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  • this is like an opportunity to show these brands that are so closed off to

  • you to the potential because there's so much

  • they ain't nervous because this is my first time going to this fancy schmancy

  • run

  • okay guys wow this is honestly this is gonna be this is gonna be a beat of our

  • imagination

  • wait there's a delay your delete it one good morning I thought we were gonna die

  • on the way here yeah again I feel like I just left here and now I'm back here but

  • we're here for some business this week it's Miami Art Week which is far Basel

  • and design Miami likewise there's so many different names and we're here

  • because we are attending a few installations and we have a few projects

  • that we're working on really really exciting with brands such as Louboutin

  • and Sandy and Dior and this is my first time to get into this pool pool pool pol

  • this is my first time engaging with these like high-end brands and I'm

  • really excited I wouldn't be surprised if there's no luggage

  • to get a dress for the Vanity Fair party because I've nothing to wear this is how

  • I'm growing this is a long story I think you look great well can't make

  • any promises okay so now we're going to meet with Danny who is a stylist working

  • with the designer or brand are Mario yeah hilarious picking out a dress for

  • an event this evening with Vanity Fair yes this is very last-minute usually

  • people they do they have like a few weeks before they'll so much from this

  • week is really good just gonna be roll with the punches there's gonna be a lot

  • of amazing things happening and it's just gonna fall into play I might come

  • back with a little grace trip we are heading out to meet Danny because we

  • have another meeting at 5:00 so it really leaves us only two hours to pick

  • the dress that we need to the event and commute to the hood

  • so we loved Gary to wait for my luggage which I haven't seen which makes me very

  • anxious because it was literally like five people left waiting for baggage and

  • we're one of them so how many bags are we waiting for - one for me one for

  • Valera I'm a little nervous cuz

  • everything's okay don't worry I was worried yeah I thought that was it

  • the only thing was going out of my mind is like at least it'll make for a good

  • content you could have rocked this for Art Basel every single one way out fits

  • is exacting just like this potentially like different shades of grey I'm not

  • the fashionista it's my wife says the guy in the glare is really worried that

  • we're gonna lose the luggage because she had to leave she had to take off to do

  • some I don't know some fashion stuff she said message me when you know that we

  • have the luggage and that she just messaged me saying luggage with a

  • question mark so now can we confirm that Eaton's filming her tracking it down we

  • left the airport they said they'll call me when it arrives don't worry let's see

  • it what she says - that literally feel like a crazy person

  • tracking it down we left the airport they said they'll call us when it

  • arrives the water loves my luggage what ok she's calling are you for real

  • or you just are you just making jokes I'm not making jokes they said they are

  • gonna look into it and they're gonna call me I told the little Tom are you ok

  • so we have to cancel everything today we have to cancel everything

  • yeah so we're coming back to the hotel

  • just make sure nothing everything is cool baby we have the luggage

  • everything's fine you're just playing don't play these

  • games with me nobody you don't know what you're talking to I know I know I know

  • you're very tough and I love you ok ok bye bed

  • so like this is kind of like a multi like brand pop-up but they're having so

  • it's great I mean there's a little bit of everything you yes I think it's

  • really a great concept

  • we are meeting with Danny Perez who is a lovely stylist here maiya meme and she

  • is working with the brand arm Miriam and they are graciously lending valera

  • beautiful bureau in peace for the events that Valera is gonna be attending

  • tonight so we're here for a quick fitting then we're heading back to the

  • hotel for makeup with G Beauty and then we're gonna kick off the night first fun

  • because Jenny and I decided that we liked it where we don't we're not dying

  • we want to die

  • what do you think about this I love it yeah she made yeah you can't you can't

  • imagine it without that heels yeah and I feel comfortable and finally I get

  • the curbs it always wanted but a little no for you but you doing too much thank

  • you

  • calamari what else back together you were back to the hotel and we're waiting

  • for chicken wine we have an hour to inhale the chicken

  • wing and then go upstairs get in and then meet our contact and then and then

  • and then I have makeup and then I'd get dressed and then I go we were planning

  • on this of the Danny who's a stylist still like get us a dress for tonight I

  • feel like I went safe but it look better that way it's like I'm safe as you could

  • get for Art Basel I just feel like everything else is not me I would never

  • want to show up to a place and I feel so self-conscious about yeah I feel like

  • it's better to feel confident and meditative personality shine through

  • you gotta be flexing this trip because this is like an opportunity to show

  • these brands that are so closed off to YouTube like the potential because

  • there's so much there's so much room for storytelling this is for you we talked

  • about more of an eye makeup Diana do a little bit smokey a little bit of like a

  • very modern you had eye with a little flick that still feels like I was about

  • to say is it a smokey eye because I feel it's a smokey eye no I was about to say

  • smokey eye and then you beat me to it you see do you I was okay it's cool

  • let's really go now so right now we are going to three events we have your we

  • have the Vanity Fair party and then we have this networking dinner

  • house I don't know all the details but we need to go there I'm good excited not

  • extinct excited so we haven't really done a proper introduction to Emily

  • Emily came from Paris and she's actually works in the industry we met in Paris we

  • had like a quick meeting and I was like

  • and now Emily's in my life I am so this is your first my design

  • like as is you know I've worked with people who have come before and I know

  • that the brand's do so much to take over and they use this as an opportunity to

  • bring out collaborations with artists some of the things we'll see there will

  • be brands that have done design installations where there will be

  • a bag let's say that's been done by an artist we'll be seeing things that

  • combine fashion and art and designs now that's really cool we are going to the

  • Dior party they nervous because this is my first time going to these

  • fancy-schmancy brands but I'm very sweaty but you can tell right no no you

  • look great did I look like a scared dear right now

  • anyways I'm going number bye

  • on to the next one that was that was good

  • we Came we saw we conquered we identify the targets and we walked I mean Emily

  • walked up and I was like and then we just did our thing and now we're here

  • I'm learning from Emily in and out and ambition you want to be like see mingle

  • but you talk just too long enough exactly why you still have conversation

  • short gets off and then you're out okay next thing is the Vanity Fair Credit

  • okay on a hunt for the Vanity Fair part

  • then any fair oh you're they go back down we're trying

  • to break into the vanity honest I feel it I feel like it's part of that that's

  • Darwinism it's the survival of the fittest anyway we'll survive this

  • Israeli and this la / Paris world will survive

  • okay so we are at the Vanity Fair and Google Museum party so it's really cool

  • because and we're actually at the Museum they are fancy artists but I don't know

  • their name excuse my ignorance honestly I just see

  • a lot of really beautiful people we're gonna do a little tour and I get a

  • picture with the car my dream came true I feel like I'm checking up a lot of

  • things in this trip

  • you know how you have dreams my dream was like that like someone closes me in

  • the museum by accident it's closed and everyone's out and I'm locked in and I'm

  • just like putting music I'm sick at that music in my name is

  • no I never feel like this before yes I swear

  • they didn't buy tickets to the Valerio show so am I gonna show anymore I feel

  • like my brother can make this it's a great idea

  • radar I feel like this is my Wow

  • like my name you're the artist oh my god malaria I just saw it's missing a jacket

  • and it's a representation

  • safety nothing doctor that I thought

  • we are going to shoot with the Fendi team which is so excited

  • I'm really sad I don't they'll feed me back this is what we're thinking for you

  • how chic you look the blazer is always bring your own stuff a little kit with

  • this is going to be interesting so I guess they have like a bunch of content

  • creators that are here to participate in this project stuff they will excited

  • I don't even know what just happened and just got there I just drop to the floor

  • just move move move smile smile happy happy joy joy get out there I got thrown

  • into the clouds and Alamar thing I felt a little crazy at times basically what

  • we did today in case no one knows what just happened we shot send these social

  • media assets and potentially editorials so we did just like a lot of really cool

  • videos that was really interesting art direction it was it's gonna be pretty

  • cool and they are showcasing their peekaboo bad

  • okay we have like 15 minutes before a pickup we're going to do the live before

  • lunch so we and then after that I have to come back and change again well now I

  • have to go and pick an outfit for our last event tonight so we just finished

  • my lunch with Louie Vuitton now we are on our way to pull an outfit for a Dior

  • afterparty I need to get a nap in one way or another

  • what's her name her name is Lola

  • you want to do a picture together you're so beautiful you're beautiful

  • yeah I do my god I love to love I will yours as we do by

  • I need like pants of order like bottoms you have to try the punch where am I

  • going you wear with a t-shirt though oh yeah a

  • for sale but where am I going well what else did you say that your own

  • daddy or yeah I'm not going against it it's kind of fun and they fit really

  • really well okay so it's an option okay

  • no we have the other side in that one the other small size yes yeah okay that

  • can be so we got a few options I think I'm gonna be a little quick way for the

  • door cocktail party I'm wearing like sequined pants little mermaid life you

  • know what Yolo we're in Miami they need to get a little Miami taste I'm like on

  • schedule to have a good time in it now I

  • need a nap so bye-bye okay guys wow this is honestly this is

  • gonna be this is gonna be a feat of our imagination you have my necklaces

  • manager I do it would be jealous are you right outfit - goodbye pretty girl this

  • is either gonna be so amazing or so so sad okay what I'm thinking is to make it

  • like very very cropped and then I'm gonna do like smokey eye and then like a

  • bunch of chains it's like a box the weightlifting what might be at the event

  • I'll have to be flexing at the event I wish I brought that one that I wore to

  • the valine event that was like right cuz that's the vibe I actually think it

  • might work and then let's do chains I feel like this might be something can

  • you imagine a DIY shirt I'm gonna be like I'm gonna be like couture fabulous

  • tonight okay let's get the chains on

  • something that open there oh yeah I went I went to places where is this brew

  • brush going where's this brooch pin oh that's cute be careful not to I just

  • feel like is it like too much oh my god oh my dear oh yeah that's but I feel

  • like if there's here and here it's kind of like you don't know what to do with

  • what you're doing it's just like give me all the bling I don't think like that no

  • cuz then you have this no can't go on the shirt

  • do and like hang a chain here if you like

  • I love it I also think that this would work better for me and I think you

  • should do without strap yeah with that strap you made it come together I got it

  • yeah this looks great you have any doubt my feet are you know

  • right blazer no no well I have to wear something I wonder if I should wear the

  • louis vuitton one thank you for coming to Miami with us for more travel contact

  • click here

this is like an opportunity to show these brands that are so closed off to

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迪奧派對DIY **壓力山大** | 邁阿密Vlog Part 1 (DIY For Dior Party **STRESSFUL** | Miami Vlog Part 1)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary