you feel like that is something that will help you learn help you grow help you goto where is next?
We would love to have you over there.
So more details on everything to come, but stuff is coming.
I love to give you guys gifts anyway, so just keep your eyes peeled.
I'll give you all the information on this soon as it becomes available.
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Thank you for your 26 minutes and 15 seconds as I end this.
I love you guys.
Everybody have a great day or night.