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  • line up.

  • There's no way this means something that doesn't actually say what it is, though.

  • Doesn't mean like those other people, the bands that are playing over the course of the night Do you not say that house, that Canadian?

  • Hi, I'm Finn will far then I, Mackenzie Davis.

  • And we're here to teach you some Canadian saying, Try it.

  • Survey a serve yet It's an Afghan.

  • But you've traveled so much.

  • Zero So which I shouldn't know.

  • Zero.

  • Ford's Servi.

  • It is an Afghan.

  • Okay, Should I call it that A dinner now?

  • Yes.

  • It's nice.

  • Yes.

  • You do that more formal?

  • No, don't hear t o Canadian tuxedo that Jenna Dennis baby and I do it all the time.

  • So that's that's a point for both shit kickers.

  • Boots.

  • Really?

  • When that Canuck conduct is a Canadian violence lor for awhile.

  • Yeah, and it's also, uh, hockey team.

  • Yeah, love the next.

  • That's one point for me Conduct hang hang a wary turn left.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • Hang a Roger.

  • That's a right.

  • I'm assuming excludes for that.

  • And I love that Caesar.

  • Oh, bloody Mary.

  • It's you guys, but it has milk in a bag.

  • Just milk in a bag.

  • And in Ontario and Quebec they serve milk in a bag.

  • It is foreign to us.

  • Well, everyone there owns their own plastic like milk jug when you put the bag of milk in the milk joke.

  • But it means that there's like milk is always exposed.

  • It's never closed.

  • There's always like the this part that you saw it off.

  • So it pork is bad so quick.

  • I just think that service fridge smell.

  • It's like a baking.

  • Freezes are, uh, I don't even know what you would call it.

  • A nice pop, I guess.

  • Yeah, like water.

  • Plus the frozen things in plastic, that colorful shredding.

  • It's a serial.

  • Most of our slang is just words of breathing that we just adds Freezer pops or freezes.

  • Shredded wheat are shredded.

  • Girl guides guide started growing well, No, there The Girl Scouts is what you call them.

  • Hydro's power.

  • Oh, yeah, that's how water power on city didn't really was a Canadian sling are the best.

  • It's a base of sort of coconut and chocolate, like a cocoa thing Brownie thing.

  • The filling is like a vanilla custard in the morning, and then a hard chocolate talking, you'd get it on the BC ferries in Nanaimo Bar.

  • Beaver Tail is, uh, it's in Trona.

  • It's Everything is everywhere isn't gonna Whistler as well.

  • It's a fried dough with with sugar and cinnamon and sugar on it and then some lemon.

  • But it's like this big fried.

  • You get it in the winter.

  • And so that's a French Canadian Meet my icing Sugar's is powdered sugar.

  • The depth, the depth, the definite It's the corner store.

  • So definite, Erinn.

  • Oh yeah, really?

  • You say Go.

  • I'm going to the depth to get, you know Oh, some darts!

  • Mountie mounted police officers Champy.

  • Wonderful people don't air, but that's not, I guess, like it's called Sam Parkin Parton Underground parking to bargain, that is.

  • Ah, sled.

  • Yes.

  • Let the bill Let's have a check.

  • Housecoat is a bathroom.

  • Jesus Murphy is Jesus Crest, But you're saying Jesus, Murphy Keener.

  • I genuinely don't know this.

  • I assume that somebody who's really keen on Plus is that, like somebody who's really keen in class, Yeah, Keane are like 100% right, And she did this completely.

  • Brownnoser.

  • It's like, uh, doesn't know.

  • Is this brown?

  • Thanks for watching.

  • We hope you learned something about Canadian slang.

  • I know.

  • Apparently we did.

  • We had no idea.

  • What a lot of where.

  • Yeah.

  • What an outre killed it.

  • That's fun.

line up.

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芬恩-沃爾夫哈德和麥肯齊-戴維斯教你加拿大俚語|《名利場》雜誌社 (Finn Wolfhard & Mackenzie Davis Teach You Canadian Slang | Vanity Fair)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary