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  • E3 2017. An absolute perfect event.

  • *sad piano music*

  • Now normally, I don't care about E3. I've been let down too many times

  • TOO many times,

  • have I watched this shit

  • and I get so hyped for a game

  • an- and then it just kills it.

  • Guy: I worry about

  • like

  • disappointing people

  • ya' know.

  • Did the game just crash?!

  • The PS4 just completely crashed.

  • Ehm..

  • sort of

  • Pewds: I found that..

  • it's so much more satisfying to be pleasantly surprised by a game

  • rather than just

  • bitterly

  • disappointed.

  • Hype is dangerous.

  • Hype kills good games.

  • If you see a cinematic trailer

  • And you think

  • "aw that game looks cool"

  • you better run,

  • run real fast.

  • 'Cause most likely the game will be shit.

  • *sounds of various "wow"s and "woah"s*

  • But now,

  • I've learned to appreciate E3 for a different reason...

  • The Cringe compilations.

  • And god, thank you,

  • thank you for this year, it was

  • beautiful!

  • *silence*

  • And really gre-- [laughter].

  • It was- it was spectacular,

  • but it got better as time went on,

  • who what?

  • Aw, Jesse.

  • God bless you. God bless you.

  • Now don't get me wrong

  • I think it's

  • cool that EA brings in influencers to promote games,

  • but isn't Jesse a prank channel?

  • J- ,

  • I don't know

  • Whatever like,

  • I don't care

  • But at the same time, I could have been there

  • actually you know what that's prob-

  • n- never mind never mind, never mind

  • Jesse: What up guys? Pewds: What is he looking at?

  • Thank you for having me EA,

  • if you guys don't know who I am,

  • my name is Jesse Wellens.

  • And I am a Youtube creator, so I am here... to...

  • Why are we still here?

  • Hahahaha!

  • Ouahhhh *cringe*

  • This is painful.

  • This one is...

  • SO hard to watch.

  • I like Jesse, don't get me wrong.

  • I understand the pressure

  • and uh-

  • Apparently the teleprompter fucked up but--

  • Let's keep watching. Jesse: --About Need for Speed

  • uhm

  • payback

  • uh if you guys didn't know Need for Speed Payback...

  • I'm bu-- umm..

  • [Pewds is dying]

  • You know what?

  • I'm just gonna let this one play because I-I

  • just remembered I had-I had a thing

  • but I'll be right back just uh keep playing it

  • Pewds: ITS FINE. Don't worry about it. Jesse: Yeah it's a great game.

  • Jesse: But- Aight, all set aside I'm a Youtube creator.

  • Need for Speed Payback's coming out Pewds: No no, that's just cool.

  • I got my boy Marcus executive producer here,

  • he is... (Jesse is mumbling too much) Pewds: Is that his boy Marcus?!

  • Pewds: Hell yeah! Jesse: Thank you Ni-- for having me.

  • Oh my God, I met Jesse

  • he's a cool dude, like

  • I'm the kind of guy that will fuck this up.

  • I don't know what happened, Jesse

  • Hey man, he-

  • Hey- hey- hey man

  • (slowmo) Hey man

  • Why am I judging other people

  • publicly?

  • I-I forgot. What was Jessie again. I forgot.

  • "I am a YouTube creator."

  • Okay, okay. Wait. Where are you again?

  • I forgot.

  • "I am here"

  • Oh okay.

  • "But- Aight, all set aside I'm a Youtube creator."

  • Oh that's right

  • He was a youtu- I forgot, shit, okay, cool.

  • Now of course after this conference

  • Polygon with the first to

  • Point out

  • to attack!

  • Influencers, as they do,

  • they keep attacking

  • Good people like myself

  • with these wha- vwo- wha- vile/foul/vow?(wtf did he say?)

  • disgusting claims.

  • "Game companies can't ignore Youtube or the hope of reaching a broader audience

  • but if you don't understand what the talent they're paying can and can't do well and plan accordingly it's going to be awkward."

  • Well goddammit that actually makes sense Polygon. God dammit

  • This doesn't set my narratiiiiiiiive!

  • Damn, you Polygon! I was expecting you to write a bunch of shiiiit!

  • They give influencers swag bags.


  • Why didn't I go to E3 I could have gotten a swag bag this is-

  • god damn-

  • I'm an influencer!

  • I could have gotten one of those SWAG BAGS!

  • *angry pewds*

  • Makes me angry

  • Video games is a wonderful thing

  • Alright, let's get into some more beautiful moments. I try to collect some of my favorites

  • He just disabled a moving truck with a grenade while jumping off a horse.

  • *loud breath* Incredible.

  • *loud breath*

  • *louder breath*

  • That's incredible.

  • That is. Incredible.

  • Incredible.

  • I feel bad. I think that's the reason that compassion is an

  • important element of a cringe. I hope you guys don't think I'm just judging all these people

  • I'm- I feel for these people, I BLEED for these people because, I AM these people but ten times worse

  • *loud breath* Incredible

  • It hurts, really hurts to see this

  • I just wish no one was socially awkward, and we could all just live our life normally but in reality

  • interacting with other people...

  • it's- it's too hARD

  • I'm Janina Gavankar

  • and I play Commander Iden Versio Leader of the Inferno squad in Star Wars Battlefront 2

  • *sexy glare*

  • I don't know what-- [Laughing]

  • You make even just an awkward smile and

  • The whole world will see that shi--

  • There's so many ways to fuck up!

  • Players like Sterling you saw in the video. How his hands are a little bit

  • Guy in blue shirt: Sterling with the goooooal!

  • This guy needs to go to jail. Someone needs to send this man to prison.

  • m' sorry-

  • "Players like Sterling you saw in the video. How his hands are a little bit-" "Sterling! Sterling with the gooooooooal!"

  • "Oh yeah."

  • But the guy in the middle

  • I wonder what he's thinking about.

  • This moment. I-I-It's the kind of moment where there's so much going on.

  • You don't really know what to cringe about there's just so-- It's like a goodie bag of cringe.

  • You don't know where to pick.

  • "She said yes!"

  • Can I get three "Oooh yeah's!" on three? One, two, three!

  • Oooh yeah! Oooh wha! Oooh wha!--

  • Like, do you cringe about...

  • [Pewds tongue falls out of his mouth]

  • the Ooh yeah's

  • Do you cringe at this guy being way to in to it?

  • Do you cringe at these two people trying to kiss

  • but it's like what are you doing?

  • ~~~~ahhhhhhhhhhhh~~~

  • And to talk about this unexpected encounter

  • It is my great honor to welcome a very special guest

  • someone I truly admire

  • please

  • OH SHIT!



  • Yeah!

  • Ho-Hold-- Hold up, ho-hold up, hold up.

  • Z- zoom in on that picture.

  • Zoom in on that picture!

  • Is that...

  • Is that a rabbit Peach

  • taking a selfie?

  • Marzia? Marzia: Hey!

  • I'm breaking up with you. Marzia: WHAT

  • That's right, I found someone else.

  • Marzia: -scared shouting- NOU! NOU!

  • Raving rabbit peach... selfie version. Phone: You have reached a number that has been disconnected.

  • I gotta say Beyond Good and Evil does look pretty fucking cool

  • "Bon appetit-o!"

  • "Hey yeah, baby!"

  • But you know it's a cinematic trailer so remember remember what I told you

  • I want... Every ******** cop

  • in this ******** city

  • After that ******** bastard!

  • So welcome to System Three,

  • our story takes place before the birth of Jade

  • in a multi-ethnic multicultural human Society in a distant solar system

  • A multhi-etnic...(Yeah that's what he said.)

  • multicultural

  • society...

  • That's pretty cool.

  • Hey, you racist piece of shit. How dare you?

  • God I'm sorry about Edgar...

  • Racist fucking dog.

  • Hey, Uncharted 5 looks pretty cool.

  • "What started out as a wild idea on paper

  • has now turned into a groundbreaking,

  • one of a kind game, called a way out"

  • "Take a look"

  • "What's your plan?"

  • Uncharted 5!

  • Man: "You have a problem?" Woman: "Yeah I got a--"

  • I love this

  • Afro-girl!...

  • Afro-girl!

  • Afro-girl!

  • Just who the fuck are you

  • Pewds:Afro-girl!l

  • Knife and drike?(Drike?)

  • Pewds: Afro-girl everyone!

  • Edgar: That's racist man!

  • Shut the- Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth.

  • Remember when Valve tried to make you pay for mods?

  • Remember that?

  • "Introducing Creation Club"

  • Well I guess Bethesda forgot. (lul)

  • (Announcer failing at yelling over the crowd)

  • She was kind (of trapped?) but she used superior tactics

  • to get herself out of there,

  • she's gonna take the win. Let's move on to the next arena

  • Here we're following Bloody (Marrow?),

  • there's only two players lef-

  • Are we gonna get (rararara) I was standing here awkwardly

  • Hey, everyone at E3 I'm standing here

  • awkwardly yelling for no reason,

  • wearing a yellow t-shirt.

  • This is gameplay, it's really exciting!

  • I think atleast, I don't know!

  • It wouldn't be E3 without unecessary dance segments

  • HYUNA - Bubble Pop! (This song is 5 years old...)

  • This is why I love video games. "Follow Jake on Twitter. It's @SolomonJake"

  • "Follow him, say hello and tell him you're proud to be a follower." Jake: "Yeah."

  • Did he just fucking plug his Twitter?

  • Holy shit. He got six followers.

  • Man, I got to go to E3 next year and plug my Twitter. God dammit!

  • "Looks like on Xbone One, Xbox One, X--"

  • He said XBone!

  • Xbone One, Xbox One--

  • Xbone what? Why am I here?

  • "So, Dan, you had an announcement last week for Far Cry 5, that went great."

  • "One of the things I've noticed is that every time you go out on stage you look super calm."

  • "Does it get easier year after year?"

  • "No, not even a little bit..."

  • "Not even a little."

  • "I'm dying on the inside dude."

  • "To rotee through reports, check it out."

  • *awkward silence*

  • (Unintelligable)

  • (Muselk hears his name pronounced wrong and looks over like "Tf")

  • We also have my boy Darkness AKA Dankness.

  • '"He will be playing as well"

  • "Sean is pretty cool right?"

  • "and I am pretty cool, right?...."

  • *kill me*

  • Jesus, thanks Audience.

  • (laughs)

  • Aw man,

  • I Iove E3.

  • "1 Mil- One Million dollars."

  • One million Do- where have I heard that before?

  • "1 million troops, one million troops...:

  • Wow

  • All Jokes Aside, I think E3 is pretty cool

  • It's always fun to see what the next game is gonna be

  • I think the main reason that turns me off is the hype

  • But also the way they look at you as a consumer

  • it feels so off how they look at you.

  • I think this shows pretty well

  • "Made deadlier with every single match. We achieved."

  • "We rise."

  • We want to die.

  • It reminds me of those gaming t-shirts

  • That has some some fucking shit on them like video game doesn't make us violent lag does, warning game mode activated

  • But that was one publisher

  • that saw the light and saw through all the corporate cringy bullshit.

  • Devolver.

  • "Bruh! The servers are full of noobs!"

  • "With the vulgar common created content!(I'm too deaf for this) It is you, the player, who is in control."

  • "And it is available now! Already on every major forum, message board and live chat!"

  • "Give!

  • It!

  • Up!

  • Everybody!"

  • "Ladies and gentlemen what we have shown you here today is only the beginning!"

  • So there you have it E3 2017.

  • What was your favorite bit?

  • What games are you excited about?

  • What games am I excited about?

  • Pfft. I don't play games.

  • Games are for nerds.

  • Brofist. (I love you Pewds :>)

E3 2017. An absolute perfect event.

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