And I livein a way, andmaybemaybe I livein a waylike a littlebitlikeShakabrother.
Like, maybeitgoesinthisdirection.
I don't evenknow, but, umyeah, and I'm reallythirstyandwanttohangoutwithmyfriends, sobye.
Okay, thisgirllookslike, seeismadeofLegos, butshehas a hotdog, andshe's reallyexcitedaboutit, innit?
Butshemustbe, like, a littlebitlikerightinorsomethinglikethat.
Butshe's veryhappyandshe's verybubblyandshe's got a hotdogandshelikestogototherestaurantthat's thehomeoftheworld's longestsneeze.
Goredandcheeseisjustascuteas a button.
Andshe's got a littlebitof a Legofor a nose.
She's gotthatlikeshesheshavedthesideofherheadandshejustshelikeshottopicand, I don't know, shecouldbelikefromanywhere, but I justputherthere.
He's made a mistakeandhe's remorseful, buthe's running.
That's whatyousee.
Soif I if I wasdoingthissince, andwewereatthestudiothatpeoplewouldbelike, he's like 8 to 10 andhe's like, he's superlikescaredandhe's notforward.
He's veryshy, and I mean, he's justinperil.
That's what I seeperil.
I don't I don't liketheplease.
I reallydon't likethebees.
I'm runningandthisislike, youknow, a man.
Youdon't evenhavetorunafterme.
I didn't meanHere's yourhoneycombback.
I don't wantthehoney.
Okay, sothisislikethebasicallythisisthe, like, thevoiceofyourcarorshe's a butshecouldbe I I'm I'm I'm a Lichtensteingraphic, and I justwishthat, uh, Bradleywouldcomeandmeetme.
But I can't getthetext.
It's notnotintime, butitcouldbelike a JenniferCoolidgekindof, youknow, if I likethatso I don't evenknowbecausemyeyeswereclosed.
Butanyway, psychoneofthose?
I mean, easy.
Thisremindsmeof a girlthat I metin a parkonedayandshehadnoupperlipwhenshewaslookingforherdog.
Sothat's all I canthinkabout, butshe's got a It's a nailinhertongueandhernoseandherneck.